250 research outputs found

    Negacija kao empirijski/konceptualni alat: studija glagolskih (V-V) složenica

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    This case study with Japanese lexical V-V compounds reveals descriptive and conceptual utility of negation. The compounds are a very popular and controversial target of research where headedness plays a significant role. However, so far, NO independent empirical criterion exists for headedness. It is pointed out that negation turns out to be such a criterion. In addition, negation is interesting theoretically in that it guides us to favor lexical approaches over syntactic ones. Negation offers independent criteria empirically and conceptually, which eventually enable more solid testing and construction of predictions and hypotheses.Ovo istraživanje japanskih leksičkih složenica s dva glagola (V-V) otkriva opisnu i konceptualnu korisnost negacije. Takve su složenice vrlo popularan, ali i kontroverzan predmet istraživanja, pri kojem određivanje glave igra značajnu ulogu. Ipak, sve do sada nije utvrđen NIJEDAN nezavisan kriterij za određivanje glave takvih složenica pa se stoga u radu naglašava da je upravo negacija takav kriterij. K tomu, negacija je zanimljiva i s teorijskog aspekta jer upućuje na to da su leksički pristupi prikladniji od sintaktičkih. Negacija nudi empirijski i konceptualno nezavisne kriterije, koji nam omogućavaju da na bolji način ispitujemo i osmišljavamo predviđanja i hipoteze

    Distributed (and Dissolved) Pragmatics

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    Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Aspect (2000

    A Typology in the Higher-Order Unification Approach to Ellipsis: The Implications of Japanese Post-Verbal Expressions

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    Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Semantic Typology and Semantic Universals (1993

    Second-order and Fluctuation-induced First-order Phase Transitions with Functional Renormalization Group Equations

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    We investigate phase transitions in scalar field theories using the functional renormalization group (RG) equation. We analyze a system with U(2)xU(2) symmetry, in which there is a parameter λ2\lambda_2 that controls the strength of the first-order phase transition driven by fluctuations. In the limit of \lambda_2\to0,theU(2)xU(2)theoryisreducedtoanO(8)scalartheorythatexhibitsasecondorderphasetransitioninthreedimensions.WedevelopanewinsightfortheunderstandingofthefluctuationinducedfirstorderphasetransitionasasmoothcontinuationfromthestandardRGflowintheO(8)system.InourviewfromtheRGflowdiagramoncouplingparameterspace,theregionthatfavorsthefirstordertransitionemergesfromtheunphysicalregiontothephysicaloneasλ2increasesfromzero.WegivethisinterpretationbasedontheTaylorexpansionofthefunctionalRGequationsuptothefourthorderintermsofthefield,whichencompassesthe, the U(2)xU(2) theory is reduced to an O(8) scalar theory that exhibits a second-order phase transition in three dimensions. We develop a new insight for the understanding of the fluctuation-induced first-order phase transition as a smooth continuation from the standard RG flow in the O(8) system. In our view from the RG flow diagram on coupling parameter space, the region that favors the first-order transition emerges from the unphysical region to the physical one as \lambda_2 increases from zero. We give this interpretation based on the Taylor expansion of the functional RG equations up to the fourth order in terms of the field, which encompasses the \epsilon$-expansion results. We compare results from the expansion and from the full numerical calculation and find that the fourth-order expansion is only of qualitative use and that the sixth-order expansion improves the quantitative agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, major revision; discussions on O(N) models reduced, a summary section added after Introduction, references added; to appear in PR

    Sodium Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitor Ameliorates Autophagic Flux Impairment on Renal Proximal Tubular Cells in Obesity Mice

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    Obesity is supposed to cause renal injury via autophagy deficiency. Recently, sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) were reported to protect renal injury. However, the mechanisms of SGLT2i for renal protection are unclear. Here, we investigated the effect of SGLT2i for autophagy in renal proximal tubular cells (PTCs) on obesity mice. We fed C57BL/6J mice with a normal diet (ND) or high-fat and -sugar diet (HFSD) for nine weeks, then administered SGLT2i, empagliflozin, or control compound for one week. Each group contained N = 5. The urinary N-acetyl-beta-d-glucosaminidase level in the HFSD group significantly increased compared to ND group. The tubular damage was suppressed in the SGLT2i-HFSD group. In electron microscopic analysis, multi lamellar bodies that increased in autophagy deficiency were increased in PTCs in the HFSD group but significantly suppressed in the SGLT2i group. The autophagosomes of damaged mitochondria in PTCs in the HFSD group frequently appeared in the SGLT2i group. p62 accumulations in PTCs were significantly increased in HFSD group but significantly suppressed by SGLT2i. In addition, the mammalian target of rapamycin was activated in the HFSD group but significantly suppressed in SGLT2i group. These data suggest that SGLT2i has renal protective effects against obesity via improving autophagy flux impairment in PTCs on a HFSD

    MicroRNAs as Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Acute Kidney Injury

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a clinical syndrome where a rapid decrease in kidney function and/or urine output is observed, which may result in the imbalance of water, electrolytes and acid base. It is associated with poor prognosis and prolonged hospitalization. Therefore, an early diagnosis and treatment to avoid the severe AKI stage are important. While several biomarkers, such as urinary L-FABP and NGAL, can be clinically useful, there is still no gold standard for the early detection of AKI and there are limited therapeutic options against AKI. miRNAs are non-coding and single-stranded RNAs that silence their target genes in the post-transcriptional process and are involved in a wide range of biological processes. Recent accumulated evidence has revealed that miRNAs may be potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for AKI. In this review article, we summarize the current knowledge about miRNAs as promising biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets for AKI, as well as the challenges in their clinical use

    The relationship between CA/C ratio and individual differences in dynamic accommodative responses while viewing stereoscopic images

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    The oculomotor synergy as expressed by the CA/C and AC/A ratios was investigated to examine its influence on our previous observation that whereas convergence responses to stereoscopic images are generally stable, some individuals exhibit significant accommodative overshoot. Using a modified video refraction unit while viewing a stereoscopic LCD, accommodative and convergence responses to balanced and unbalanced vergence and focal stimuli (BVFS and UBVFS) were measured. Accommodative overshoot of at least 0.3 D was found in 3 out of 8 subjects for UBVFS. The accommodative response differential (RD) was taken to be the difference between the initial response and the subsequent mean static steady-state response. Without overshoot, RD was quantified by finding the initial response component. A mean RD of 0.11 +/- 0.27 D was found for the 1.0 D step UBVFS condition. The mean RD for the BVFS was 0.00 +/- 0.17 D. There was a significant positive correlation between CA/C ratio and RD (r = +0.75, n = 8, p <0.05) for only UBVFS. We propose that inter-subject variation in RD is influenced by the CA/C ratio as follows: an initial convergence response, induced by disparity of the image, generates convergence-driven accommodation commensurate with the CA/C ratio; the associated transient defocus subsequently decays to a balanced position between defocus-induced and convergence-induced accommodations