20 research outputs found


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    孟加拉国在孟加拉湾拥有710公里长的海岸线,其中有多个具有重要保护价值的生态系统。作为一个脆弱性与可开发性并存的地区,该海岸线经常遭受各种自然灾害,如龙卷风,风暴潮和洪水等袭击。这对于20世纪60年代开始实行,旨在改善人民生活的同时保护生态系统的孟加拉单一部门式海岸带管理计划构成了严峻的挑战,这与单一部门管理模式本身固有的管理手段具排外性、分管行政部门单一和管理力量薄弱的缺陷有关。厦门坐落于中国东南沿海,拥有64.3公里长的天然海岸线,港口不淤不冻。始于20世纪90年代中期的厦门海岸带综合管理(ICZM)被公认为ICZM的成功案例。实践证明,厦门海岸带综合管理是一个切实可行的环境管理计划,并已...Bangladesh, facing 710 km long coast to the Bay of Bengal, which contains severalecosystems that have important conservation values. As a zone of vulnerabilities as well asopportunities this coast is prone to natural disasters like cyclone, storm surge, and flood. Thisposes a daunting challenge to the sectoral coastal management programs, active since the1960s, aiming at simultaneously uplifting p...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_海洋事务学号:2242007115406

    Accumulation, distribution and toxicological effects induced by chromium on the development of mangrove plant Kandelia candel (L.) Druce

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    A study was performed for investigating accumulation, distribution and toxicological effects induced by chromium (Cr) on the development of the mangrove seedling Kandelia candel (L.) Druce. Seedlings treated with increasing concentrations of CrCl3 solution (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 mg L-1, respectively) were grown in a basic nutrient solution for three months. The five month old seedlings were harvested for the experiment. This study showed that Cr treatment significantly decreased growth of K. candel in terms of seedling height, leaf number and total biomass. At the highest 3 mg L-1 Cr exposure, there was a 34.47% decrease in final seedling height, 68.95% decrease in leaf number and a 60.65% decrease in total biomass. The present study demonstrates that Cr accumulation ability of K. candel seedlings increased with the increase of treatment strength up to certain level. The concentrations of Cr in root, hypocotyl, stem and leaf ranged from 22.87 to 1.43 mg kg-1, 1.30 to 0.68 mg kg-1, 2.42 to 0.91 mg kg-1, and 1.74 to 0.74 mg kg-1, respectively. When comparing Cr concentration in different plant parts with respect to their controls, the results showed that treated plant root bioaccumulated high amounts of Cr. Almost 80% of Cr was accumulated mainly in roots. The distribution pattern of Cr in K. candel was Root > Stem > Leaf > Hypocotyl. Our findings indicated that the high concentration of Cr supply may interfere with several metabolic processes of seedlings, causing toxicity to plants as exhibited by chlorosis, necrosis, and finally, plant death

    Effects of copper on growth, accumulation, antioxidant activity and malondialdehyde content in young seedlings of the mangrove species Kandelia candel (L)

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    The effects of different concentrations of copper (Cu) on the growth, Cu accumulation, antioxidant enzyme activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of seedlings of the mangrove species Kandelia candel L. were investigated. Seedlings were treated with several concentrations of CuCl2 (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 or 40 mg L-1) for 3 months. The results indicated that a high dose of Cu significantly decreased the growth of K. candel in terms of seedling height, leaf number and total biomass. At the highest Cu concentration (40 mg L-1), there was a 39.53% decrease in final seedling height, a 53.25% decrease in leaf number and a 35.96% decrease in total biomass. Cu ions were accumulated mainly in the roots (96%), and only small amounts were translocated to the hypocotyl, leaves and stem. The MDA content increased with increasing external Cu concentration both in roots and leaves. A significantly higher superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase antioxidative enzyme activity occurred in roots and leaves of plants exposed to 20 mg L-1 CuCl2 compared to other treatments, suggesting that K. candel seedlings can tolerate up to 20 mg L-1 Cu treatment

    Assessment of coastal river water quality in Bangladesh: Implications for drinking and irrigation purposes.

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    Saltwater intrusion in the coastal areas of Bangladesh is a prevalent phenomenon. However, it is not conducive to activities such as irrigation, navigation, fish spawning and shelter, and industrial usage. The present study analyzed 45 water samples collected from 15 locations in coastal areas during three seasons: monsoon, pre-monsoon, and post-monsoon. The aim was to comprehend the seasonal variation in physicochemical parameters, including water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), hardness, and concentrations of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe2+, HCO3-, PO43-, SO42-, and Cl-. Additionally, parameters essential for agriculture, such as soluble sodium percentage (SSP), sodium absorption ratio (SAR), magnesium absorption ratio (MAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), Kelly's ratio (KR), and permeability index (PI), were examined. Their respective values were found to be 63%, 16.83 mg/L, 34.92 mg/L, 145.44 mg/L, 1.28 mg/L, and 89.29%. The integrated water quality index was determined using entropy theory and principal component analysis (PCA). The resulting entropy water quality index (EWQI) and SAR of 49.56% and 63%, respectively, indicated that the samples are suitable for drinking but unsuitable for irrigation. These findings can assist policymakers in implementing the Bangladesh Deltaplan-2100, focusing on sustainable land management, fish cultivation, agricultural production, environmental preservation, water resource management, and environmental protection in the deltaic areas of Bangladesh. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of seasonal variations in the hydrochemistry and water quality of coastal rivers, aiding in the comprehension of salinity intrusion origins, mechanisms, and causes