426 research outputs found

    Justice Marie Garibaldi: Simply the Best

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    A Project to Implement a Missional Development Program within the Sandy Creek Baptist Association of Illinois

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    The following dissertation will present the issue of declining membership and baptisms over the past fifty years in Sandy Creek Baptist Association of Illinois, (SCBAI). This study will show the need for collaboration by the Association members to address this issue and encourage the members to consider spiritual formation towards vitality. The study will include surveys seeking pastoral input, Director of Missions input, and membership of the SCBAI input regarding missional endeavors in local ministries. A plan toward new missional goals in the churches of SCBAI and in the local communities will be discussed. The goal of the project is to help churches in the SCBAI see the need for transforming change and developing current members to become more missional in their endeavors for Christ, teaching them on how to be aware of missional needs, this is done by researching the subject of being missional and researching the characteristics of churches that are in the decline transition. The spiritual development program will be developed using researched methods and approaches of leading authors on missional growth. The CARE program being introduced means a careful or intentional structuring approach to adapting to current needs of all generations while teaching redemptive principles and equipping all believers towards an incarnate missional approach

    Grant for 1099 acre tract of land known as Athens in Pennsylvania, 1806, to Alexander Baring, Henry Baring, Robert Gilmore, Thomas Mayne Willine and Charles Willing Hare for the sum of $22.09. Official state form, parchment, signed by James Trimble and Thomas M. Kean, governnor.

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    Document granting 1099 acres of land to the trustees of William Bingham\u27s estate: Alexander Baring, Henry Baring, Robert Gilmore, Thomas Mayne Willing, and Charles Willing Hare. Dimensions of the tract are noted in detail, as are the machinations by which this tract is granted to the grantees. On parchment, 1806. Includes seal under paper accompanied by signature of governor Thomas M. Kean. Dimensions of tract resemble modern day dimensions of Athens Borough in Bradford County, Pennsylvania.https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/littlejohnmss/1178/thumbnail.jp

    Cognitive bias in the clinical decision making of doctors

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    Development of a synthetic uPAR targeted gene delivery system

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    Preliminary flow cytometry experiments studied the ability of the peptides, CLNGGTC (u7) and GVSNKYFSNIHWG (Gu11G), derived from the binding region of uPA to inhibit uPA-FITC binding to U937 cells. The optimised trimethylated chitosan oligomer (TMO) was functionalised with chloroacetic acid to give 6-O-carboxymethyl N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan (CMTMO). Two peptides derived from the binding region of uPA, u7 and Gu11G were conjugated to the 6-O-carboxymethyl functionality using 1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-3-ethylcarbodiimide methiodide and hydroxy-2,5-dioxopyrrolidine-3-sulfonicated. Fluorescent derivatives of u7-CMTMO and Gu11G-CMTMO were then produced by reaction with the succinimidyl ester of 5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein and Oregon Green RTM 488-X, succinimidyl ester. The cell-association of the fluorescent u7-CMTMO and Gu11G-CMTMO was assessed in U937 cells (a histocytic lymphoma known to over-express uPAR) and DU145 cells (a human prostate carcinoma) over time at 37°C and 4°C. The development of an improved gene delivery system using Gu11G-CMTMO was then investigated in COS-7, DU145 and MCF-7 cells. It was shown that chitosan could be trimethylated in a controllable and repeatable manner by increasing reaction time. Increasing degree of trimethylation decreased cell viability, an effect more pronounced in polymeric (TMC) over oligomeric (TMO) derivatives. The Gu11G-CMTMO-FAM showed an increase in cell-associated fluorescence (>5 fold) compared to CMTMO-FAM on U937 cells. u7-CMTMO-FAM showed decreased cell association compared to CMTMO. When Gu11G-CMTMO was mixed with TMO/pDNA or PEI/pDNA in the transfection mixture the transfection efficiency, as measured by the luciferase expression, was equal to that of the transfection achieved with uncoated polyplexes. Although Gu11G was shown to bind uPAR selectively, it was not possible to translate into an improved conjugate

    Gaining insights from Candida biofilm heterogeneity: one size does not fit all

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    Despite their clinical significance and substantial human health burden, fungal infections remain relatively under-appreciated. The widespread overuse of antibiotics and the increasing requirement for indwelling medical devices provides an opportunistic potential for the overgrowth and colonization of pathogenic Candida species on both biological and inert substrates. Indeed, it is now widely recognized that biofilms are a highly important part of their virulence repertoire. Candida albicans is regarded as the primary fungal biofilm forming species, yet there is also increasing interest and growing body of evidence for non-Candida albicans species (NCAS) biofilms, and interkingdom biofilm interactions. C. albicans biofilms are heterogeneous structures by definition, existing as three-dimensional populations of yeast, pseudo-hyphae, and hyphae, embedded within a self-produced extracellular matrix. Classical molecular approaches, driven by extensive studies of laboratory strains and mutants, have enhanced our knowledge and understanding of how these complex communities develop, thrive, and cause host-mediated damage. Yet our clinical observations tell a different story, with differential patient responses potentially due to inherent biological heterogeneity from specific clinical isolates associated with their infections. This review explores some of the recent advances made in an attempt to explore the importance of working with clinical isolates, and what this has taught us


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    Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses pelaksanaan Ritual Reka Wu’un ? dan apa fungsi sosial Reka Wu’un ?. Teori Yang Digunakan Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Teori fungsional struktural yang digagaskan oleh Emile Durkheim. Tujuan yang mau dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan ritual Reka Wu’un di Desa Riangkemie Kecamatan Ile Mandiri Kabupaten Flores Timur. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data berupa, reduksi data, pemaparan data, penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian dilapangan, dapat ditarik kesimpulan ritual adat Reka Wu’un merupakan ritual syukuran hasil panen yang dilaksanakan oleh sub suku Wolan dan Welan setiap tahun

    No Pukamani : aspects of the ecology of the human settlement at Nguiu, Bathurst Island, Northern Territory of Australia

