175 research outputs found

    Disordered ground states in a quantum frustrated spin chain with side chains

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    We study a frustrated mixed spin chain with side chains, where the spin species and the exchange interactions are spatially varied. A nonlinear sigma model method is formulated for this model, and a phase diagram with two disordered spin-gap phases is obtained for typical cases. Among them we examine the case with a main chain consisting of an alternating array of spin-1 and spin-1/2 sites and side chains each of a single spin-1/2 site in great detail. Based on numerical, perturbational, and variational approaches, we propose a singlet cluster solid picture for each phase, where the ground state is expressed as a tensor product of local singlet states.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures (included

    Exact spin-cluster ground states in a mixed diamond chain

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    The mixed diamond chain is a frustrated Heisenberg chain composed of successive diamond-shaped units with two kinds of spins of magnitudes S and S/2 (S: integer). Ratio lambdalambda of two exchange parameters controls the strength of frustration. With varying lambdalambda, the Haldane state and several spin cluster states appear as the ground state. A spin cluster state is a tensor product of exact local eigenstates of cluster spins. We prove that a spin cluster state is the ground state in a finite interval of lambdalambda. For S=1, we numerically determine the total phase diagram consisting of five phases.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figures; added references, changed Fig.

    Frustration Induced Quantum Phases in Mixed Spin Chain with Frustrated Side Chains

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    A mixed Heisenberg spin chain with frustrated side chains is investigated by numerical and perturbational calculations. A frustration-induced quantum partially polarized ferrimagnetic phase and a nonmagnetic spin quadrupolar phase are found adjacent to the conventional Lieb-Mattis type ferrimagnetic phase or the nonmagnetic singlet cluster solid phases. The partially polarized ferrimagnetic phase has an incommensurate spin structure. Similar structures are commonly found in other frustration-induced partially polarized ferrimagnetic phases. Numerical results also suggest a series of almost critical nonmagnetic ground states in a highly frustrated regime if the side chain spins weakly couple to the main chain.Comment: 10 pages, 18 figure

    Three-dimensional bulk metamaterials operating in the terahertz range

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 96(8):081105 (2010) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3327830 .Three-dimensional bulk metamaterials that operate in the terahertz (THz) frequency range were fabricated by stacking 100 two-dimensional sheets containing metallic split-ring resonators (SRR) on thin polyethylene terephthalate film substrates. The THz magnetic resonance for the incident magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the SRR structure was measured. We also investigated the dependence of the magnetic resonant strength on the metal thickness.ArticleAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 96(8):081105 (2010)journal articl

    Effects of small Hsp genes on developmental stability and microenvironmental canalization

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    Background: Progression of development has to be insulated from the damaging impacts of environmental and genetic perturbations to produce highly predictable phenotypes. Molecular chaperones, such as the heat shock proteins (HSPs), are known to buffer various environmental stresses, and are deeply involved in protein homeostasis. These characteristics of HSPs imply that they might affect developmental buffering and canalization. Results: We examined the role of nine Hsp genes using the GAL4/UAS-RNAi system on phenotypic variation of various morphological traits in Drosophila melanogaster. The stability of bristle number, wing size and wing shape was characterized through fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and the coefficient of variation (CV), or among-individual variation. Progeny of the GAL4/Hsp-RNAi crosses tended to have reduced trait means for both wing size and wing shape. Transcriptional knockdown of Hsp67Bc and Hsp22 significantly increased FA of bristle number, while knockdown of Hsp67Ba significantly increased FA and among-individual variation of wing shape but only in males. Suppression of Hsp67Bb expression significantly increased among-individual variation of bristle number. The knockdown of gene expression was confirmed for Hsp67Ba, Hsp67Bc, Hsp22, and Hsp67Bb. Correlation between FA and CV or among-individual variation of each trait is weak and not significant except for the case of male wing shape. Conclusion: Four small Hsp genes (Hsp22, Hsp67Ba, Hsp67Bb and Hsp67Bc) showed involvement in the processes of morphogenesis and developmental stability. Due to possible different functions in terms of developmental buffering of these small Hsps, phenotypic stability of an organism is probably maintained by multiple mechanisms triggered by different environmental and genetic stresses on different traits. This novel finding may lead to a better understanding of non-Hsp90 molecular mechanisms controlling variability in morphological traits

    Long-term results of the open stent-grafting technique for extended aortic arch disease

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    ObjectiveThis report elucidates the long-term safety and effectiveness of extended aortic arch replacement with an open stent-grafting technique from our 12 years of experience.MethodsFrom 1994 to 2004, 126 patients (mean age 67.8 years) with different pathologic conditions of the aortic arch with extension to the descending aorta (57 dissections [acute/chronic = 31/26] and 69 aneurysms) were operated on with an open stent-grafting technique. During deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with selective cerebral perfusion, the stent graft was delivered through the transected proximal aortic arch, and arch replacement with a 4-branched prosthesis was performed.ResultsOperative mortality within 30 days was 3.2%. Perioperative morbidity included 7 (5.6%) strokes and 8 (6.3%) spinal injuries (paraplegia in 3, transient paraparesis in 5). Sixty-three percent of the patients were extubated within 24 hours. In long-term follow-up (mean 60.4 ± 36.5 months, maximum 153 months), survival was 81.1%, 63.3%, and 53.7% at 1, 5, and 8 years. Five (3.9%) late endoleaks were observed but treated with successful additional endovascular repair. Freedom from endoleaks was 98.0%, 91.1%, and 91.1% for 1, 5, and 8 years, respectively.ConclusionLong-term observation showed safety and good durability of the open stent-grafting technique for aortic arch disease. This technique could be an attractive treatment option for aortic arch aneurysm with distal extension and aortic dissection requiring aortic arch replacement