19 research outputs found

    Adoption de variétés de sorgho résilientes aux changements climatiques au Bénin

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    Le présent document expose les résultats d’une expérience de diffusion et d’adoption au Bénin, de variétés de sorgho résilientes aux changements climatiques.Les principaux bénéficiaires de ces actions sont en priorité des agriculteurs vivant dans des zones du Bénin où les effets des changements climatiques sur la sécurité alimentaire sont effectifs. Pendant la période d’exécution des projets, un total de 399 producteurs avait adopté les variétés. La contribution de ces variétés à l’accroissement de la production alimentaire est effective puisque des centaines de tonnes de grains de ces variétés sont annuellement produites pour la consommation locale. Au surplus, des producteurs de semences de ces variétés se sont spécialisés produisant et commercialisant des semences de variétés résilientes dans leurs localités et les villages environnants. Des recommandations sont formulées pour permettre une réplication de l’innovation à une échelle plus grande et pour assurer sa durabilité

    Indigenous food ingredients for complementary food formulations to combat infant malnutrition in Benin : a review

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    This paper reviews indigenous Beninese food resources as potential ingredients for complementary infant foods with the aim to develop affordable formulations for low-income households in each agro-ecological zone of the country. Potential ingredients were selected on their documented nutritional value. The selected foods encompass 347 food resources, namely 297 plant products from home gardens or collected from natural vegetation and 50 animals, either domesticated or from the wild. The compiled data reveal that the distribution of the available food resources was unbalanced between agro-ecological zones. Only a few animal ingredients are obtainable in northern Benin. Most resources are seasonal, but their availability may be extended. A high variation was observed in energy and nutrient contents. Antinutritional factors were identified in some resources, but processing techniques were reported to reduce their presence in meals. In general, ingredients from local tree foods (Adansonia digitata, Parkia biglobosa) were adequate as sources of nutrients for complementary infant foods. Based on this review, local foods for the development of complementary food formulas for Beninese infants and children may be selected for each agro-ecological zone. The approach used is exemplary for other sub-Saharan African countries in need of complementary infant foods

    Promoting dye-sorghum for local and global markets

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    Dye sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) as a distinct crop was only recently “discovered” by scientists in Benin. It is specifically grown for the red pigments in its leaf sheaths, that are used to color foods (e.g. local cheese, porridge) and in traditional medicine. Apart from producing dye-containing leaf sheaths, dye sorghum also produces grain. Natural sorghum colorants are considered safe for consumption, and therefore they are of interest to the food industry to replace synthetic dyes. Sorghum is the only plant known to contain the specific 3-deoxyanthocyanins in significant quantities. The 3-deoxyanthocyanidins are recognized as health-promoting phytochemicals, as they are more cytotoxic to human cancer cells than their 3-hydroxylated anthocyanidin analogs. Recently, researchers from Benin and The Netherlands studied the diversity of dye sorghum, its chemical composition and extraction; and to develop methods for its cultivation and processing. The genetic diversity of dye sorghum proved to be limited. Interestingly, very high levels of 3-deoxyanthocyanidins (apigeninidin and luteolinidin) were found. The amount of apigeninidin was 30 times higher than in cereal bran and the total anthocyanin content 5 times higher than in fruits and vegetables. The concentration of 3-deoxyanthocyanidin is mostly linked to environmental conditions during crop growth. A fertilization trial showed clear differences in leaf sheath size between treatments. Cultivation practices were optimized and subsequently the yields of both bio-colorant and grain increased by a factor of 2 and 3, respectively. Farmers successfully cultivated the dye sorghum crop on a commercial basis. A Beninese company regularly purchases tons of fresh leaves for local and international trade thereby supporting livelihood of farmers. Improved practices for post-harvest handling of leaf sheaths were developed to facilitate the export of dry leaf sheaths abroad. Extraction methods for bio-colorants were also developed. Aqueous ethanol was the most efficient solvent, yielding an extract with the best coloring power. Innovative food processing of grain allowed to produce (un)fermented porridges and beer, which are highly appreciated by consumers. Efforts are still needed in the legislation domain in view to allow the introduction of the dye sorghum leaf sheath on the global market

    Impact of brewing process operations on phytate, phenolic compounds and in vitro solubility of iron and zinc in opaque sorghum beer

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    Opaque sorghum beer is a significant component of the diet of millions of poor people in rural Africa. This study reports the effect of traditional brewing operations on its level of micronutrients, especially iron and zinc. The example of a West African sorghum beer, tchoukoutou, in Northern Benin was studied. The beer was characterized and the impact of process unit operations on phytate, phenolic compounds, and Zn and Fe in vitro solubility was evaluated. The major microorganisms involved in the beer fermentation were Saccharomyces cerevisiae and heterofermentative lactobacilli. The manufacturing process reduces the phytate content by nearly 95%, particularly during germination, mashing-boiling and fermentation. The level of reactive phenolic groups increased as a result of germination and fermentation as well as from a shift in dry matter composition. Simultaneously with these modifications, an increase of Fe solubility was observed, and a correlation between phytate and Fe solubility (R2=0.85) was established. No clear correlation could be established between the Zn solubility and the phytate content of the products. During beer manufacturing, significant losses of minerals occur particularly during soaking and mashing/filtration; thus the quantity of minerals available to consumers is restricted. Improvements aiming to minimize such losses are highly desirabl

    Evaluation of the Simultaneous Effects of Processing Parameters on the Iron and Zinc Solubility of Infant Sorghum Porridge by Response Surface Methodology

