44 research outputs found

    A developmental study of violence-related problematic behaviors (3)

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    The present study was designed to examine the discrepancy between pupils' and teachers' normative consciousness with respect to the multiple problematic behaviors in the three groups of pupils. Participants were pupils from fourth- to sixth-graders (N= 285) and their teachers (N=69) in the elementary school, pupils from first- to third-graders (N=270) and their teachers (N=91) in the junior high school, and pupils from first- to third-graders (N=274) and their teachers (N=120) in the high school. Normative consciousness was measured with 49 items in eleven subscale areas of problematic behaviors. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale indicating how severely pupils were punished, from not at all (1) to very much (4). Pupils rated the extent to which they would receive punishment from their teachers if they would do each problematic behavior. Teachers rated the extent to which they would give punishment to their pupils if their pupils would do each problematic behavior. The main results were as follows. Pupils' ratings on nine subscales, such as bullying, violent behavior, defiant attitude, fashion, disturbance of activities in a class, shoplifting and use without permission, undisciplined school life, drinking and smoking, and undisciplined home life, declined with age. Contrarily, teachers' ratings did not change as a function of pupils' age on ten subscales excluding undisciplined school life. These findings show the discrepancy between pupils' and teachers' normative consciousness about problematic behaviors. Further studies are required to find out the factors which decreased normative consciousness of the high school students

    Diel changes in the vertical distribution of larval cutlassfish Trichiurus japonicus

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    Diel vertical migration of the cutlassfish Trichiurus japonicus larvae were investigated by consecutive 24-h collections at 3-h intervals at a station in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan in June and September. Only one larva was collected in June 2017, while 224 and 40 larvae were collected in September 2016 and 2017, respectively. Larvae were present only at depths of ≥ 11 m during the day, whereas they were present at depths of 1, 6, 11 and 16 m during the night. Migration was observed in larvae in which swim bladder formation was completed. A similar pattern, namely nocturnal occurrence at shallow depths only of the developed larvae, was observed in another 24-h survey, suggesting that the swim bladder regulates the upward movement of larvae at night.This work was partly supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S-13) granted by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan

    Winter longitudinal variation in the body size of larval fishes in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan

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    This study revealed the spatial variation in abun-dance and body size of larval fishes in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, in January 2014 and 2015. Fish larvae were col-lected by a 1.3-m-diameter ring net towed at the surface and at 10-m depth at 21 stations. The most dominant spe-cies was the sandlance Ammodytes japonicus, constituting 82% of total larval fish caught. The body size of A. japoni-cus was greater [ca. 9 mm total length (TL) in 2014] in eastern areas than in western areas (ca. 5 mm TL in 2014). This trend was also observed in rockfishes (Sebastiscus marmoratus and Sebastes inermis species complex), sug-gesting a common phenomenon in this region. Because the water temperature was lower in eastern areas, it is likely that the longitudinal differences in larval body size are attributable to earlier spawning in eastern areas caused by different temperature conditions.This work was partly supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S-13) granted by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12562-017-1076-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.アクセプト後にアブストラクト・キーワードの変更あり

    Estivation grounds of the sand lance Ammodytes japonicus (Ammoditidae) in the Mihara Strait, mid-western Seto Inland Sea, Japan

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    瀬戸内海西部水域は過去に大規模な海砂利採取が為され,潜砂習性を持ち砂中で夏眠するイカナゴ資源の減少が明白な状況にあることから,イカナゴの生息底質の環境悪化が懸念されている。そこで,イカナゴの主要生息地の1つであった安芸灘三原瀬戸において,2014年と2015年の夏期にドレッジ調査を実施し,イカナゴの生息状況と底質性状を分析した。夏眠イカナゴは竹原沖から大三島南部の三原瀬戸西部エリア(3地点)と三原湾細島周辺の三原瀬戸東部エリア(2地点)で確認された。これら5 地点はいずれもイカナゴが好むとされる粒径0.25mm–4.0mmの砂粒子をおよそ80%の重量割合で含む砂底質であった。一方,イカナゴの出現が確認できなかった地点 の砂粒子成分の含有率は有意に低かった。三原瀬戸におけるイカナゴの夏眠生息に適した砂底質の分布は地理的に限られた状態にあり,イカナゴ資源回復を制約する要因になっている可能性が示唆された。The sand lance Ammodytes japonicus in the Seto Inland Sea is known to estivate in fine sandy grounds when water temperatures reach above 19ºC, usually from late June to early December. Catches of the sand lance have decreased drastically since the mid-1980s, coinciding with large-scale quarrying for bottom sands, which strongly suggests that sand lance populations have been seriously impacted as a result of deterioration and disturbances to sandy-bottom habitats. Mihara Strait was once a major fishing ground for sand lance and has also suffered from quarrying. To evaluate the present condition of the sandy areas of Mihara Strait as potential estivation grounds of the sand lance, we sampled sediments at 11 survey points, using a square-shaped dredge towed by the training vessel Toyoshio-maru of Hiroshima University, in 2014 and 2015. We then analyzed the physical characteristics of the sediment samples. Sand lance individuals were observed in the sediments collected from five survey points: three on the western side and two on the eastern side of the strait. Sediments at these five survey points comprised sandy elements of 0.25–4.0 mm diameter, which constituted over 80% of the weight ratio of the sediment samples. Sediments from the other survey points included pebble elements and had significantly lower weight ratios of sandy elements, suggesting the unsuitability of the substrate at those points for burrowing by the sand lance. Thus, it is suggested that sandy grounds for estivation of the sand lance are geographically limited in Mihara Strait at present, a situation that may restrict population recovery of this species in these waters.本研究は,環境省環境研究総合推進費S-13「持続可能な沿岸海域実現を目指した沿岸海域管理手法の開発(2014-2018年度;代表 柳 哲雄)」の助成を受け,サブテーマ「閉鎖性海域・瀬戸内海における栄養塩濃度管理法の開発(テーマリーダー 西嶋 渉)」のプロジェクト事業の一環として実施したものである

