20 research outputs found

    Understanding the spatial temporal vegetation dynamics in Rwanda

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    Knowledge of current vegetation dynamics and an ability to make accurate predictions of ecological changes are essential for minimizing food scarcity in developing countries. Vegetation trends are also closely related to sustainability issues, such as management of conservation areas and wildlife habitats. In this study, AVHRR and MODIS NDVI datasets have been used to assess the spatial temporal dynamics of vegetation greenness in Rwanda under the contrasting trends of precipitation, for the period starting from 1990 to 2014, and for the first growing season (season A). Based on regression analysis and the Hurst exponent index methods, we have investigated the spatial temporal characteristics and the interrelationships between vegetation greenness and precipitation in light of NDVI and gridded meteorological datasets. The findings revealed that the vegetation cover was characterized by an increasing trend of a maximum annual change rate of 0.043. The results also suggest that 81.3% of the country's vegetation has improved throughout the study period, while 14.1% of the country's vegetation degraded, from slight (7.5%) to substantial (6.6%) deterioration. Most pixels with severe degradation were found in Kigali city and the Eastern Province. The analysis of changes per vegetation type highlighted that five types of vegetation are seriously endangered: The mosaic grassland/forest or shrubland was severely degraded, followed by sparse vegetation, grassland or woody vegetation regularly flooded on water logged soil, artificial surfaces and broadleaved forest regularly flooded. The Hurst exponent results indicated that the vegetation trend was consistent, with a sustainable area percentage of 40.16%, unsustainable area of 1.67% and an unpredictable area of 58.17%. This study will provide government and local authorities with valuable information for improving efficiency in the recently targeted countrywide efforts of environmental protection and regeneration

    Mapping and monitoring the Akagera wetland in Rwanda

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    Wetland maps are a prerequisite for wetland development planning, protection, and restoration. The present study aimed at mapping and monitoring Rwanda's Akagera Complex Wetland by means of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). Landsat data, spanning from 1987 to 2015, were acquired from different sensor instruments, considering a 5-year interval during the dry season and the shuttle radar topographic mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (30-m resolution) was used to delineate the wetland. The mapping and delineation results showed that the wetland narrowly extends along the Rwanda-Tanzania border from north to south, following the course of Akagera River and the total area can be estimated at 100,229.76 ha. After waterbodies that occupy 30% of the wetland's surface area, hippo grass and Cyperus papyrus are also predominant, representing 29.8% and 29%, respectively. Floodplain and swamp forest have also been inventoried in smaller proportions. While the wetland extent has apparently remained stable, the inhabiting waterbodies have been subject to enormous instability due to invasive species. Lakes, such as Mihindi, Ihema, Hago and Kivumba have been shrinking in extent, while Lake Rwanyakizinga has experienced a certain degree of expansion. This study represents a consistent decision support tool for Akagera wetland management in Rwanda

    Assessment of Vegetation Dynamics and Ecosystem Resilience in the Context of Climate Change and Drought in the Horn of Africa

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    Understanding the response of vegetation and ecosystem resilience to climate variability and drought conditions is essential for ecosystem planning and management. In this study, we assessed the vegetation changes and ecosystem resilience in the Horn of Africa (HOA) since 2000 and detected their drivers based mainly on analysis of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products. We found that the annual and seasonal trends of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) generally increased during the last two decades over the Horn of Africa particularly in western parts of Ethiopia and Kenya. The weakest annual and seasonal NDVI trends were observed over the grassland cover and tropical arid agroecological zones. The NDVI variation negatively correlated with Land Surface Temperature (LST) and positively correlated with precipitation at a significant level (p < 0.05) account for 683,197 km2 and 533,385 km2 area, respectively. The ecosystem Water Use Efficiency (eWUE) showed overall increasing trends with larger values for the grassland biome. The precipitation had the most significant effect on eWUE variation compared to LST and annual SPEI (Standardized Evapotranspiration Index). There were about 54.9% of HOA resilient to drought disturbance, whereas 32.6% was completely not-resilient. The ecosystems in the humid agroecological zones, the cropland, and wetland were slightly not-resilient to severe drought conditions in the region. This study provides useful information for policy makers regarding ecosystem and dryland management in the context of climate change at both national and regional levels

