42 research outputs found
Organizacinio tapatumo veiksnys ugdant kariūnų pilietiškumą: Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijos atvejis
This article deals with the phenomenon of military organization identity and its influence on the process of cadets’ public spirit education. The analysis of research data exposed the notion of public spirit between trainers and trainees that create common values for the formation of organization.
The question of identity is actualized by the globalization, the increase of information and news, as well as migration. The result of changes is the changing human and social relations, and transformation of value systems. The factors effecting the construction of personal identity are revealed in the scientific literature. Identity is a conscious self-devotion to a specific group, which understands consequences. Organizational identity, on one hand, forms individual’s interests and value orientations. On the other hand, the individuals themselves construct personal and organizational identities. The creation processes of collective identity are derived from institutional, cultural and power context. The feature of collective identity is a person’s ability to define him/herself and others as ‘u’. Military identity, as a dimension of military organization, has undergone not one transformation. The basis of forming military identity is a consciously constructed value system. Duty, responsibility, discipline and loyalty are named as the priority of military values, which are recognized by the majority of members in the organization. Common values are the must in forming an organizational identity that is why the success of public spirit education in Lithuanian Military Academy depends on the interaction among cadets, military instructors and civilian faculty. The public spirit, as a dimension of organizational identity, reveals the forms of identities significant to Military Academy, namely responsibility, civil rights and duties, social participation, loyalty and tolerance. These forms partially suit to the applied public behavior model of five dimensions in organization, which includes the aspects of support, honesty, public interaction, tolerance and respect. Preparing cadets, future officers of Lithuanian military, it is obligatory to recognize dual organizational identity of Military Academy and orientate to the active public spirit educating in all aspects, taking into consideration the basic idea of national security, which praises the responsibility for the complete and secure future of our nation and state.Organizacinis tapatumas ypač svarbus: jis formuoja interesus ir vertybes pagal jau turimą patyrimo modelį ir, siedamas istoriją, kultūrą ir geografinę aplinką, įgauna galią. Asmens tapatumas susijęs su savęs priskyrimu grupei pagal jos specifinius požymius, suprantant tokio pasirinkimo kognityvines, emocines ir elgsenos pasekmes. Kolektyvinio tapatumo bruožas – asmens gebėjimas identifikuotis su kitais taip, kad kitų gerovė taptų asmeninės gerovės dalimi. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas karinės organizacijos tapatumo fenomenas ir jo įtaka kariūnų pilietiškumo ugdymo procesui. Tyrimo duomenų analizė išryškino ugdytinių ir ugdytojų pilietiškumo sampratą jungiančias bendras vertybes, būtinas organizacijos tapatumui formuotis
Kuratoriaus vaidmuo kariūnų adaptacijos procese: atvejo analizė
The goal to improve the quality of studies is one of the basic objectives in a modern higher educational institution. The support of academic community to students in the adaptation process is perceptible as a part of the higher educational institution service system, which is oriented to the students’ academic and social needs in order to develop the type of studies tailored to a student personally. In this article a tutor‘s role in cadets’ adaptation process is discussed in the aspect of educational interaction and cadets’ support. Adaptation is perceived as an ability of a young person to adapt to the changeable conditions and new environment as well as an acquisition of new competencies. In addition, the tutor’s personal qualities, competencies, values and the variety of his / her roles and activities required for this position are analyzed. According to the empirical research data, cadets‘ expectations and the difficulties of the adaptation in the academy, i.e. the ability to adapt to a new (“closed”) environment, strict timetable, the adjustment of academic and military studies, the mastering of new forms of studies based on self-dependent work, the lack of free time, are approached. It is stressed, that the process of cadets’ and tutors’ successful educational interaction is based on the mutual recognition, the maintaining of qualitative inter-relations, emotional support and participating together in different activities. The results of cadet platoons tutors’ support are very diverse: from the discovering of motivation methods to study better, the improvement of progressiveness, skills of problem solving, enhanced cadets’ confidence and self-dependence to a successful finishing of their studies. The research data show the positive evaluation of tutors’ role and allow to project guidelines in order to improve the cadets’ adaptation process in the military academy.Akademinės bendruomenės parama studentams adaptacijos procese suprantama kaip aukštosios mokyklos teikiamų paslaugų sistemos dalis, skirta akademiniams ir socialiniams studentų poreikiams tenkinti siekiant plėtoti į studentą orientuotas studijas. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas kuratoriaus vaidmuo kariūnų1 adaptacijos procese pedagoginės sąveikos ir paramos kariūnams aspektu, kuratoriaus veiklai reikalingos asmeninės savybės, kompetencijos, vertybės, kuratoriaus veiklos ir vaidmenų įvairovė, kariūnų lūkesčiai bei adaptacijos Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijoje (toliau – Karo akademijoje) sunkumai. Tyrimo duomenys atskleidė teigiamą kariūnų kuratorių veiklos vertinimą bei leido numatyti veiklos gaires siekiant gerinti kariūnų adaptacijos Karo akademijoje procesą