    Fish Fauna on Reefs of Tokara Islands, Southern Japan, Surveyed By Underwater Census During 2002-2007

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    トカラ列島口之島,中之島,平島,小宝島の浅海リーフにおいて潜水センサスによる魚類相調査を実施した。2002-2007年にかけて,3名から6名の調査者による約1時間の潜水調査を各島3-5回実施し,総計304魚種を記録した。それらのほぼすべてがサンゴ礁域および琉球列島への分布が報告されている熱帯性魚種であり,亜熱帯水域としての生物地理学的位置づけを強く支持するものであった。80%を越える魚種は,より北方の黒潮流域にある屋久島,高知県柏島からも記録されているものであったが,ヒレグロイットウダイ,ホシニセスズメ,ユカタイシモチ,オキナワサンゴアマダイ,ハマクマノミ,ヤシャベラ,コブブダイ,ゴイシギンポ,カタボシサンカクハゼ,ゴマアイゴ,トサカハギの11種については両地点で記録されておらず,トカラ列島水域を北限とする分布特性を有する可能性が示唆された。We conducted underwater census to survey the fish fauna on reefs of Tokara Islands with aids of the research vessel Toyoshio-maru of Hiroshima University. A total 304 fish species were recorded, and were almost completely comprised of coral reef fishes mainly distributing in the tropical or subtropical waters. This result strongly suggests that Tokara Islands biogeographically belong to the subtropical-water area as a part of the Ryukyu Islands district as ever been proposed by Nakabo (2002a). Through comparisons of the present fish records with data of further northern areas in Kuroshio Current zone, a total of 11 species, Neoniphon opercularis (Holocentridae), Pseudochromis marshallensis (Pseudochromidae), Apogon exostigma (Apogonidae), Hoplolatilus cuniculus (Malacanthidae), Amphiprion frenatus (Pomacentridae), Cheilinus fasciatus (Labridae), Chlorurus oedema (Scaridae), Ecsenius oculus (Blenniidae), Fusigobius humeralis (Gobiidae), Siganus guttatus (Siganidae), Naso tuberosus (Acanthuridae) are suggested to distribute up to Tokara Islands as northern range limits

    Estimation of density of the semaestome jellyfish Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye, 1891 in surface waters of Ariake Sea by visual observation <Article>

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    有明海表面付近におけるユウレイクラゲの密度を調査するために2014年10月,豊潮丸船上から目視観察を行った。早崎瀬戸-熊本港沖合間(10月27日,12:35-15:35),熊本港-有明海中央部St-B間(10月28日,8:15-10:15)および有明海中央部St-B-熊本港間(10月29日,14:00-16:00)ではそれぞれ3.2~19.4個体/0.1 km2,13.0~114.5個体/0.1 km2,4.3~110.2個体/0.1 km2を示した。今回の調査においてユウレイクラゲの有明海における分布様式は集中分布を示し,ユウレイクラゲの密度と観測区間内の平均風速の間に有意な負の相関が見られた。We estimated the density of the semaestome jellyfish Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye, 1891 in the surface waters of Ariake Sea by visual observation in October 2014. The densities of the jellyfish were 3.2-19.4, 13.0-114.5, 4.3-110.2 individuals per 0.1 km2 along three respective lines, namely, Hayasaki Seto to Kumamoto Port (27 October, 12:35-15:35), Kumamoto Port to St-B (28 October, 8:15-10:15), and St-B to Kumamoto Port (29 October, 14:00-16:00). Our observational data showed that C. nozakii had a clumped distribution in the sea. The density of C. nozakii correlated negatively with wind speed.本研究の一部は科学研究補助金(基盤研究(B),No.25304031)の援助を受けたものである