    Assessment of Vegetation Dynamics and Ecosystem Resilience in the Context of Climate Change and Drought in the Horn of Africa

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    Understanding the response of vegetation and ecosystem resilience to climate variability and drought conditions is essential for ecosystem planning and management. In this study, we assessed the vegetation changes and ecosystem resilience in the Horn of Africa (HOA) since 2000 and detected their drivers based mainly on analysis of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products. We found that the annual and seasonal trends of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) generally increased during the last two decades over the Horn of Africa particularly in western parts of Ethiopia and Kenya. The weakest annual and seasonal NDVI trends were observed over the grassland cover and tropical arid agroecological zones. The NDVI variation negatively correlated with Land Surface Temperature (LST) and positively correlated with precipitation at a significant level (p < 0.05) account for 683,197 km2 and 533,385 km2 area, respectively. The ecosystem Water Use Efficiency (eWUE) showed overall increasing trends with larger values for the grassland biome. The precipitation had the most significant effect on eWUE variation compared to LST and annual SPEI (Standardized Evapotranspiration Index). There were about 54.9% of HOA resilient to drought disturbance, whereas 32.6% was completely not-resilient. The ecosystems in the humid agroecological zones, the cropland, and wetland were slightly not-resilient to severe drought conditions in the region. This study provides useful information for policy makers regarding ecosystem and dryland management in the context of climate change at both national and regional levels

    Development of a GIS based hazard, exposure, and vulnerability analyzing method for monitoring drought risk at Karachi, Pakistan

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    peer reviewedDroughts have an adverse influence on agriculture, the environment, water supplies, and the global economy. The drought risk was computed using an integrated prospective approach: drought hazard, exposure, and vulnerability based on biophysical and socio-economic conditions over Karachi, Pakistan during 2000–2019. Drought hazard map (DHM) was created using annual Palmer drought severity Index (PDSI). Drought exposure map (DEM) was derived using population density and gross domestic product (GDP), as well as land surface temperature (LST), Normal difference vegetation index (NDVI), Night light images (NTL), land use land cover (LULC), and Distance to water were used for drought vulnerability map (DVM). An estimation of drought Risk (EDR) was derived by integrating layers of DHM, DEM, and DVM. Results showed that Central, South, and East regions of Karachi were at high risk, whereas the North East and North were less affected by the drought. The estimated average drought hazard (EDH) was 0.84, with minimum (maximum) value of 0.68 (1). Similarly, the average estimated drought exposure (estimated drought vulnerability) for EDE (EDV) was 0.27 (0.42), with the maximum value of 0.55 (0.84) and the minimum value of 0 (0). The drought risk assessment map (DRAM) shows that the average risk values is 0.18 while highest value is 0.36

    Spatiotemporal shifts in thermal climate in responses to urban cover changes: a-case analysis of major cities in Punjab, Pakistan

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    peer reviewedThis study investigates the relationship of urban thermal environment (UTE) with various influential factors as well as ecological conditions. The relation between LST and land use and land cover (LULC) changes was explored in terms of remote-sensing (RS) based indices; heat effect contribution index (HECI), Urban thermal field variance index (UTFVI), Surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII), Normal Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), and Normal Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). LULC maps were classified using the unsupervised classification technique and made error matrix to determine the accuracy. Results revealed that the vegetated area in Faisalabad decreased by 230km2 due to an expansion in the urban area of 124-320km2 during the period 1992-2014. An average LST in the rural buffers is increasing rapidly as compare to urban buffer and varied over the eight years with a range of 0.68-2.57 (°C). After 2007, SUHII's linear trend was negative because rural temperatures were still rising. Based on HECI, we found that urban expansion mainly led to increase in LST. UTFVI has shown poor ecological conditions in all urban buffers. In addition, there is a positive correlation between LST and NDBI, while NDVI indicates a negative correlation with LST

