45 research outputs found

    Milk-Secretion Studies with Corriedale Ewes : 1. On the Milk Yield of Ewes with Special Reference to Its Relation to the Growth of Suckling Lambs

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    This work was undertaken to study the milk yield of Corriedale ewes and the liveweight of lambs produced from those ewes with special reference to the relation of the milk yield to the growth from birth to weaning of suckling lambs. The animals used were 7 Corriedale ewes of 3 years of age and 9 Iambs (singles 5, twins 4) born from those ewes in the spring, 1957 at the Chugoku Stock Breeding Farm of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. The milk yield of ewes was estimated from the difference of the liveweight of lambs weighed before and after suckling and the records of the milk yeild of ewes and of the liveweight of lambs were taken at 10 days intervals after birth. The results obtained were as follows : (1) It was found that the milk yield of ewes was highest during the period from 10 to 20 days after lambing and then gradually declined. (2) It seems that the ewes of higher milk yield during the first one month after lambing are greater on the average daily milk production during each 10 days period after lambing and on the total milk production during three months, as compared with those of lower milk yield. (3) Significant correlations were not found between the total milk yield of ewes during three months after lambing and their liveweight on the lambing day and between the former and the liveweight of lambs on the day of lambing. (4) Average total milk yield during three months from birth to weaning was 83.3 kg and the average daily weight gain per single lamb 240 g. (5) There were a few significant correlations between the milk yield of ewes during each one month period and during three months period and the liveweight gains of lambs after birth and was generally a increasing tendency of the correlation coefficient values, as lambs grew older. It seems that those tendencies need further investigation. (6) However, a significent correlation (r=+0.91) was found between the total milk yield of ewes and the average daily weight gain of lambs during three months period from lambing to weaning. (7) It was found that the correlations between the average daily liveweight gain of lambs during three months period and the liveweight of ewes on the lambing day and between the former and the birth weight of lambs were not significant

    Rotational symmetry adapted semi-classical theory and it's application to molecules(4) Quantum chaos and semiclassical theory in molecular science and nuclear theory, Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantum-Mechanical and Macroscopic Systems)

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の電子図書館事業により電子化されました。回転対称性を持つ分子に関して、各々の回転固有状態ごとに自己相関関数を計算する方法論を半古典理論の枠組みの中で構築した。エネルギー固有値は半古典自己相関関数をFourier変換することにより得られる。この方法論は既存の周期軌道が必要なトレース公式によるものと比べ、多自由度系にも適用可能である。回転対称性を考慮することは必要な半古典自己相関関数の長さが短くてすむという点と、回転定数などを通して分子の形の情報を抽出できる点という二つの点で重要である。We construct a methodology to calculate auto-correlation function in each rotational symmetry eigenstate, semi-classically. Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian are given by Fourier transform of this auto-correlation function. This methodology, compared to trace formula presented by Creagh and Littlejohn[1-2], can be applied to systems that have many degrees of freedom. Symmetry-adaptation is important for the following two reasons. The one is that the shorter length of the auto-correlation function is needed in order to get same resolution of energy spectrum. The other is we can got some information of molecular morphology such as rotational constants


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    Activity and stability of recombinant human superoxide dismutase in buffer solutions and hypothermic perfusates.

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    The stability of recombinant human superoxide dismutase (r-hSOD) in buffer solutions was studied in solutions at various pH and temperatures. Additionally, we studied the effects of incubation with proteases, serum and two types of hypothermic perfusates. R-hSOD was stable in the pH range of 6-11 and at temperatures up to 80 degrees C for 30 min. R-hSOD activity was not affected by incubation with trypsin, aminopeptidase M or serum for 2 h. R-hSOD activity determined at various temperatures (4-37 degrees C) did not vary remarkably. R-hSOD in hypothermic perfusates was stable at 4-37 degrees C for 24 h.</p

