1,372 research outputs found

    TIM: a time interval machine for audio-visual action recognition

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    Diverse actions give rise to rich audio-visual signals in long videos. Recent works showcase that the two modalities of audio and video exhibit different temporal extents of events and distinct labels. We address the interplay between the two modalities in long videos by explicitly modelling the temporal extents of audio and visual events. We propose the Time Interval Machine (TIM) where a modality-specific time interval poses as a query to a transformer encoder that ingests a long video input. The encoder then attends to the specified interval, as well as the surrounding context in both modalities, in order to recognise the ongoing action. We test TIM on three long audio-visual video datasets: EPIC-KITCHENS, Perception Test, and AVE, reporting state-of-the-art (SOTA) for recognition. On EPICKITCHENS, we beat previous SOTA that utilises LLMs and significantly larger pre-training by 2.9% top-1 action recognition accuracy. Additionally, we show that TIM can be adapted for action detection, using dense multi-scale interval queries, outperforming SOTA on EPIC-KITCHENS-100 for most metrics, and showing strong performance on the Perception Test. Our ablations show the critical role of integrating the two modalities and modelling their time intervals in achieving this performance. Code and models at: https://github.com/JacobChalk/TIM

    Comparative Susceptibility Study Against Pathogens Using Fermented Cranberry Juice and Antibiotics.

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    In the present study, unfermented and fermented cranberry juice in combination with the Antibiotics vancomycin and tigecycline were tested for their antimicrobial activity. Cranberry juice was fermented with a recently isolated potentially probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei K5. The tested strains selected for this purpose were Enterococcus faecalis, E. faecium, Enterobacter cloacae and Staphylococcus aureus. The methods followed were the determination of zones inhibition, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Fractional Inhibitory Concentration Index (FICI). Tigecycline together with fermented juice exhibited larger Zones of Inhibition (ZOI) in strains of E. faecium (65 ± 4.8 mm) compared to the respective ZOI with tigecycline and unfermented juice (no zone). The same outcome was also obtained with E. cloacae. Vancomycin together with fermented juice exhibited larger ZOI in strains of E. faecium (28 ± 2.2 mm) compared to the respective ZOI with vancomycin and unfermented juice (24 ± 2.3 mm). The lowest MIC values were recorded when tigecycline was combined with fermented cranberry juice against S. aureus strains, followed by the same combination of juice and antibiotic against E. cloacae strains. FICI revealed synergistic effects between fermented juice and tigecycline against a strain of E. faecium (A2020) and a strain of E. faecalis (A1940). Such effects were also observed in the case of fermented juice in combination with vancomycin against a strain of S. aureus (S18), as well as between fermented juice and tigecycline against E. cloacae (E1005 and E1007) strains. The results indicate that the antibacterial activity of juice fermented with the potentially probiotic L. paracasei K5 may be due to synergistic effects between some end fermentation products and the antibiotic agents examined

