11 research outputs found

    Project of the network for occultation phenomena television observations

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    The project aimed at the equipment of observational stations of the existing network by the analogous television devices is proposed. Possibilities of a new observation program using the method of occultations for studying the kinematics of multiple star systems, Solar System small bodies, as well as figure of the marginal zone of the Moon are considered

    University educational-practical centers of the primary medical care – a step to the improvement of the family doctors training

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    The information about the University Edu¬cational-Practical Centres of the primary medical care of Bukovinian State Medical University and the peculiarities of the teaching process in present conditions is given

    The contribution of the individual to the group’s social capital: the structure of altruistic investment

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    The article sets theoretical ground for the content and structure of the “altruistic investment” networking strategy as one of the strategies of individual social behavior. Altruistic investment is based, firstly, on the value of a benevolent attitude toward all people; secondly, the desire of the individual to improve the “social situation” for all its participants and thirdly, it involves conscious action for the sake of the common good, namely, investing resources in maintaining positive group norms and protecting justice. The study used the modified social dilemmas, “Public good dilemma” and “Dictator game under third-party punishment”. Using structural modeling in a sample of 362 people, it was found that the empirical data correspond to the a priori model of altruistic investment in the group’s social capital. The structure of the networking strategy of the individual contains the value, motivational and be havioral components. The role of altruistic investment in the formation of the social capital of the group is shown

    Clinical characteristics of early-onset depression: Focus on neurovegetative symptoms

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    A cross-sectional, multicenter study by the Russian National Consortium for Psychiatric Genetics enrolled 172 patients with depression in order to analyze the clinical features of the course of early-onset depression. Early-onset depression is associated with hypersomnia and decreased libido, as well as higher severity of the current depressive episode. In addition, early-onset depression is associated with the presence of concomitant obsessive-compulsive disorder and, in combination with family history of mood disorders, with a longer duration of the depressive episode. Early onset depression is an important trait representing a genetic influence on the development of depression. Further clinical and genetic studies are needed to investigate the specific effects of age of onset on the clinical manifestations and course of depression. © 2021, V. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology. All rights reserved

    Organization of educational-practical centers of primary health care as a step to improve the training

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    У статті викладена інформація про навчально-практичні центри первинної медико-санітарної допомоги Буковинського державного медичного університету та особливості проведення навчального процесу в даних умовах. В статье приведена информация об учебно-практических центрах первичной медико-санитарной помощи Буковинского государственного медицинского университета и особенностях проведения учебного процесса в данных условиях. The information about educational-practical centers of primary health care of Bukovynian State Medical University and the specific characteristics of the educational process in these conditions were adduced

    Family Medicine Department – twenty years old

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    Резюме. У статті наведено особливості організації роботи кафедри сімейної медицини Буковинського державного медичного університету за 20 років її існування, кадровий потенціал. Описано особливості проведення навчального та лікувального процесів, наукові здобутки. Резюме. В статье приведены особенности организации работы кафедры семейной медицины Буковинского государственного медицинского университета за 20 лет ее существования, кадровый потенциал. Описаны особенности проведения учебного и лечебного процессов, научные достижения. Resume. The organization of the work of the Department of Family Medicine of Bukovinian State Medical University for 20 years of its existence, its personnel potential, the specific characteristics of the educational and treatment process, its scientific achievements have been expounded