20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a novel quantitative canine species-specific point-of-care assay for C-reactive protein

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    Background: Species-specific point-of-care tests (POCT) permit a rapid analysis of canine C-reactive protein (CRP), enabling veterinarians to include CRP in clinical decisions. Aim of the study was to evaluate a novel POCT for canine CRP (Point Stripâ TM Canine CRP Assay) run on a small in-house-analyzer (Point Reader TM V) using lithium heparin plasma and to compare assay performance to an already established canine CRP assay (Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay) run on two different bench top analyzers serving as reference methods (ABX Pentra 400, AU 5800). Linearity was assessed by stepwise dilution of plasma samples with high CRP concentrations. Limit of quantification (LoQ) was determined by repeated measurements of samples with low CRP concentrations. Coefficient of variation (CV) at low (10-50 mg/l), moderate (50-100 mg/l), and high (100-200 mg/l) CRP concentrations was investigated as well as possible interferences. Method comparison study was performed using 45 samples of healthy and diseased dogs. Quality criteria were fulfilled if the total observed error (TEobs=2CV%+bias%) was below the minimal total allowable error of 44.4% (TE min). Additionally, a reference range (n =60 healthy dogs) was established. Results: Linearity was present at CRP concentrations of 10-132 mg/l (&#8793; 361 mg/l CRP with reference method) with a LoQ set at 10 mg/l. At moderate to high CRP concentrations, intra- and inter-assay CVs were< =8% and <=11% respectively, while CVs<=22% and <=28% were present at low concentrations. No interferences were observed at concentrations of 4 g/l hemoglobin, 800 mg/l bilirubin and 8 g/l triglycerides. Method comparison study demonstrated an excellent correlation with both reference methods (r =0.98 for ABX Pentra 400; 0.99 for AU 5800), though revealing a proportional bias of 19.7% (ABX Pentra 400) and 10.7% (AU 5800) respectively. TEobs was 26.7-31.9% and 16.7-21.9% and thus < TEmin. Healthy dogs presented with CRP values <=11.9 mg/l. Conclusions The POCT precisely detects canine CRP at clinically relevant moderate and high CRP concentrations. The assay correlates well with both reference methods. Due to the bias, however, follow-up examinations should be performed with the same assay and analyzer

    Nachhaltige Ernährung und agrarökologische Lebensmittelproduktion: Die Rolle des Lebensmittelsektors beim Übergang Luxemburgs zur CO2-Neutralität bis 2050

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    Eine agrarökologische Lebensmittelproduktion gemeinsam mit einer flexitarischen, nachhaltigen Ernährung kann die CO2-Emissionen aus dem Lebensmittelsektor in Luxemburg um 40 % reduzieren. Gemeinsam mit Agrivoltaik und der Reduktion von Abfällen reduzieren die Maßnahmen die Emissionen um 53 %

    Auswirkungen mechanischer Beikrautregulierungssysteme auf die Sojabohnenerträge im ökologischen Landbau in Luxemburg

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    Im ökologischen Sojaanbau in Luxemburg wurden fünf Beikrautregulierungsmethoden sowie zwei Kotrollen getestet. Hacken erzielte generell höhere Erträge als Striegeln. Eine konsequente Feldbewirtschaftung während der Fruchtfolge ist der Schlüsselfaktor zur Maximierung des Sojabohnenertrags

    Einfluss der Witterungsbedingungen auf den Ertrag von in Luxemburg typischen Körnerleguminosen

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    Meteorologische Parameter wurden mit Ertragsparametern für Körnerleguminosen wie Ackerbohne, Erbse und Sojabohne gängiger Sorten in Luxemburg verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen signifikante Korrelationen zwischen Niederschlag, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit, Temperatur und Ertragsparametern

    Potential der Biolandwirtschaft zur Steigerung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit des Agrarsektors in Luxemburg

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    Organic agriculture is often hailed as an environmentally friendly food production system. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of the management system (organic (org.)/conventional (conv.)) on the sustainability performance of farms and derive the possible environmental impact of a 100% conversion to organic agriculture in Luxembourg. During a sustainability assessment at farm level using the SMART-Farm Tool, org. farms achieved significantly higher goal achievements in 13 of the 14 sub-themes of the sustainability dimension “Environmental Integrity”. Thus, org. agriculture shows promise for improvement of the Luxembourgish agricultural sector. However, some differences in goal achievement between the org. and conv. farms, especially in the sub-theme Greenhouse Gases, are relatively small and show that org. agriculture also still has a large potential for improvement when we want to tackle environmental challenges such as climate change.SustEATabl

    Potential der Biolandwirtschaft zur Steigerung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit des Agrarsektors in Luxemburg

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    Die Biolandwirtschaft wird oft als umweltfreundlicher gepriesen. Die Ergebnisse der SMART-Analyse zeigen, dass eine 100%ige Umstellung auf Biolandbau in Luxemburg die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit des Sektors verbessern kann, auch wenn mehr getan werden muss, um dem Klimawandel gerecht zu werden

    Evaluation of a novel quantitative canine species-specific point-of-care assay for C-reactive protein

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    Abstract Background Species-specific point-of-care tests (POCT) permit a rapid analysis of canine C-reactive protein (CRP), enabling veterinarians to include CRP in clinical decisions. Aim of the study was to evaluate a novel POCT for canine CRP (Point Strip™ Canine CRP Assay) run on a small in-house-analyzer (Point Reader™ V) using lithium heparin plasma and to compare assay performance to an already established canine CRP assay (Gentian Canine CRP Immunoassay) run on two different bench top analyzers serving as reference methods (ABX Pentra 400, AU 5800). Linearity was assessed by stepwise dilution of plasma samples with high CRP concentrations. Limit of quantification (LoQ) was determined by repeated measurements of samples with low CRP concentrations. Coefficient of variation (CV) at low (10–50 mg/l), moderate (50–100 mg/l), and high (100–200 mg/l) CRP concentrations was investigated as well as possible interferences. Method comparison study was performed using 45 samples of healthy and diseased dogs. Quality criteria were fulfilled if the total observed error (TEobs = 2CV% + bias%) was below the minimal total allowable error of 44.4% (TE min). Additionally, a reference range (n = 60 healthy dogs) was established. Results Linearity was present at CRP concentrations of 10–132 mg/l (≙ 361 mg/l CRP with reference method) with a LoQ set at 10 mg/l. At moderate to high CRP concentrations, intra- and inter-assay CVs were ≤ 8% and ≤ 11% respectively, while CVs ≤ 22% and ≤ 28% were present at low concentrations. No interferences were observed at concentrations of 4 g/l hemoglobin, 800 mg/l bilirubin and 8 g/l triglycerides. Method comparison study demonstrated an excellent correlation with both reference methods (r = 0.98 for ABX Pentra 400; 0.99 for AU 5800), though revealing a proportional bias of 19.7% (ABX Pentra 400) and 10.7% (AU 5800) respectively. TEobs was 26.7–31.9% and 16.7–21.9% and thus < TEmin. Healthy dogs presented with CRP values ≤11.9 mg/l. Conclusions The POCT precisely detects canine CRP at clinically relevant moderate and high CRP concentrations. The assay correlates well with both reference methods. Due to the bias, however, follow-up examinations should be performed with the same assay and analyzer