749 research outputs found

    Influence of Rb, Cs and Ba on Superconductivity of Magnesium Diboride

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    Magnesium diboride has been thermally treated in the presence of Rb, Cs, and Ba. Magnetic susceptibility shows onsets of superconductivity in the resulting samples at 52K (Rb), 58K (Cs) and 45K (Ba). Room-temperature 11B NMR indicates to cubic symmetry of the electric field gradient at boron site for the samples reacted with Rb and Cs, in contrast to the axial symmetry in the initial MgB2 and in the sample treated with Ba.Comment: 3 pages (twocolumn), 2 figure

    Spiky strings and single trace operators in gauge theories

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    We consider single trace operators of the form O_{m_1 ... m_n} = tr D_+^{m_1} F ... D_+^{m_n} F which are common to all gauge theories. We argue that, when all m_i are equal and large, they have a dual description as strings with cusps, or spikes, one for each field F. In the case of N=4 SYM, we compute the energy as a function of angular momentum by finding the corresponding solutions in AdS_5 and compare with a 1-loop calculation of the anomalous dimension. As in the case of two spikes (twist two operators), there is agreement in the functional form but not in the coupling constant dependence. After that, we analyze the system in more detail and find an effective classical mechanics describing the motion of the spikes. In the appropriate limit, it is the same (up to the coupling constant dependence) as the coherent state description of linear combinations of the operators O_{m_1 ... m_n} such that all m_i are equal on average. This agreement provides a map between the operators in the boundary and the position of the spikes in the bulk. We further suggest that moving the spikes in other directions should describe operators with derivatives other than D_+ indicating that these ideas are quite generic and should help in unraveling the string description of the large-N limit of gauge theories.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. v2: References and comments adde

    S-matrix for magnons in the D1-D5 system

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    We show that integrability and symmetries of the near horizon geometry of the D1-D5 system determine the S-matrix for the scattering of magnons with polarizations in AdS3 ×\times S3 completely up to a phase. Using semi-classical methods we evaluate the phase to the leading and to the one-loop approximation in the strong coupling expansion. We then show that the phase obeys the unitarity constraint implied by the crossing relations to the one-loop order. We also verify that the dispersion relation obeyed by these magnons is one-loop exact at strong coupling which is consistent with their BPS nature.Comment: 40 pages, Latex, Role of Virasoro constraints clarified, version matches with published versio

    Finite-gap equations for strings on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 with mixed 3-form flux

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    We study superstrings on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 supported by a combination of Ramond-Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz three form fluxes, and construct a set of finite-gap equations that describe the classical string spectrum. Using the recently proposed all-loop S-matrix we write down the all-loop Bethe ansatz equations for the massive sector. In the thermodynamic limit the Bethe ansatz reproduces the finite-gap equations. As part of this derivation we propose expressions for the leading order dressing phases. These phases differ from the well-known Arutyunov-Frolov-Staudacher phase that appears in the pure Ramond-Ramond case. We also consider the one-loop quantization of the algebraic curve and determine the one-loop corrections to the dressing phases. Finally we consider some classical string solutions including finite size giant magnons and circular strings.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figures. v2: references and a discussion about perturbative results adde

    Integrable twists in AdS/CFT

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    A class of marginal deformations of four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory has been found to correspond to a set of smooth, multiparameter deformations of the S^5 target subspace in the holographic dual on AdS_5 x S^5. We present here an analogous set of deformations that act on global toroidal isometries in the AdS_5 subspace. Remarkably, certain sectors of the string theory remain classically integrable in this larger class of so-called gamma-deformed AdS_5 x S^5 backgrounds. Relying on studies of deformed su(2)_gamma models, we formulate a local sl(2)_gamma Lax representation that admits a classical, thermodynamic Bethe equation (based on the Riemann-Hilbert interpretation of Bethe's ansatz) encoding the spectrum in the deformed AdS_5 geometry. This result is extended to a set of discretized, asymptotic Bethe equations for the twisted string theory. Near-pp-wave energy spectra within sl(2)_gamma and su(2)_gamma sectors provide a useful and stringent test of such equations, demonstrating the reliability of this technology in a wider class of string backgrounds. In addition, we study a twisted Hubbard model that yields certain predictions of the dual beta-deformed gauge theory.Comment: v2: references and clarifications added, 46 page

    Three-point function of semiclassical states at weak coupling

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    We give the derivation of the previously announced analytic expression for the correlation function of three heavy non-BPS operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory at weak coupling. The three operators belong to three different su(2) sectors and are dual to three classical strings moving on the sphere. Our computation is based on the reformulation of the problem in terms of the Bethe Ansatz for periodic XXX spin-1/2 chains. In these terms the three operators are described by long-wave-length excitations over the ferromagnetic vacuum, for which the number of the overturned spins is a finite fraction of the length of the chain, and the classical limit is known as the Sutherland limit. Technically our main result is a factorized operator expression for the scalar product of two Bethe states. The derivation is based on a fermionic representation of Slavnov's determinant formula, and a subsequent bosonisation.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, cosmetic changes and more typos corrected in v

    Linking Backlund and Monodromy Charges for Strings on AdS_5 x S^5

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    We find an explicit relation between the two known ways of generating an infinite set of local conserved charges for the string sigma model on AdS_5 x S^5: the Backlund and monodromy approaches. We start by constructing the two-parameter family of Backlund transformations for the string with an arbitrary world-sheet metric. We then show that only for a special value of one of the parameters the solutions generated by this transformation are compatible with the Virasoro constraints. By solving the Backlund equations in a non-perturbative fashion, we finally show that the generating functional of the Backlund conservation laws is equal to a certain sum of the quasi-momenta. The positions of the quasi-momenta in the complex spectral plane are uniquely determined by the real parameter of the Backlund transform.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Integrable Open Spin Chains and the Doubling Trick in N = 2 SYM with Fundamental Matter

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    We demonstrate that the one-loop anomalous dimension matrix in N = 2 SYM with a single chiral hypermultiplet of fundamental matter, which is dual to AdS_5 X S^5 with a D7-brane filling AdS_5 and wrapped around an $^3 in the S^5, is an integrable open spin chain Hamiltonian. We also use the doubling trick to relate these open spin chains to closed spin chains in pure N = 4 SYM. By using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we find a relation between the corresponding open and closed strings that differs from a simple doubling trick by terms that vanish in the semiclassical limit. We also demonstrate that in some cases the closed string is simpler and easier to study than the corresponding open string, and we speculate on the nature of corrections due to the presence of D-branes that this implies.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure