65 research outputs found

    Number of sequences derived from NCBI-nr database, which were annotated to the ammonification, de-nitrification, nitrification, and nitrogen fixation processes in nitrogen metabolism by MEGAN.

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    <p>Number of sequences derived from NCBI-nr database, which were annotated to the ammonification, de-nitrification, nitrification, and nitrogen fixation processes in nitrogen metabolism by MEGAN.</p

    Time consumption in SAP annotation and direct the NCBI-nr annotation.

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    <p>Fold increase in speed refers to the speedup achieved by SAP as compared to the direct NCBI-nr blast.</p

    Procedure of sub-database construction using MEGAN.

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    <p>Procedure of sub-database construction using MEGAN.</p

    Democracy and election of school leaders in the municipal system of education of Belém: analysis and perspectives

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    The research was turned toward the inquiry of the institutionalization process of the direct election of pertaining to school controllers in the Municipal System of Education of Belém, as dimension of the projects pedagogical politicians and produced by the municipal managements in the period of 1993 the 2006. The objective was to analyze the advances, limits and perspectives of the proposals of election of controllers, established under the optics of the plan of the deed of division-legal orientations of the educational system. The used methodological orientation was of the bibliographical research and the documentary analysis. Through a detailed study of main official documents produced by the municipal administrations, it was intended to identify to the scienters politics of the respective governments in the delimited period and to characterize its respective educational projects and proposals of election of pertaining to school controllers, as well as perceiving the conception of democracy and inherent democratic management to the same ones. The results reached with the inquiry in take them to infer that the process of democratization of the pertaining to school management in the SME, saw the election of pertaining to school controllers, is not something finished and defined, but a permanent construction, marked for gone and comings, jibs and advances, that point with respect to distinct perspectives and horizons and reach the most different ideological shades. Therefore, it can be affirmed that the pertaining to school democracy in the SME is not, but is being constructed in accordance with to the possibilities and constaints presented at each historical moment and with the capacity of the educational actors to incorporate the established institucional democracy.A pesquisa voltou-se para a investigação do processo de institucionalização da eleição direta de dirigentes escolares no Sistema Municipal de Ensino de Belém, como dimensão dos projetos políticos e pedagógicos engendrados pelas gestões municipais no período de 1993 a 2006. O objetivo foi analisar os avanços, limites e perspectivas das propostas de eleição de dirigentes, estabelecidas sob a ótica do plano das orientações formal-legais do sistema educacional. A orientação metodológica utilizada foi a da pesquisa bibliográfica e da análise documental. Através de um estudo pormenorizado dos principais documentos oficiais produzidos pelas administrações municipais, pretendeu-se identificar as intencionalidades políticas dos respectivos governos no período delimitado e caracterizar os seus respectivos projetos educacionais e propostas de eleição de dirigentes escolares, assim como perceber a concepção de democracia e gestão democrática inerente aos mesmos. Os resultados alcançados com a investigação nos levam a inferir que o processo de democratização da gestão escolar no SME, via a eleição de dirigentes escolares, não é algo acabado e definido, mas uma construção permanente, marcada por idas e vindas, recuos e avanços, que aponta para perspectivas e horizontes distintos e atinge os mais diferentes matizes ideológicos. Portanto, pode-se afirmar que a democracia escolar no SME não é, mas está sendo construída de acordo com as possibilidades e constrangimentos apresentados em cada momento histórico e com a capacidade dos atores educacionais de incorporar a institucionalidade democrática estabelecida

    Functional microorganisms in denitrification, nitrogen fixation, as well as nitrification processes.

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    <p>37 genera of bacteria, containing sequences at least one of the coding sequences of ammonia monooxygenase, hydroxylamine reductase, hydroxylamine oxidase, nitric oxide reductase, and nitrous oxide reductase, were displayed with genus information.</p

    Comparison of the number of sequences annotated by SAP with direct BLAST against the NCBI-nr database.

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    <p>Comparison of the number of sequences annotated by SAP with direct BLAST against the NCBI-nr database.</p

    Microbial community composition assessed by taxonomic classification of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic datasets.

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    <p>SSU and LSU rDNA reads, and protein coding DNA reads from metagenomic dataset as well as those reads from metatranscriptomic datasets identified as SSU rRNA, LSU rRNA, and mRNA. Only taxonomic groups that represented >1% of total reads in at least one dataset were included.</p

    Gene expression classification based on automated SEED subsystem in MG-RAST.

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    <p>Total six datasets were annotated by Level 1 subsystems.</p

    Microbial community composition assessed by taxonomic classification of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequence reads.

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    <p>Results showed that bacteria have much lower community expression efficiency of protein coding genes, compared with eukaryote. However, their rRNA expression levels were generally higher than eukaryote.</p

    Combined taxonomic domain information of DNA and cDNA datasets.

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    <p>Total DNA sequences and cDNA sequences were assigned to <i>Bacteria</i>, <i>Eukaryota</i>, <i>Archaea</i>, viruses, and other sequences.</p