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    'Summit, who died about 1970, had about a dozen wives. He was the last to have more than two. He was the last great pagan leader or put more diplomatically "leader of the old ways". He died a Christian; his final words were there was to be "no Pukamani" adding that, if there was, he would come back and haunt them'. (Brother Pye M.S.C.: The Tiwi Islands, 1977). Bathurst (2072 KM²) and Melville Islands (5098 KM²) form a geological and cultural unit and are located off the north coast of Australia about sixty kilometers from Darwin. The topography is generally flat with maximum elevation being about 100 meters. The islands have many tidal rivers lined with mangroves and are separated by Apsley Strait. Prior to contact with external cultural influences the Tiwi, a name which has been adopted to collectively describe the people of these islands, were organised into about nine or ten main bands based on land holding (country). Every Tiwi man and woman was a "landowner" inheriting rights to a tract of country through his or her father. All Tiwis were also born into a matrilineal descent group or 'sibs' (pukwi) which acknowledged a common ancestory to the extent that marriage was prohibited between members of the same 'sib'. 'Pukwis' are also aligned into groups (arampi) or phratries which were considered to be exogamous. Marriage of women was by way of contract between men as was often arranged to expand social prestige and power. No Tiwi female could remain unmarried. The Tiwis regarded themselves as 'the people' and their islands as 'the world' and appear to have had little Knowledge of societies beyond, with the possible exception of Portugese and Macassans who both exploited the islands over a considerable period of time, the former for slaves and the latter for 'trepang'. The Tiwi Knowledge of mainland tribes prior to about ]800 was negligible and there are considerable cultural differences between the Tiwis and the mainlanders. Women have roles in the Tiwi ceremonies of Kulama and PuKamani. Initiation of men and women is by the plucKing of pubic hair (rather than circumcision or subincision). The Tiwis did not posses the woomera, boomerang or dug-out canoe. There appears to have been little contact between the Tiwi and the neighbouring mainland tribes of Iwaidja (Cobourg Peninsula) and LarraKia (Port Darwin) prior to the nineteenth century. The Dutch explored the region extensively between sixteen and eighteen hundred but did not consider any value in colonial annexation. The British however after founding Port JacKson and spurred by Napoleon Bonaparte tooK an active interest in the region from the beginning of the nineteenth century, eventually starting the first British settlement in North Australia on Melville Island. Fort Dundas, as it was named, was to survive five years (1824-29) before the Tiwis and disease drove the invaders out. This hostility towards outsiders, which was probably spurred by earlier experiences with Portugese slavers or 'blackbirders', remained up to 1900. With the founding of Palmerston (Darwin) in 1869 contact with the outside world increased, with ships being often wrecked on the coast and South Australian Government activities increasing. Joe Cooper, a buffalo hunter came to the islands in 1900 and with the help of mainland Iwaidja tribesmen and guns managed to make the Tiwi more accommodating to the European. Japanese pearlers arrived and bought the favours of Tiwi women (the men got the goods). Finally Father Francis Xavier Gsell arrived, set up a mission on Bathurst Island (at Nguiu) and went into the 'wife buying' business in direct competition to the Japanese. Gsell succeeded in buying with flour and tobacco the right to educate the young girls at the mission and thereby delay their marriage to their contracted party. So successful was Gsell's wife buying that by ]938 when he was made Bishop of Darwin he had 150 Tiwi wives all of whom were educated in their formative years in Judao-Christian ethic. Most of these girls grew up at the Mission, their husbands came to live at the mission and polygomy was broken down as the normal maritial practice. A new life style began for the Tiwis, one of dependence. By the end of World War Two the nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyle of the community had been broken. Most of the younger people regardless of band looked upon Nguiu as their home. They had grown up at Nguiu and were rapidly losing independence and relying on imported food, shelter and culture for survival. The society remained static and to a large extent self dependent in the immediate post war era having extensive gardens and a small european population. Money was introduced to the community for the first time in 1953. The Tiwi population began to rise through the fifties reaching about 1000 before levelling off and even declining in the sixties. This stagnation in population growth was largely due to the migration of people who were originally west Melville islanders back to their home country. This was particularly so with the migration of families from Bathurst Island mission to Garden Point after it became a government settlement in 1968. The seventies brought a influx of federal government money, advisors administrators and a rapidly expanding non-Tiwi population (]968:20, ]974:45, 1976:65, 1978:100). So too, came European style housing for the Tiwis, ninety seven such dwellings being erected between 1974 and 1978. Organisations based on western concepts of democracy were introduced to give the people 'self determination'. This sudden external economic influence resulted in an influx of external technical advisors, managers and workers into involvement in the everyday affairs of the Tiwi community at Nguiu. This situation has resulted in a further decline in the ability of the society to independently cope with the environment within which it is now living. Introduced technology, housing, political and social structures which now exist are making it extremely difficult for the Tiwi to lead anything but a lifestyle which is almost totally dependent for survival on the wider Australian society at large. The invasion is complete. There will be 'no pukamani' for Tiwi society

    Nanoporous aluminosilicate catalyzed Friedel–Crafts alkylation reactions of indoles with aldehydes and acetals

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    Nanoporous aluminosilicate materials efficiently catalyze Friedel-Crafts reactions of indoles to produce bisindolylalkane products. These reactions proceed rapidly and in high yields when acetals are used in place of the more commonly used carbonyl reagents. It is possible to capitalise on the large difference in the rates of reaction observed with aldehydes and acetals to develop a tandem acetalization-Friedel-Crafts protocol in which the acetal is generated in situ and undergoes subsequent reaction. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry
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