2,682 research outputs found

    A Lotting Method for Electronic Reverse Auctions

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    An increasing number of commercial companies are using online reverse auctions for their sourcing activities. In reverse auctions, multiple suppliers bid for a contract from a buyer for selling goods and/or services. Usually, the buyer has to procure multiple items, which are typically divided into lots for auctioning purposes. By steering the composition of the lots, a buyer can increase the attractiveness of its lots for thesuppliers, which can then make more competitive offers, leading to larger savings for the procuring party. In this paper, a clustering-based heuristic lotting method is proposed for reverse auctions. Agglomerative clustering is used for determining the items that will be put in the same lot. A suitable metric is defined, which allows the procurer to incorporate various approaches to lotting. The proposed lotting method has been tested for the procurement activities of a consumer packaged goods company. The results indicate that the proposed strategy leads to 2-3% savings, while the procurement experts confirm that the lots determined by the proposed method are acceptable given the procurement goals.e-commerce;reverse auctions;hierarchical clustering;lotting;e-procurement

    Fuzzy clustering with volume prototypes and adaptive cluster merging

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    Two extensions to the objective function-based fuzzy clustering are proposed. First, the (point) prototypes are extended to hypervolumes, whose size can be fixed or can be determined automatically from the data being clustered. It is shown that clustering with hypervolume prototypes can be formulated as the minimization of an objective function. Second, a heuristic cluster merging step is introduced where the similarity among the clusters is assessed during optimization. Starting with an overestimation of the number of clusters in the data, similar clusters are merged in order to obtain a suitable partitioning. An adaptive threshold for merging is proposed. The extensions proposed are applied to Gustafson–Kessel and fuzzy c-means algorithms, and the resulting extended algorithm is given. The properties of the new algorithm are illustrated by various examples

    A Theoretical Analysis of Cooperative Behavior in Multi-Agent Q-learning

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    A number of experimental studies have investigated whether cooperative behavior may emerge in multi-agent Q-learning. In some studies cooperative behavior did emerge, in others it did not. This report provides a theoretical analysis of this issue. The analysis focuses on multi-agent Q-learning in iterated prisoner’s dilemmas. It is shown that under certain assumptions cooperative behavior may emerge when multi-agent Q-learning is applied in an iterated prisoner’s dilemma. An important consequence of the analysis is that multi-agent Q-learning may result in non-Nash behavior. It is found experimentally that the theoretical results derived in this report are quite robust to violations of the underlying assumptions.Cooperation;Multi-Agent Q-Learning;Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning;Nash Equilibrium;Prisoner’s Dilemma

    Weighted Constraints in Fuzzy Optimization

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    Many practical optimization problems are characterized by someflexibility in the problem constraints, where this flexibility canbe exploited for additional trade-off between improving theobjective function and satisfying the constraints. Especially indecision making, this type of flexibility could lead to workablesolutions, where the goals and the constraints specified bydifferent parties involved in the decision making are traded offagainst one another and satisfied to various degrees. Fuzzy setshave proven to be a suitable representation for modeling this typeof soft constraints. Conventionally, the fuzzy optimizationproblem in such a setting is defined as the simultaneoussatisfaction of the constraints and the goals. No additionaldistinction is assumed to exist amongst the constraints and thegoals. This report proposes an extension of this model forsatisfying the problem constraints and the goals, where preferencefor different constraints and goals can be specified by thedecision-maker. The difference in the preference for theconstraints is represented by a set of associated weight factors,which influence the nature of trade-off between improving theoptimization objectives and satisfying various constraints.Simultaneous weighted satisfaction of various criteria is modeledby using the recently proposed weighted extensions of(Archimedean) fuzzy t-norms. The weighted satisfaction of theproblem constraints and goals are demonstrated by using a simplefuzzy linear programming problem. The framework, however, is moregeneral, and it can also be applied to fuzzy mathematicalprogramming problems and multi-objective fuzzy optimization.wiskundige programmering;fuzzy sets;optimalisatie

    Fuzzy Modeling of Client Preference in Data-Rich Marketing Environments

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    Advances in computational methods have led, in the world of financial services, to huge databases of client and market information. In the past decade, various computational intelligence (CI) techniques have been applied in mining this data for obtaining knowledge and in-depth information about the clients and the markets. This paper discusses the application of fuzzy clustering in target selection from large databases for direct marketing (DM) purposes. Actual data from the campaigns of a large financial services provider are used as a test case. The results obtained with the fuzzy clustering approach are compared with those resulting from the current practice of using statistical tools for target selection.fuzzy clustering;direct marketing;client segmentation;fuzzy systems

    Extended Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms

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    Fuzzy clustering is a widely applied method for obtaining fuzzy models from data. Ithas been applied successfully in various fields including finance and marketing. Despitethe successful applications, there are a number of issues that must be dealt with in practicalapplications of fuzzy clustering algorithms. This technical report proposes two extensionsto the objective function based fuzzy clustering for dealing with these issues. First, the(point) prototypes are extended to hypervolumes whose size is determined automaticallyfrom the data being clustered. These prototypes are shown to be less sensitive to a biasin the distribution of the data. Second, cluster merging by assessing the similarity amongthe clusters during optimization is introduced. Starting with an over-estimated number ofclusters in the data, similar clusters are merged during clustering in order to obtain a suitablepartitioning of the data. An adaptive threshold for merging is introduced. The proposedextensions are applied to Gustafson-Kessel and fuzzy c-means algorithms, and the resultingextended algorithms are given. The properties of the new algorithms are illustrated invarious examples.fuzzy clustering;cluster merging;similarity;volume prototypes

    Wages, Implicit Contracts, and the Business Cycle: Evidence from a European Panel

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    This paper examines the cyclical behavior of hours and wages in a unique panel of 11 European countries, and documents signi?cant history dependence in wages. Workers who experience favorable market conditions during their tenure on the job, have higher wages, and work fewer labor hours. Unobserved differences in productivity, such as varying job quality, or match-speci?c productivity are not likely to explain this variation. The results instead point to the importance of contractual arrangements in wage determination. In economies with decentralized bargaining practices, such arrangements resemble self-enforcing insurance contracts with onesided commitment (by the employer). On the other hand, in countries with strong unions and centralized wage bargaining, wage behavior is better approximated by full-commitment insurance contracts.Business Cycles; Wage Rigidity; Implicit Contracts

    Real wage growth over the business cycle:contractual versus spot markets

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    We study the wage growth of job stayers over the business cycle, and show that wage adjustments within a job spell display significant history dependence. This is at odds with the spot market model, which implies that the wage growth of a worker within a job spell depends solely on the change in the contemporaneous economic conditions. Instead, we find that workers hired during recessions, or those who experienced unfavorable economic conditions since they were hired, receive larger wage raises during expansions, and are subject to smaller wage cuts during downswings. The change in the contemporaneous conditions, on the other hand, is not a significant determinant of wage growth. Our findings are consistent with a model of implicit insurance contracts where neither the employer nor the worker can fully commit to the contract.Business Cycles,Wage Rigidity, Implicit Contracts, Cyclical Selection