216 research outputs found


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    Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the effects of playing badminton on calcaneal bone properties. Methods: Eleven sedentary collegiate women were recruited. They played badminton for 75 min, 2 days per week, for 10 weeks. The right calcaneus was assessed to measure speed of sound and broadband ultrasound attenuation using a quantitative ultrasound device. A stiffness index was derived from both the speed of sound and broadband ultrasound attenuation. Results: After the training period, broadband ultrasound attenuation and stiffness index did not change significantly, whereas speed of sound significantly increased, Conclusion: The results indicate that playing badminton influences calcaneal bone properties in a positive manner.  Article visualizations

    Abnormalities of chromosome no. 1 related to blood dyscrasias: study of 10 cases.

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    Partial excess of chromosome 1 (q25-q32) was noted in malignant cells from all of 10 patients who had disorders such as non-African Burkitt's lymphoma, adult T-cell leukemia, myelofibrosis, malignant lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia or chronic myelocytic leukemia in blast crisis. The break points on chromosome 1 were at centromere, q12, q21, q23, q25 and q32. Variations in the specific region of the long arm of chromosome 1, q25-q32, were thought to be important in the evolution of malignant cell proliferation.</p

    Laparoscopic Synchronous Resection for Descending Colon Cancer and Tailgut Cyst

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    A 67-year-old woman underwent polypectomy for a tumor at the descending colon. Pathologically, the tumor was diagnosed as adenocarcinoma with an invasion of 2000 μm. Computed tomography showed a swollen paracolic lymph node and a mass lesion in the presacral space. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a multio-cular cystic lesion. On diagnosis of descending colon cancer and tailgut cyst, she underwent synchronous lapa-roscopic resection. Histopathologically, the colon cancer was diagnosed as pT1bN1M0, pStage IIIa. The pre-sacral cystic lesion was diagnosed as a nonmalignant tailgut cyst with negative surgical margin. The patient is currently doing well without recurrence at 28 months

    Enhancing effects of salicylate on tonic and phasic block of Na+ channels by class 1 antiarrhythmic agents in the ventricular myocytes and the guinea pig papillary muscle

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    AbstractObjective: To study the interaction between salicylate and class 1 antiarrhythmic agents. Methods: The effects of salicylate on class 1 antiarrhythmic agent-induced tonic and phasic block of the Na+ current (INa) of ventricular myocytes and the upstroke velocity of the action potential (Vmax) of papillary muscles were examined by both the patch clamp technique and conventional microelectrode techniques. Results: Salicylate enhanced quinidine-induced tonic and phasic block of INa at a holding potential of −100 mV but not at a holding potential of −140 mV; this enhancement was accompanied by a shift of the h∞ curve in the presence of quinidine in a further hyperpolarized direction, although salicylate alone did not affect INa. Salicylate enhanced the tonic and phasic block of Vmax induced by quinidine, aprindine and disopyramide but had little effect on that induced by procainamide or mexiletine; the enhancing effects were related to the liposolubility of the drugs. Conclusions: Salicylate enhanced tonic and phasic block of Na+ channels induced by class 1 highly liposoluble antiarrhythmic agents. Based on the modulated receptor hypothesis, it is probable that this enhancement was mediated by an increase in the affinity of Na+ channel blockers with high lipid solubility to the inactivated state channels

    外国人児童生徒のことばの力を見取る共通指標 「日本語ステップ」の開発

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    平成26年4月から小中学校において日本語指導が必要な児童生徒を対象に「特別の教育課程」を編 成・実施することが可能になった。今後は、教員が児童生徒の個別の指導計画を作成し、ことばの発 達段階に応じた指導・支援を行うことが求められる。群馬県伊勢崎市では「特別の教育課程」の実施 に先立ち、市の教育研究所内に教員6名の日本語教育研究班が組織され、日本語指導の充実のための 実践研究が行われている。日本語教育研究班では日本語能力測定に関する先行研究の知見を参考に、 子どものことばの発達の様子を見取る共通指標「日本語ステップ」を開発した。これは児童生徒の日 本語指導に関わる複数の指導者が子どものことばの発達の様子を観察・把握し、個別の指導計画につ いて話し合うためのツールとして使用するものである。本稿では、日本語ステップの開発目的とその 特徴3点、および今後の活用の可能性について述べる

    A clinically applicable and scalable method to regenerate T-cells from iPSCs for off-the-shelf T-cell immunotherapy

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    動物由来の成分を含まないより安全な製法でiPS細胞から大量の再生T細胞を培養する方法の開発 --T細胞を使ったがん免疫療法での利用も--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-01-18.Clinical successes demonstrated by chimeric antigen receptor T-cell immunotherapy have facilitated further development of T-cell immunotherapy against wide variety of diseases. One approach is the development of “off-the-shelf” T-cell sources. Technologies to generate T-cells from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) may offer platforms to produce “off-the-shelf” and synthetic allogeneic T-cells. However, low differentiation efficiency and poor scalability of current methods may compromise their utilities. Here we show improved differentiation efficiency of T-cells from induced PSCs (iPSCs) derived from an antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cell clone, or from T-cell receptor (TCR)-transduced iPSCs, as starting materials. We additionally describe feeder-free differentiation culture systems that span from iPSC maintenance to T-cell proliferation phases, enabling large-scale regenerated T-cell production. Moreover, simultaneous addition of SDF1α and a p38 inhibitor during T-cell differentiation enhances T-cell commitment. The regenerated T-cells show TCR-dependent functions in vitro and are capable of in vivo anti-tumor activity. This system provides a platform to generate a large number of regenerated T-cells for clinical application and investigate human T-cell differentiation and biology

    Cacao bean husk: an applicable bedding material in dairy free-stall barns

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    Objective The objectives of the study were to assess the effect of cacao bean husk as bedding material in free-stall barn on the behavior, productivity, and udder health of dairy cattle, and on the ammonia concentrations in the barn. Methods Four different stall surfaces (no bedding, cacao bean husk, sawdust, and chopped wheat straw) were each continuously tested for a period of 1 week to determine their effects on nine lactating Holstein cows housed in the free-stall barn with rubber matting. The lying time and the milk yield were measured between d 4 and d 7. Blood samples for plasma cortisol concentration and teat swabs for bacterial counts were obtained prior to morning milking on d 7. The time-averaged gas-phase ammonia concentrations in the barn were measured between d 2 and d 7. Results The cows spent approximately 2 h more per day lying in the stalls when bedding was available than without bedding. The milk yield increased in the experimental periods when cows had access to bedding materials as compared to the period without bedding. The lying time was positively correlated with the milk yield. Bacterial counts on the teat ends recorded for cows housed on cacao bean husk were significantly lower than those recorded for cows housed without bedding. Ammonia concentration under cacao bean husk bedding decreased by 6%, 15%, and 21% as compared to no bedding, sawdust, and chopped wheat straw, respectively. The cortisol concentration was lowest in the period when cacao bean husk bedding was used. We observed a positive correlation between the ammonia concentrations in the barn and the plasma cortisol concentrations. Conclusion Cacao bean husk is a potential alternative of conventional bedding material, such as sawdust or chopped wheat straw, with beneficial effects on udder health and ammonia concentrations in the barns