    基于遥感和景观指标的 NYUNGWE-KIBIRA 公园森林覆盖变化和破碎度监测

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    本文以跨越卢旺达和布隆迪的自然保护区的 Nyungwe-Kibira 公园为研究区域,评估研究区 1986 年至 2015 年间森林覆盖率变化及森林退化情况,分析 Nyungwe-Kibira公园保护区和周边 5 公里对照缓冲区域变化过程的相似性和差异性,定量描述人类活动对其变化的影响。本研究以 30 m 空间分辨率的 Landsat TM,ETM +和 8OLI 数据作为主要数据源,借助地理信息系统(GIS)进行土地覆盖制图与变化检测,并使用 FRAGSTATS 软件计算景观指数,分析森林覆盖和景观格局的分类与变化情况。研究结果显示,1986 年至 2015 年期间,在公园内考虑的 5 种土地覆被类型中,高覆盖率的林地占主导,面积为整个公园区域面积的 70%以上。而在对照缓冲区内,开垦耕地和开放土地更占主导地位,面积占 90%以上。变化检测显示,1986~2015 年间,在 Nyungwe-Kibira 公园区域内,森林每年大约消失了 0.27%(4.97 km2),而年再生率仅为 0.07%(1.22 km2),表明森林的消失速率远大于其恢复速率。在景观类型水平的四个景观指数研究结果表明公园内的林地分散分布,对照缓冲区内的破碎度很高。这些统计结果与木材能源消耗赤字均表明非法砍伐带来的森林减少和森林退化给公园的生态环境带来了很大的压力,这种退化发展趋势对 Nyungwe-Kibira 公园的可持续性形成了极大的威胁。研究结果可为公园的决策者和管理者提供参考,为其采取迅速有效的措施,减少森林的消失,遏制森林的退化,避免生态系统的退化,改善和维持生态系统的自我平衡能力提供科学依据。建议的措施包括:减少公园边界的社区依赖,在缓冲区再造林,通过在农田边界和可用的非森林地区应用农林业等。根据分类结果和映射结果的准确性,本文的结果可能具有一些误差和可改进的地方,为了进一步提高分析的准确性,可采用更高分辨率的遥感数据和更加详细的地面勘测弥补这方面的缺陷,以提高研究精度。然而,为保障森林管理的适宜性,有必要开展综合和常规的的评估工作。最后,建议至少每五年对自然保护区森林的时空格局进行一次分析,以此明晰森林自然再生现象等具体特征,因为在森林砍伐区,在没有其他土地利用类型存在的情况下,森林的这些特征通常会受到热带气候的影响

    Spatiotemporal Variation in Gross Primary Productivity and Their Responses to Climate in the Great Lakes Region of Sub-Saharan Africa during 2001&ndash;2020

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    The impacts of climate on spatiotemporal variations of eco-physiological and bio-physical factors have been widely explored in previous research, especially in dry areas. However, the understanding of gross primary productivity (GPP) variations and its interactions with climate in humid and semi-humid areas remains unclear. Based on hyperspectral satellite remotely sensed vegetation phenology processes and related indices and the re-analysed climate datasets, we investigated the seasonal and inter-annual variability of GPP by using different light-use efficiency (LUE) models including the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approaches (CASA) model, vegetation photosynthesis models (VPMChl and VPMCanopy) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) GPP products (MOD17A2H) during 2001&ndash;2020 over the Great Lakes region of Sub-Saharan Africa (GLR-SSA). The models&rsquo; validation against the in situ GPP-based upscaled observations (GPP-EC) indicated that these three models can explain 82%, 79% and 80% of GPP variations with root mean square error (RMSE) values of 5.7, 8.82 and 10.12 g C&middot;m&minus;2&middot;yr&minus;1, respectively. The spatiotemporal variations of GPP showed that the GLR-SSA experienced: (i) high GPP values during December-May; (ii) high annual GPP increase during 2002&ndash;2003, 2011&ndash;2013 and 2015&ndash;2016 and annual decreasing with a marked alternation in other years; (iii) evergreen broadleaf forests having the highest GPP values while grasslands and croplands showing lower GPP values. The spatial correlation between GPP and climate factors indicated 60% relative correlation between precipitation and GPP and 65% correction between surface air temperature and GPP. The results also showed high GPP values under wet conditions (in rainy seasons and humid areas) that significantly fell by the rise of dry conditions (in long dry season and arid areas). Therefore, these results showed that climate factors have potential impact on GPP variability in this region. However, these findings may provide a better understanding of climate implications on GPP variability in the GLR-SSA and other tropical climate zones