    Possible westward extension of submerged Oyashio waters to off Tanagashima Island, Kyushu, western Japan: based on the occurrence of the subarctic copepod Neocalanus cristatus

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    大型浮遊性カイアシ類Neocalanus cristatus は北太平洋亜寒帯に分布し,日本列島の太平洋側に沿って南進する親潮潜流に無効分散する。親潮潜流において本種の最も西側における過去の出現記録は北緯28°,東経134° であった。2015年5月に実施した調査で,種子島約300 km 東方(北緯30°50′,東経131°30′)において本種のコペポディドV 期幼体が出現したため,親潮潜流がこの地点の水深600~950 m まで達している可能性が示唆された。The large-sized planktonic copepod Neocalanus cristatus is distributed in the subarctic Pacific Ocean, and also occurs in the submerged Oyashio Current flowing southward along the Pacific side of Japan as pseudopopulations. These have been recorded from 28˚N, 134˚E, suggesting this may be the westernmost and southernmost boundary of the submergence. The present survey implies that the submergence reaches further westwards to off Tanegashima Island, Kyushu (30˚50′N, 131˚30′E) (ca. 300km), based on the occurrence of the fifth copepodid stage of N. cristatus at presumed depths of 600 to 950m.本研究の一部は日本学術振興会科学研究費(基盤研究C, No.16K07825,代表 大塚 攻)によって行われた

    An observation of the walking behavior of Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae collected from the bank Oshima-shinsone, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan

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    トヨシオマリヒトデPodosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae Fujita and Rowe, 2002は体がほぼ球形で,腕が発達しないという特殊な形態を持つ小型ヒトデ類である。鹿児島県奄美大島北西部に位置する大島新曽根水深100-200 m 程度の堆に生息している。この堆はROV で観察するとカイメン類,八放サンゴ類などで覆われている。2017年5月21日に本種の生きた個体が大島新曽根で採集され,管足を伸ばした状態や歩行が観察されたのでその行動を記載した。管足を体内にしまった状態とは異なり,体がやや口・肛門軸方向に扁平になり,約1.65 cm/min の速度で歩行した。通常の腕の発達したヒトデ類の歩行速度と比較すると相対的に著しく遅い。管足には少なくとも2種類が認められ,歩行用と感覚用と考えられる。The podosphaerastrid asteroid Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae Fujita and Rowe, 2002 is small-sized, nearly spherical in shape. The species exclusively inhabits on the bank Oshima-shinsone at depths of 100 to 200 m, northwest of Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, where the bottom is entirely covered with sponges, octocorals, and hyrozoan polyps with patches of sandy bottom. The bottom conditions were clearly observed with a ROV on September 29, 2009. A living specimen was collected from this locality on May 21, 2017. During locomotion by tube feet, the body was depressed dorso-ventrally in contrast with the spherical body shape with tube feet unexpanded. The locomotion rate of the specimen was about 1.65 cm/min. Two types of tube feet were identified. Presumably one is for locomotion with a sucker terminally, while the other for sensing.本研究の一部は日本学術振興会科学研究費(基盤研究C,No.16K07825,代表 大塚攻),国立科学博物館総合研究「黒潮に注目した地史・生物史・人類史」によって行われた

    A developmental study of violence-related problematic behaviors (5)

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    The present study was designed to compare two groups of punishment expectation with respect to perceptions of violence in adolescents. Participants were 1,628 junior high school students (first- to third-graders) and 1,646 high school students (first- to third-graders). Punishment expectation were measured with five items of violent behaviors. Students rated the extent to which they receive punishment from their parents and teachers if they would do each of five violent behaviors. Students' perceptions of violence were measured with twenty items of positive and negative effects of violent behaviors, positive and negative characteristics of violent persons, and causes of violence. Two groups of punishment expectation(High and Low) were selected out of junior high school students and high school students, respectively. The main results were as follows. Students in the low group of punishment expectation had more positive perceptions of effects of violence and characteristics of violent persons than students in the high group. Students in the high group were more likely than those in the low group to attribute causes of violence to insufficient discipline by their parents and to making friends with violent peers

    FIGURE 7 in New records of six deep-sea caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Ryukyu Islands and its adjacent waters, southwestern Japan

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    FIGURE 7. Habitus in lateral view, showing coloration in fresh condition. A, Pasiphaea debitusae Hayashi, 1999, female (cl 10.8 mm), CBM-ZC 11278; B, Pasiphaea gracilis Hayashi, 1999, male (cl 10.9 mm), CBM-ZC 11339