    Cervical spondylomyelopathy in dogs

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    Η οπίσθια αυχενική σπονδυλομυελοπάθεια του σκύλου αποτελεί την πιο συχνή πάθηση της αυχενικής μοίρας της σπονδυλικής στήλης σε μεγαλόσωμες και γιγαντόσωμες φυλές σκύλων. Η αιτιολογία της οπίσθιας αυχενικής σπονδυλομυελοπάθειας είναι άγνωστη και οι υποκείμενοι παθοφυσιολογικοί μηχανισμοί μη πλήρως κατανοητοί. Κεντρικό ρόλο στην παθοφυσιολογία της νόσου φαίνεται ότι κατέχουν ο βαθμός συμπίεσης του νωτιαίου μυελού και η ισχαιμία/υποξία που προκαλείται. Υπάρχουν δύο κλινικές οντότητες στην οπίσθια αυχενική σπονδυλομυελοπάθεια: συμπίεση του νωτιαίου μυελού που συνδέεται με εκ- φύλιση και προβολή του μεσοσπονδυλίου δίσκου τύπου ΙΙ και συμπίεση που συνδέεται με τη δημιουργία νέου οστού. Το ιστορικό και η κλινική εικόνα είναι ενδεικτικά της νόσου, αν και τα νευρολογικά συμπτώματα ποικίλουν από αυχενικό πόνο έως τετραπληγία και έκπτωση της αναπνευστικής λειτουργίας. Η απεικονιστική διερεύνηση της αυχενικής μοίρας της σπονδυλικής στήλης είναι απαραίτητη για τη διάγνωση της οπίσθιας αυχενικής σπονδυλομυελοπάθειας, περιλαμβάνει δε τα απλά ακτινογραφήματα, τη μυελογραφία, την αξονική και τη μαγνητική τομογραφία. Επιπλέον, είναι απαραίτητη για το σχεδιασμό της χειρουργικής θεραπείας. Η τελευταία βασίζεται συνήθως στον υποκειμενικό χαρακτηρισμό των συμπιεστικών αλλοιώσεων ως δυναμικών ή στατικών. Η μαγνητική τομογραφία υπερέχει έναντι της μυελογραφίας, αλλά προς το παρόν προτείνεται οι απεικονιστικές αυτές τεχνικές να εφαρμόζονται συμπληρωματικά. Επιπρόσθετα, τονίζεται ιδιαίτερα η αναγκαιότητα ύπαρξης συμφωνίας μεταξύ των κλινικών συμπτωμάτων και των απεικονιστικών ευρημάτων της μαγνητικής τομογραφίας, προς αποφυγή ψευδώς θετικών ευρημάτων.Πριν από την ανάληψη θεραπευτικής προσπάθειας, κρίνεται σκόπιμη η διερεύνηση του ζώου για συνυπάρχουσες παθολογικές καταστάσεις, οι οποίες μπορεί να επηρεάσουν την έκβαση του περιστατικού σε βάθος χρόνου. Η οπίσθια αυχενική σπονδυλομυελοπάθεια θεωρείται χειρουργικό νόσημα, ωστόσο η συντηρητική θεραπεία, που συνίσταται στον αυστηρό περιορισμό της κινητικής δραστηριότητας και στη χρήση στεροειδών ή μη στεροειδών αντιφλεγμονωδών φαρμάκων, μπορεί να υιοθετηθεί σε επιλεγμένα περιστατικά. Η χειρουργική θεραπεία αποσκοπεί στην αποσυμπίεση του νωτιαίου μυελού. Οι συμπιεστικές αλλοιώσεις στους γειτονικούς σπονδύλους αναφέρονται ως επιπλοκή της χειρουργικής θεραπείας, χωρίς όμως η αιτιολογία τους να είναι σαφώς προσδιορισμένη. Πρόσφατα, εφαρμόστηκαν τεχνικές αντικατάστασης του μεσοσπονδύλιου δίσκου μ τεχνητό, σε περιστατικά με συμπίεση λόγω εκφυλιστικής δισκοπάθειας τύπου ΙΙ και τα πρώτα αποτελέσματα είναι ενθαρρυντικά. Τέλος, υπάρχουν σύγχρονες ενδείξεις ότι η μαγνητική τομογραφία μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για καθορισμό της πρόγνωσης σε περιστατικά μυελοπάθειας.Cervical spondylomyelopathy (CSM) is the most common disease of the cervical spine in large and giant breed dogs. Its exact aetiology is not known and the relevant pathophysiology is not clear; two clinical entities are currently recognised: disc-associated and osseous-associated spinal cord compression. History and clinical signs are indicative of cervical spondylomyelopathy, although its neurologic manifestation can vary from cervical pain only to tetraparesis and respiratory compromise. Imaging of the spine is fundamental for definitive diagnosis and includes radiography, myelography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. It is also the cornerstone of surgical planning. This is usually based on the subjective concept of dynamic or static compressive lesions. Among the advanced imaging techniques, magnetic resonance imaging is superior to myelography for diagnosis of cervical spondylomyelopathy, although, at present, these techniques can be considered complementary.Furthermore, attention is drawn to the false positive interpretations of magnetic resonance findings, which are related to clinically irrelevant spinal cord compression. Hence, the degree of agreement between neuroanatomic localization and neuroimaging is of the outmost importance. Conservative treatment consists of strict restriction of the animal and the use of steroid or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Objective of surgical treatment is to decompress the spinal cord. However, the decision-making process of surgical treatment is more complicated, because a large number of different surgical techniques have been proposed. Adjacent segment disease is a controversial complication of the surgical treatment of disk-associated cervical spondylomyelopathy and recently introduced motion-preserving techniques are targeted on reducing its occurrence. Significant prognostic information for focal parenchymal damage may derive from magnetic resonance imaging studies, but this remains to be further clarified