    Analysis of Climate and Topography Impacts on the Spatial Distribution of Vegetation in the Virunga Volcanoes Massif of East-Central Africa

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    This paper aimed to investigate the influence of climatic and topographic factors on the distribution of vegetation in the Virunga Volcanoes Massif using GIS and remote sensing techniques. The climatic variables considered were precipitation, Land Surface Temperature (LST), and evapotranspiration (ET), whereas the topographic factors considered were elevation and aspect. The dataset consisted of MODIS NDVI data, satellite-delivered precipitation, ET, and the LST. A 2014 Landsat 8 OLI image was used to produce a vegetation map of the study area, while DEM was used to derive the elevation attributes and to calculate the aspect angles. Moran’s I and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) Model was used to analyze the relationships between the climatic factors and NDVI changes over elevation and aspect. The results indicated that among the nine vegetation types inventoried in the area, the Mean NDVI varied from 0.33 to 0.59 and the optimal vegetation growth was found at an elevation between 2000 and 3900 m, with mean NDVI values larger than 0.50. The peak mean NDVI value of 0.59 was found at the elevation from 2100 to 2800 m. Vegetation growth was found to be more sensitive to elevation, as NDVI values were more varied at a lower elevation (&lt;4000 m) than at a higher elevation (&gt;4000 m). Considering the aspect, the greater vegetation growth was found in SE (132°, 148°), SW (182°, 186°), and NW (309.5°–337.5°), with mean NDVI values larger than 0.56. This indicated that vegetation was susceptible to better growth conditions in the lower elevation ranges and in shady areas. The vegetation NDVI in this study area was mostly uncorrelated with precipitation (R2 = 0.34), but was strongly correlated with LST (R2 = 0.99) and ET (R2 = 98). LST (≥18 °C) and ET (1286 mm/year−1) were found to provide optimal conditions for vegetation growth in the Virunga Volcanoes Massif. Empirically, the results concluded that elevation, aspect, LST, and ET are the main factors controlling the spatial distribution and vegetation growth in this area. This information is significantly helpful for biodiversity conservation and constitutes a valuable input to environmental and ecological research

    Spatiotemporal Variation in Gross Primary Productivity and Their Responses to Climate in the Great Lakes Region of Sub-Saharan Africa during 2001–2020

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    The impacts of climate on spatiotemporal variations of eco-physiological and bio-physical factors have been widely explored in previous research, especially in dry areas. However, the understanding of gross primary productivity (GPP) variations and its interactions with climate in humid and semi-humid areas remains unclear. Based on hyperspectral satellite remotely sensed vegetation phenology processes and related indices and the re-analysed climate datasets, we investigated the seasonal and inter-annual variability of GPP by using different light-use efficiency (LUE) models including the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approaches (CASA) model, vegetation photosynthesis models (VPMChl and VPMCanopy) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) GPP products (MOD17A2H) during 2001–2020 over the Great Lakes region of Sub-Saharan Africa (GLR-SSA). The models’ validation against the in situ GPP-based upscaled observations (GPP-EC) indicated that these three models can explain 82%, 79% and 80% of GPP variations with root mean square error (RMSE) values of 5.7, 8.82 and 10.12 g C·m−2·yr−1, respectively. The spatiotemporal variations of GPP showed that the GLR-SSA experienced: (i) high GPP values during December-May; (ii) high annual GPP increase during 2002–2003, 2011–2013 and 2015–2016 and annual decreasing with a marked alternation in other years; (iii) evergreen broadleaf forests having the highest GPP values while grasslands and croplands showing lower GPP values. The spatial correlation between GPP and climate factors indicated 60% relative correlation between precipitation and GPP and 65% correction between surface air temperature and GPP. The results also showed high GPP values under wet conditions (in rainy seasons and humid areas) that significantly fell by the rise of dry conditions (in long dry season and arid areas). Therefore, these results showed that climate factors have potential impact on GPP variability in this region. However, these findings may provide a better understanding of climate implications on GPP variability in the GLR-SSA and other tropical climate zones