329 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Data dan Informasi untuk Manajemen Laporan Pekerjaan Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: PT. Mixtra Inti Tekindo)

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    Perkembangan sistem informasi sekarang ini, membantu dalam proses manajemen projek untuk berkembang dengan bantuan sistem dari sistem infomasi. Dengan adanya sistem informasi manajemen projek ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk melakukan pengelolaan terhadap projek mereka dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi. PT Mixtra Inti Tekindo merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di dalam IT consultant dimana membuat sistem sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggannya, namum memiliki permasalahan yang ada didalam manajemen projek mereka. PT. Mixtra Inti Tekindo ini sedang mengembangkan divsi developer dan divisi projek yang memiliki kendala dalam hal pengelolaan dan kolaborasi antar keduanya, sehingga update progress antara keduanya sering mengalami masalah. Tidak sampai disitu saja, PT Mixtra Inti Tekindo ini kesulitan untuk melakukan indentifikasi pekerjaan yang dikerjaan oleh staff untuk project mereka, karena tidak ada sistem yg memberika penjelasan terperici dalam 2 divisi. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dijelaskan di atas, diperlukan sebuah sistem yang bisa menyelesaikan semua permasalahan tersebut. Sistem akan dirancang menggunakan metode prototyping, dimana dalam metode ini pengguna sistem bisa ikut melakukan review secara langsung terhadap pembuatan sistem. Sistem akan dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman web seperti HTML, CSS, dan PHP, dengan bantuan framework codeigniter serta MySQL sebagai penyimpanan data. Hasil yang di dapat berupa sebuah sistem yang dibuat untuk membantu melakukan pengelolaan manajemen projek pada PT Mixtra Inti tekindo sehingga dua divisi yang sedang dikembangkan bisa melakukan kolaborasi dan update projek tanpa mendapatan kendala dalam proses pengembangan semua projek dalam perusahaa

    Quasi-experimental analysis of new mining developments as a driver of deforestation in Zambia

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    Mining is a vital part of the global, and many national, economies. Mining also has the potential to drive extensive land cover change, including deforestation, with impacts reaching far from the mine itself. Understanding the amount of deforestation associated with mining is important for conservationists, governments, mining companies, and consumers, yet accurate quantification is rare. We applied statistical matching, a quasi-experimental methodology, along with Bayesian hierarchical generalized linear models to assess the impact on deforestation of new mining developments in Zambia from 2000 to present. Zambia is a globally significant producer of minerals and mining contributes ~ 10% of its gross domestic product and ~ 77% of its exports. Despite extensive deforestation in mining impacted land, we found no evidence that any of the 22 mines we analysed increased deforestation compared with matched control sites. The extent forest lost was therefore no different than would likely have happened without the mines being present due to other drivers of deforestation in Zambia. This suggests previous assessments based on correlative methodologies may overestimate the deforestation impact of mining. However, mining can have a range of impacts on society, biodiversity, and the local environment that are not captured by our analysis

    Identification of structural variation in mouse genomes.

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    Structural variation is variation in structure of DNA regions affecting DNA sequence length and/or orientation. It generally includes deletions, insertions, copy-number gains, inversions, and transposable elements. Traditionally, the identification of structural variation in genomes has been challenging. However, with the recent advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing and paired-end mapping (PEM) methods, the ability to identify structural variation and their respective association to human diseases has improved considerably. In this review, we describe our current knowledge of structural variation in the mouse, one of the prime model systems for studying human diseases and mammalian biology. We further present the evolutionary implications of structural variation on transposable elements. We conclude with future directions on the study of structural variation in mouse genomes that will increase our understanding of molecular architecture and functional consequences of structural variation

    How much do delayed health care seeking, delayed care provision and diversion from primary care contribute to the transmission of STIs

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    Objectives: To explore the changing pattern of condom use from 1990 to 2000; to identify sociodemographic and behavioural factors associated with condom use; and reasons for condom use in 2000. Methods: Large probability sample surveys administered among those resident in Britain aged 16–44 (n = 13 765 in 1990, n = 11 161 in 2000). Face to face interviews with self completion components collected sociodemographic, behavioural, and attitudinal data. Results: Condom use in the past year among sexually active 16–24 year old men increased from 61.0% in 1990 to 82.1% in 2000 (p<0.0001), and from 42.0% to 63.2% (p<0.0001) among women of the same age, with smaller increases among older age groups. Among individuals reporting at least two partners in the previous 4 week period, approximately two thirds reported inconsistent or no condom use (63.1% (95% CI 55.9% to 69.8%) of the men and 68.5% (95% CI 57.6% to 77.7%) of the women). Conclusions: Rates of condom use increased substantially between 1990 and 2000, particularly among young people. However, inconsistent condom use by individuals with high rates of partner acquisition may contribute significantly to the recent resurgence in STIs. This group is an important target for intensive and specific sexual health interventions

    Capabilities of GPT-4 in ophthalmology: an analysis of model entropy and progress towards human-level medical question answering

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    Background: Evidence on the performance of Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4), a large language model (LLM), in the ophthalmology question-answering domain is needed. // Methods: We tested GPT-4 on two 260-question multiple choice question sets from the Basic and Clinical Science Course (BCSC) Self-Assessment Program and the OphthoQuestions question banks. We compared the accuracy of GPT-4 models with varying temperatures (creativity setting) and evaluated their responses in a subset of questions. We also compared the best-performing GPT-4 model to GPT-3.5 and to historical human performance. // Results: GPT-4–0.3 (GPT-4 with a temperature of 0.3) achieved the highest accuracy among GPT-4 models, with 75.8% on the BCSC set and 70.0% on the OphthoQuestions set. The combined accuracy was 72.9%, which represents an 18.3% raw improvement in accuracy compared with GPT-3.5 (p<0.001). Human graders preferred responses from models with a temperature higher than 0 (more creative). Exam section, question difficulty and cognitive level were all predictive of GPT-4-0.3 answer accuracy. GPT-4-0.3’s performance was numerically superior to human performance on the BCSC (75.8% vs 73.3%) and OphthoQuestions (70.0% vs 63.0%), but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.55 and p=0.09). // Conclusion: GPT-4, an LLM trained on non-ophthalmology-specific data, performs significantly better than its predecessor on simulated ophthalmology board-style exams. Remarkably, its performance tended to be superior to historical human performance, but that difference was not statistically significant in our study