    Rescaling Egocentric Vision: Collection, Pipeline and Challenges for EPIC-KITCHENS-100

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    This paper introduces the pipeline to extend the largest dataset in egocentric vision, EPIC-KITCHENS. The effort culminates in EPIC-KITCHENS-100, a collection of 100 hours, 20M frames, 90K actions in 700 variable-length videos, capturing long-term unscripted activities in 45 environments, using head-mounted cameras. Compared to its previous version (Damen in Scaling egocentric vision: ECCV, 2018), EPIC-KITCHENS-100 has been annotated using a novel pipeline that allows denser (54% more actions per minute) and more complete annotations of fine-grained actions (+128% more action segments). This collection enables new challenges such as action detection and evaluating the “test of time”—i.e. whether models trained on data collected in 2018 can generalise to new footage collected two years later. The dataset is aligned with 6 challenges: action recognition (full and weak supervision), action detection, action anticipation, cross-modal retrieval (from captions), as well as unsupervised domain adaptation for action recognition. For each challenge, we define the task, provide baselines and evaluation metrics.Published versionResearch at Bristol is supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Program (DTP), EPSRC Fellowship UMPIRE (EP/T004991/1). Research at Catania is sponsored by Piano della Ricerca 2016-2018 linea di Intervento 2 of DMI, by MISE - PON I&C 2014-2020, ENIGMA project (CUP: B61B19000520008) and by MIUR AIM - Attrazione e Mobilita Internazionale Linea 1 - AIM1893589 - CUP E64118002540007

    Muscular cystic hydatidosis: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Hydatidosis is a zoonosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus, and ingesting eggs released through the faeces from infected dogs infects humans. The location of the hydatid cysts is mostly hepatic and/or pulmonary, whereas musculoskeletal hydatidosis is very rare. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an unusual case of primary muscular hydatidosis in proximity of the big adductor in a young Sicilian man. The patient, 34 years old, was admitted to the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases for ultrasonographic detection, with successive confirmation by magnetic resonance imaging, of an ovular mass (13 × 8 cm) in the big adductor of the left thigh, cyst-like, and containing several small cystic formations. Serological tests for hydatidosis gave negative results. A second drawing of blood was done 10 days after the first one and showed an increase in the antibody titer for hydatidosis. The patient was submitted to surgical excision of the lesion with perioperatory prophylaxis with albendazole. The histopathological examination of the bioptic material was not diriment in the diagnosis, therefore further tests were performed: additional serological tests for hydatidosis for the evaluation of IgE and IgG serotype (Western Blot and REAST), and molecular analysis of the excised material. These more specific serological tests gave positive results for hydatidosis, and the sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction products from the cyst evidenced E. granulosus DNA, genotype G1. Any post-surgery complications was observed during 6 following months. CONCLUSION: Cystic hydatidosis should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of any cystic mass, regardless of its location, also in epidemiological contests less suggestive of the disease. The diagnosis should be achieved by taking into consideration the clinical aspects, the epidemiology of the disease, the imaging and immunological tests but, as demonstrated in this case, without neglecting the numerous possibilities offered by new serological devices and modern day molecular biology techniques