465 research outputs found

    Structural Trends of Ijeda-Iloko Area as Interpreted From Total Component of Ground Magnetic Data

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    Ground magnetic survey of Ijeda and Iloko towns in Oriade Local Government Area of Osun state Southwest Nigeria was performed. The study was carried out using high resolution proton precision geometric magnetometer which involves the use of Total Component of the ground magnetic anomaly data running through traverses 7, 8, 9 and 13. This research focuses on delineation of faults in this part of the highly mineralized Ilesa schist belt. The field data was qualitatively and quantitatively interpreted and the results gave values for the Total component measurements of ground magnetic anomaly which varied between a minimum negative peak value of about -330 gammas and a maximum positive peak value of about 80 gammas. Depth to the basement rock was estimated using half slope method. Information on wide range of magnetic intensities over the different rock types in this area were obtained from the quantitative interpretation using linear trends. The results generated were used to delineate rock boundaries, bedrock topography major and minor faults


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    The ground magnetic studies of Ijebu-jesa town in Oriade Local Government Area of Osun State Southwestern Nigeria was carried out which involves the use of Horizontal Components (i.e. horizontal magnetic intensities and horizontal magnetic gradients). The field data was qualitatively and quantitatively interpreted and the results give values for horizontal magnetic intensity that varied between a negative peak magnetic anomaly of about -800 gammas to a positive peak magnetic anomaly of about 1800 gammas. While the horizontal gradient give values that varied between a negative peak magnetic anomaly of about -500 gammas to a positive peak magnetic anomaly of about 500 gammas over the different rock types in this area. The magnetic values obtained from the linear trends analysis varied between a negative peak magnetic anomaly of about -100 gammas to a positive peak magnetic anomaly of about 120gammas. Depth to the basement rock was estimated using half slope method. The results generated were used to construct geomagnetic sections from where rock boundaries, bedrock topography major and minor faults were delineated

    Investigation of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Hot Spots in the College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota

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    The presence of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) from electronic devices such as personal computers, laboratory equipment and television sets in selected laboratories and offices at the College of Science and Technology Building, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria was characterized using an ELF Detection Meter. The study revealed that exposure to ELF fields could be controlled to the minimum depending on the awareness of the occupant. As with all electromagnetic fields, the ELF field decays rapidly with distance from source or hot spots. The average observed value of ELF in the offices ranged from 3.5 to 5.0 mG. A significant hot spot with ELF of approximately 10 mG in an office was detected close to the magnetic board fixed on the wall. From the results, the maximum ELF fields of between 30–50 mG were observed close to some electronic devices, while other areas recorded significant ELF fields of between 4 mG and 25 mG due to the presence of electrical internal conduit wiring with no electrical gadgets in their vicinities. Minimum ELF fields of between 0.1 mG and 0.5 mG were observed in one of the locations surveye

    Geophysical Investigation of Some Flood Prone Areas in Ota, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Thirteen shallow vertical electrical resistivity soundings using Schlumberger array were conducted within the study area. The aim of the study was to investigate the nature of the subsurface in some flood prone areas within the study area by determining the lithology and the corresponding inverse model resistivities at the depths investigated and hence the cause of flooding in the area during the wet season. The resistivity sounding data were collected along seven traverses using a Campus Tigre terrameter. The observed data were interpreted quantitatively using curve matching and computer assisted iteration method. The results of the inversion show a lithology that comprises of the top soil and a paralic sequence of sand and lateritic clay at the depth investigated with varied resistivity and thickness. The flooding is thought to be due to the shallow lateritic clay layer at an average depth of 5.2 m with thickness ranging from 14.5m to 31.8m at the various points of investigation and the shallow depth of the water tabl

    Mass Communication and Mass Incommunication: A Revisit

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    The need to revisit Adesanoye’s view on the prevailing communication gap between the urban and the rural areas over twenty-five years ago which he termed “mass incommunication” was as a result of the fact that the situation, rather than improving is increasingly deteriorating.  The authors in analyzing the situation discovered that even when and where concerted efforts are made by the media industry to involve the Nigerian populace in a participatory and interactive communication process, the success is always limited by factors such as  poverty, illiteracy, infrastructure, ownership, legal constraints, technology and media commercialization.  The writers suggested and agreed with other media scholars on the establishment of rural radio and community newspaper.  The government must revive the Adult Literacy campaign to improve the literacy level among the populace. Finally, there should be a return to the era of public service broadcasting. In essence, government news media should be well funded so as to accommodate the interest of everybody in participatory and interactive process of communication. Keywords: Mass Communication, Mass Incommunicatio

    Phytochemical, Proximate and Mineral Analyses of the Leaves of Bambusa Vulgaris L. and Artocarpus Altilis L