    Active auroral arc powered by accelerated electrons from very high altitudes

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    オーロラ粒子の加速領域が超高高度まで広がっていたことを解明 -オーロラ粒子の加速の定説を覆す発見-. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-01-20.Bright, discrete, thin auroral arcs are a typical form of auroras in nightside polar regions. Their light is produced by magnetospheric electrons, accelerated downward to obtain energies of several kilo electron volts by a quasi-static electric field. These electrons collide with and excite thermosphere atoms to higher energy states at altitude of ~ 100 km; relaxation from these states produces the auroral light. The electric potential accelerating the aurora-producing electrons has been reported to lie immediately above the ionosphere, at a few altitudes of thousand kilometres1. However, the highest altitude at which the precipitating electron is accelerated by the parallel potential drop is still unclear. Here, we show that active auroral arcs are powered by electrons accelerated at altitudes reaching greater than 30, 000 km. We employ high-angular resolution electron observations achieved by the Arase satellite in the magnetosphere and optical observations of the aurora from a ground-based all-sky imager. Our observations of electron properties and dynamics resemble those of electron potential acceleration reported from low-altitude satellites except that the acceleration region is much higher than previously assumed. This shows that the dominant auroral acceleration region can extend far above a few thousand kilometres, well within the magnetospheric plasma proper, suggesting formation of the acceleration region by some unknown magnetospheric mechanisms

    Supersymmetry breaking in 2 +1- dimensions

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    Nesse trabalho discutimos alguns aspectos da teoria quântica de campos que nos levam a formulação do potencial efetivo em teorias supersimétricas. O enfoque é dado as técnicas para análise da quebra de supersimetria em 2 + 1-dimensões. São discutidas as condições sobre o potencial efetivo de teorias supersimetrias para que ocorra ou não quebra de supersimetria. O potencial efetivo do modelo Wess-Zumino em 2+1-dimensões é calculado até a aproximação de 2-laços no formalismo de componentes e supercampos e até essa ordem não foi encontrado quebra de supersimetria.In this work we discuss some aspects of quantum theory of fields used for the formulation of the effective potential of supersymmetric theories. The main focus is given to the methods used to analyse supersimmetry breaking in 2 + 1-dimensions. We discuss the conditions on the effective potential of supersymmetric theories for the occurrence of supersymmetry breaking. The effective potential of Wess-Zumino model em 2 + 1-dimensions is calculated up to 2-loops approximation where supersymmetry breaking is not found to this order

    2-gauge theories and the Yetter\'s invariant on the construction of models with topological order in 3-dimensions

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    Ordem topológica descreve fases da matéria que não são caracterizadas apenas pelo esquema de quebra de simetria de Landau. Em 2-dimensões ordem topológica é caracterizada, entre outras propriedades, pela existência de uma degenerescência do estado fundamental que é robusta sobre perturbações locais arbitrarias. Com o proposito de entender o que caracteriza e classifica ordem topológica 3-dimensional o presente trabalho apresenta um modelo quântico exatamente solúvel em 3-dimensões que generaliza os modelos em 2-dimensões baseados em teorias de gauge. No modelo proposto o grupo de gauge é substituído por um 2-grupo. A Hamiltonia, que é dada por uma soma de operadores locais, é livre de frustrações. Provamos que a degenerescência do estado fundamental nesse modelo é dado pelo invariante de Yetter da variedade 4-dimensional Sigma × S¹, onde Sigma é a variedade 3-dimensional onde o modelo está definido.Topological order describes phases of matter that cannot be described only by the symmetry breaking theory of Landau. In 2-dimensions topological order is characterized, among other properties, by the presence of a ground state degeneracy that is robust to arbitrary local perturbations. With the purpose of understanding what characterizes and classify 3-dimensional topological order this works presents an exactly soluble quantum model in 3-dimensions that generalize 2-dimensional models constructed using gauge theories. In the model we propose the gauge group is replaced by a 2-group. The Hamiltonian, that is given by a sum of local commuting operators, is frustration free. We prove that the ground state degeneracy of this model is given by the Yetters invariant of the 4-dimensional manifold Sigma × S¹, where Sigma is the 3-dimensional manifold the model is defined