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    The purpose of this study was to improve the micronutrient quality of indigenous African infant flour using traditional techniques available in the region. Response surface methodology was used to study the effect of duration of soaking, germination, and fermentation on phytate and phenolic compounds (PC), pH, viscosity, and the in vitro solubility (IVS) of iron and zinc in infant sorghum flour. The phytate and the PC concentrations of the flour were significantly modified as a result of the duration of germination and fermentation and their mutual interaction. These modifications were accompanied by a significant increase in % IVS Zn after 24 h of sprouting. Except for the interaction of soaking and fermentation, none of the processing parameters exerted a significant effect on the % IVS Fe. The viscosity of the porridge prepared with the flour decreased significantly with the duration of germination, making it possible to produce a porridge with high energy and nutrient density. The use of germination in combination with fermentation is recommended in the processing of cereals for infant feeding in developing countries

    Fighting Fe deficiency malnutrition in West Africa : an interdisciplinary programme on a food chain approach

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    About 2 billion people, mainly women and young children, suffer from iron deficiency. The supply of iron (Fe) falls short when consumed foods have a low Fe content or when absorption of Fe is inhibited by the presence of phytic acid and polyphenols in the diet. Current interventions are dietary diversification, supplementation, fortification and biofortification. In West Africa these interventions have only moderate chances of success due to low purchasing power of households, lack of elementary logistics, lack of central processing of food and the high heterogeneity in production and consumption conditions. A staple food chain approach, integrating parts of current interventions was proposed as an alternative. The research was carried out in several villages in Benin and Burkina Faso to take ecological, cultural and socio-economic diversity into account. The interdisciplinary approach aimed at elaborating interventions in soil fertility management, improvement and choice of sorghum varieties and food processing, to increase Fe and decrease the phytic acid-Fe molar ratio in sorghum-based foods. The phytic acid-Fe molar ratio was used as a proxy for Fe bioavailability in food. Synergy and trade-offs resulting from the integrated approach showed its added value. P fertilization and soil organic amendments applied to increase yield were found to also increase phytic acid content of the grain and thus to decrease its nutritional value. Amounts of Fe and phytic acid and their ratio in the grain differed among sorghum varieties, illustrating the presence of genetic variation for Fe bioavailability. The current local food preparation method for one of the main sorghum-based foods (dibou) in northern Benin did not include processing steps that remove or de-activate anti-nutritional factors reducing Fe bioavailability. The preliminary results suggest that a feasible chain solution consists of breeding for high Fe and moderate phytic acid contents and using soil organic amendments and P fertilization to increase yields but that this needs to be followed by improved food processing to remove phytic acid. Further research on timing of application of phosphate, Fe fertilizer and soil organic amendments is needed to improve phytic acid-Fe molar ratios in the grain. Research on the exact distribution of Fe, phosphate, phytic acid and tannins within the sorghum grain is needed to enable the development of more effective combinations of food processing methods aiming for more favourable phytic acid-Fe molar ratios in sorghum-based food

    Household production of sorghum beer in Benin: technological and socio-economic aspects

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    This study evaluated the sorghum brewing microenterprises in Benin with emphasis on the beer quality, the social significance of the product as well as the income generated. Tchoukoutou, the Benin opaque sorghum beer, has important social functions as it fosters the cooperative spirit and remains an ancestral beverage widely used for traditional ceremonies. The manufacturing process consists of malting (soaking, germination and sun drying), brewing (mashing, boiling, filtration) and fermentation. The beer is sour with a pH of 3.2 and contains a relatively high but variable level of solids and crude protein. Most of the consumers appreciate an opaque, sour and pink-coloured beer. The consumers related many of the beer properties to health effects. Participants can link the perceived qualities of the beer to the grainÂżs functional properties, and this leads to the classification of the farmersÂż sorghum as varieties of top, medium and low quality for brewing. The profits from tchoukoutou production range from 2365 to 17 212 fcfa per month (1 euro = 656 fcfa) for the producers, depending on beer yield and quantity of raw grain transformed. The generated income is used for household needs and part of it is invested in childrenÂżs educatio

    Impact of sorghum processing on phytate, phenolic compounds and in vitro solubility of iron and zinc in thick porridges

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    This study focussed on the impact of process variables on levels of phytate and phenolic compounds, and in vitro solubility of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) in sorghum porridges, a major staple in semi-arid tropics. The aim was to identify practices that enhance the mineral availability in this type of staple food. We studied the example of the West African porridge `dibou' for which the processing methods involve grain cleaning, milling, sieving and cooking. Regional variations occur in the process, particularly in the cleaning which may be done wet or dry; sieving may be omitted in certain locations. Cleaning reduced the phytate content of the grain by 24-39%, while milling, sieving and cooking had no significant effect on phytate. Phenolic compounds measured as levels of reactive hydroxyl groups, remained constant after cleaning, milling and sieving, but significantly decreased by 38-65% after cooking. The Fe solubility tended to increase after cleaning but was drastically reduced due to cooking, and so was the soluble Zn. Levels of total phenolic compounds highly correlated with the Fe and Zn solubility (r2 = 0.73 and 0.82, respectively). Phenolic reaction products formed during the cooking process are presumably related with the extensive browning phenomenon observed in the dibou porridge, and with the reduction observed in Fe and Zn solubilit

    Quality of farmers' varieties of sorghum and derived foods as perceived by consumers in Benin

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    Culinary and sensory characteristics of sorghum crops and derived foods in northern Benin were investigated using rapid appraisal and quantitative survey methods. Three food categories were identified: pastes, porridges, and beverages. In the main town, all of these are encountered. In other areas, sorghum is mostly consumed as either paste or beverages. The major sensory quality attributes are related to texture, color, and taste. Brown or red sorghum types are generally used, because of food habits, beliefs, and appearance. We distinguished more than 100 farmersÂż varieties and classified them according to their suitability for the preparation of different sorghum- based food