Akademinio ir profesinio tapatumų sąveika
The Military Academy of Lithuania is one of the youngest higher educational establishments where professional military studies are combined with academic ones. The aim of the article is to analyse the process of the creation of a new type of collective identity, observing the main factors and peculiarities of the process. The attention is focused on value orientations of the military and their influence on organizational identity of the Academy. The Armed Forces, as an organization, has experienced a lot of transformations in its structure and mission. Despite this, the identity of the military has been formed, in essence, on a masculine background. Considering the peculiarities of the aim and composition, the collective identity of the military has been created on the basis of specific values, such as duty, responsibility, discipline, courage, loyalty, power, etc. The academic identity has been set up on the basis of its different social roles, presuming other priorities in the system of values: i. e. respect, tolerance, truth, justice, freedom, creativity and critical thinking. Thus, framing of the united identity of the Academy is a complex and dissonant process. Postmodern societies face global political transformations and new threats that have brought about new military missions and tasks of the present Armed Forces, introducing changes into their structure with the aim of forming professional military troops that are ready to participate in different international military operations. The paradigm of the postmodern military predetermines qualitative transformations in the system of values in shaping the new military identity. The new identity of the military should be based on universal human virtues that have brought about changes in the system of military education.The Military Academy of Lithuania was established when the issues of national identity and the purpose of national security policy became very important, as well as the issues of international cooperation and the creation of the civic society. The national identity and the identity of military started to be constructed on different social backgrounds: those of modern, late modern and postmodern societies. Moreover, the collective identity of the Military Academy of Lithuania is an interaction between both military and academic identities where the first is still the dominant one. A postmodern paradigm of the military presupposes the development of the traditional military identity on the basis of human values that will inevitably result in the increasing role of academic identity in this creative process.Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti Lietuvos karo akademijos, kaip naujo tipo akademinės bendruomenės, organizacinio tapatumo ypatumus, formavimosi veiksnius ir mechanizmus, išanalizuoti šiuolaikinės kariuomenės vertybines orientacijas, jų įtaką Lietuvos karo akademijos organizacinio tapatumo raiškai, būsimų karininkų ugdymo procesui ir naujo kario tapatumo formavimuisi. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas Lietuvos karo akademijos organizacinio tapatumo formavimosi procesas kaip sudėtingos ir prieštaringos dviejų tradicinių tapatumų – karinio ir akademinio – sąveikos rezultatas. Autorės analizuoja šiuolaikinės Lietuvos kariuomenės ugdymo ir vertybinių prioritetų formavimo problemas, iškylančias kaip postmodernios kariuomenės paradigmos ir šiuolaikinės Lietuvos valstybės kūrimo ypatumų sąveikos padarinius
Challenges of resilience training for military personnel in the Lithuanian Armed Forces
Resilience is a complex phenomenon that results from the natural human response to adapt to change through the ability to cope with or respond to threats. In today’s security challenges, military personnel are responsible for the defense of their country, and exposure to unfamiliar situations can harm the ability of military personnel to perform successfully. Therefore, this study aims to identify the challenges in resilience training for the Lithuanian Armed Forces military personnel. The study uses a qualitative research method and an in-depth interview. Eight military psychologists participated in the study. The selection criteria for the informants were currently employed/serving in the military with at least five years of experience and participating in resilience training. The results revealed that there has been significant recent attention to and need for resilience training in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, but that resilience development is fragmented. The findings show that the lack of a unified concept of resilience in the Lithuanian Armed Forces complicates the development of a unified resilience training system. Summarizing the organizational aspects of resilience training for military personnel in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, the following key challenges were identified. There is a lack of leadership support for resilience education; the need for the development of trainers or responsible persons involved in resilience education; the lack of a clear perception of the value of resilience education among trainers; the need for unification and systematization of the education system through the updating/creation of the use of a system for feedback and evaluation.