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    The need to boost livestock production in Nigeria calls for a provision of feed that is adequate in both quality and quantity as well as accessible to animals all year round. The quest to assess and exploit plants for their potentials in feeding livestock animals all year round necessitated this study. The phytochemical and nutritional composition of the leaves of Bambusa vulgaris and Artocarpus altilis were assayed. Phytochemical screening of the two plant leaves revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids and tannins. Terpenoids and steroids were absent in the two plants. Further phytochemical quantifications revealed B. vulgaris and A. altilis leaves contained alkaloids (10.64% and 14.80%), saponins (2.33 and 3.90%), flavonoids (4.60 and 3.70%), tannins (0.67 and 1.89 mg/100 g) and phenol (0.23 and 1.89 mg/100 g) respectively. The proximate analyses revealed low moisture content (12.27% and 14.88%), crude protein (2.84 and 2.15%), moderate crude fat (6.00 and 6.91%) and high crude fiber (16.96 and 9.96%), ash (11.82 and 15.92%) and carbohydrate (50.12 and 50.19%) respectively. The leaves were equally rich in Ca, K, P, Mg with low Na. Similarly, the results show that leaves of the two plants investigated could provide dietary and medicinal needs of livestock

    Development of a Modified Dehusking Machine for Local Varieties of Coconut

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    Traditional dehusking of coconut is time consuming, not effective, not economical, and a difficult process, coupled with high cost of importing previously developed dehusking machines. This work is aimed at developing a coconut de-husker that is affordable, user friendly, and has a higher productivity. Consideration was given to the three main varieties available in Nigeria; West African tall, hybrid and dwarf green varieties. All materials selected for the construction were locally sourced. The machine consists of two rollers made up of mild steel with spikes, shafts, electric motor, spur gears, block bearings and the mild-steel frame. Torque and speed reduction required for de-husking were calculated for average Nigerian coconut of 300-450 mm length, and 160-206 mm diameter. Spikes of length 20 mm at 1350 sharpened edge were arranged on the rollers. While the number of pinion teeth was 18 and gear teeth was 44. The total cost of production was ₦167,000 ($288). Performance test shows an efficiency of 90.4 % and dehusking of 80 coconuts per hour. No distortion of extracted fibre length was observed. It is appropriate for use in sub-Sahara region

    Quality assessment of hydroquinone, mercury, and arsenic in skin-lightening cosmetics marketed in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Hydroquinone, Mercury (Hg), and Arsenic (As) are hazardous to health upon long-term exposure. Hydroquinone, Hg, and As were analysed in skin-lightening cosmetics randomly purchased from different cosmetic outlets within the Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. The amount of hydroquinone in the samples was determined using a UV-spectrophotometry method at 290 nm. Hg and As were quantified using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). UV-spectrophotometry method validation showed excellent linearity (r2 = 0.9993), with limits of detection (0.75 g/mL), limits of quantification (2.28 g/mL), relative standard deviation (0.01–0.35%), and recovery (95.85–103.56%) in the concentration range of 5–50 g/mL. Similarly, r2, LOD, and LOQ for Hg and As were 0.9983 and 0.9991, (0.5 and 1.0 g/L) and 1.65 and 3.3 g/L) respectively. All the samples contained hydroquinone, Hg and As in varying amounts. The amounts of hydroquinone, Hg and As present were in the ranges of 1.9–3.3%, 0.08–2.52 g/g and 0.07–5.30 g/g respectively. Only three of the analysed samples contained hydroquinone within the permissible limit of 2.0% w/w in cosmetic products. All the samples analysed contained mercury and arsenic in varying amounts. The need to periodically monitor the levels of hydroquinone, mercury, and arsenic in skin-lightening cosmetics marketed in Nigeria is recommended

    Effects of Dissimilar Curing Systems on the Strength and Durability of Recycled PET-Modified Concrete

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    Since curing remains an essential parameter that directly influences concrete strength and durability, this research aimed at evaluating the effects of water, sodium chloride (NaCl), and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) curing regimes on concrete’s strength and durability. The design mix was composed of concrete mix ratio of 1:2:4, hydrated ordinary Portland cement with a water/ binder ratio of 0.50, river sand as fine aggregates, and varying percentages of heat-processed waste PET plastics and granite as coarse aggregates. The curing regimes’ performance was assessed by performing tests viz.: split tensile strength, compressive strength, and water absorption tests. The results showed that the curing regimes slightly influenced the split tensile and compressive strength of PET-modified concrete. The 5%-NaCl and 5%-Na2CO3 cured samples, compared to the samples cured in water, gained improved compressive strength values at all curing ages. NaCl curing further led to improved split tensile strengths for the 10 and 20% PET mixes. However, the water cured 20%-PET sample achieved the highest split tensile strength among PET-modified mixes after 28 days. PET-modified concretes attained water absorption percentages within the acceptable limit for normal concrete under the three curing regimes. Statistically, significant correlations and variations were established between the mechanical and durability properties assessed. The study concluded that the NaCl curing technique offers satisfactory performance at 10 and 20% PET replacement levels

    Analysis on mechanical properties of AA6061/Rice husk ash composites produced through stir casting technique

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    fabrication was done by stir casting techniques and the mechanical properties of AA6061/rice husk ash were assessed. The cast were produced with liquid metallurgy route through the reinforcement of 2–8 weight percentages of particle sizes of 75 mm rice husk ash. The microstructural test like SEM/EDS and mechanical properties were studied. From the results, the mechanical properties were found to increase at 8% rice husk ash reinforcement. SEM images revealed that homogenous dispersal of particulates without voids occur in cast and an increase up to 8% rice husk ash revealed substantial blending of matrix and reinforcement as evidenced in the microstructure examinatio
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