AcknowledgmentWe acknowledge General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania for financial support in publishing this article
Organizational identity factor educating cadets’ public spirit: a case of general Jonas Zemaitis Lithuanian military academy
Organizacinis tapatumas ypač svarbus: jis formuoja interesus ir vertybes pagal jau turimą patyrimo modelį ir, siedamas istoriją, kultūrą ir geografinę aplinką, įgauna galią. Asmens tapatumas susijęs su savęs priskyrimu grupei pagal jos specifinius požymius, suprantant tokio pasirinkimo kognityvines, emocines ir elgsenos pasekmes. Kolektyvinio tapatumo bruožas – asmens gebėjimas identifikuotis su kitais taip, kad kitų gerovė taptų asmeninės gerovės dalimi. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas karinės organizacijos tapatumo fenomenas ir jo įtaka kariūnų1 pilietiš-kumo ugdymo procesui. Tyrimo duomenų analizė išryškino ugdytinių ir ugdytojų pilietiškumo sampratą jungiančias bendras vertybes, būtinas organizacijos tapatumui formuotis.This article deals with the phenomenon of military organization identity and its influence on the process of cadets’ public spirit education. The analysis of research data exposed the notion of public spirit between trainers and trainees that create common values for the formation of organization. The question of identity is actualized by the globalization, the increase of information and news, as well as migration. The result of changes is the changing human and social relations, and transformation of value systems. The factors effecting the construction of personal identity are revealed in the scientific literature. Identity is a conscious self-devotion to a specific group, which understands consequences. Organizational identity, on one hand, forms individual’s interests and value orientations. On the other hand, the individuals themselves construct personal and organizational identities. The creation processes of collective identity are derived from institutional, cultural and power context. The feature of collective identity is a person’s ability to define him/herself and others as ‘u’. Military identity, as a dimension of military organization, has undergone not one transformation. The basis of forming military identity is a consciously constructed value system. Duty, responsibility, discipline and loyalty are named as the priority of military values, which are recognized by the majority of members in the organization. Common values are the must in forming an organizational identity that is why the success of public spirit education in Lithuanian Military Academy depends on the interaction among cadets, military instructors and civilian faculty. The public spirit, as a dimension of organizational identity, reveals the forms of identities significant to Military Academy, namely responsibility, civil rights and duties, social participation, loyalty and tolerance. These forms partially suit to the applied public behavior model of five dimensions in organization, which includes the aspects of support, honesty, public interaction, tolerance and respect. Preparing cadets, future officers of Lithuanian military, it is obligatory to recognize dual organizational identity of Military Academy and orientate to the active public spirit educating in all aspects, taking into consideration the basic idea of national security, which praises the responsibility for the complete and secure future of our nation and state
Organizational identity factor educating cadets’ public spirit: a case of General Jonas Zemaitis Lithuanian Military Academy
This article deals with the phenomenon of military organization identity and its influence on the process of cadets’ public spirit education. The analysis of research data exposed the notion of public spirit between trainers and trainees that create common values for the formation of organization. The question of identity is actualized by the globalization, the increase of information and news, as well as migration. The result of changes is the changing human and social relations, and transformation of value systems. The factors effecting the construction of personal identity are revealed in the scientific literature. Identity is a conscious self-devotion to a specific group, which understands consequences. Organizational identity, on one hand, forms individual’s interests and value orientations. On the other hand, the individuals themselves construct personal and organizational identities. The creation processes of collective identity are derived from institutional, cultural and power context. The feature of collective identity is a person’s ability to define him/herself and others as ‘u’. Military identity, as a dimension of military organization, has undergone not one transformation. The basis of forming military identity is a consciously constructed value system. Duty, responsibility, discipline and loyalty are named as the priority of military values, which are recognized by the majority of members in the organization. Common values are the must in forming an organizational identity that is why the success of public spirit education in Lithuanian Military Academy depends on the interaction among cadets, military instructors and civilian faculty. The public spirit, as a dimension of organizational identity, reveals the forms of identities significant to Military Academy, namely responsibility, civil rights and duties, social participation, loyalty and tolerance.These forms partially suit to the applied public behavior model of five dimensions in organization, which includes the aspects of support, honesty, public interaction, tolerance and respect. Preparing cadets, future officers of Lithuanian military, it is obligatory to recognize dual organizational identity of Military Academy and orientate to the active public spirit educating in all aspects, taking into consideration the basic idea of national security, which praises the responsibility for the complete and secure future of our nation and state
Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijos kariūnų tautinės savimonės lygis
Lietuvoje ypač aktuali tautinės tapatybės problema. Jaunoji karta augo neturėdama tautinės doros sampratos. Taigi straipsniu siekiama atskleisti kariūnų, kaip Lietuvos jaunimo dalies, pasirinkusios garbingą tėvynės gynėjo profesiją, tautinės savimonės lygį ir numatyti tautinio auklėjimo tobulinimo gaires Lietuvos karo akademijoje. Nustatyta, kad tautos savimonė egzistuoja kaip atsakomybė už išlikimą ateinančioms kartoms. Kariūnai suvokia, kad saugodami Tėvynę jei saugo ne tik savo ir artimųjų fizinę egzistenciją, bet ir tautą, jos kultūrą. Tautiškumas daro įtaką asmens pilietiškumui, atvirumui bei jo atsakomybei už savo valstybės ir tautos raidą be ateitį.The national identity problem is especially acute in Lithuania. The young generation was raised without a conception of national honour. Thus, the article aims revealing the level of national consciousness of cadets as a youth group that chose an honourable profession to defend their motherland as well as anticipate the guidelines for improving the national upbringing in the Military Academy of Lithuania. It was ascertained that consciousness of a nation exists as a responsibility for preservation of the national identity for future generations. Cadets understand that by protecting their motherland they defend not only the physical existence of their loved ones, but also the nation and its culture. Nationality has an impact on a public spirit of a person as well as ones openness and responsibility for the development and future of the state and the nation