4,992 research outputs found

    Outer membrane vesicles of Porphyromonas gingivalis: Novel communication tool and strategy

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been recognized as a universal method of cellular communications and are reportedly produced in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Bacterial EVs are often called "Outer Membrane Vesicles" (OMVs) as they were the result of a controlled blebbing of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis). Bacterial EVs are natural messengers, implicated in intra-and inter-species cell-to-cell communication among microorganism populations present in microbiota. Bacteria can incorporate their pathogens into OMVs; the content of OMVs differs, depending on the type of bacteria. The production of distinct types of OMVs can be mediated by different factors and routes. A recent study highlighted OMVs ability to carry crucial molecules implicated in immune modulation, and, nowadays, they are considered as a way to communicate and transfer messages from the bacteria to the host and vice versa. This review article focuses on the current understanding of OMVs produced from major oral bacteria, P. gingivalis: generation, characteristics, and contents as well as the involvement in signal transduction of host cells and systemic diseases. Our recent study regarding the action of P. gingivalis OMVs in the living body is also summarized

    Outer membrane vesicles of Porphyromonas gingivalis : Novel communication tool and strategy

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been recognized as a universal method of cellular communications and are reportedly produced in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Bacterial EVs are often called “Outer Membrane Vesicles” (OMVs) as they were the result of a controlled blebbing of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis). Bacterial EVs are natural messengers, implicated in intra- and inter-species cell-to-cell communication among microorganism populations present in microbiota. Bacteria can incorporate their pathogens into OMVs; the content of OMVs differs, depending on the type of bacteria. The production of distinct types of OMVs can be mediated by different factors and routes. A recent study highlighted OMVs ability to carry crucial molecules implicated in immune modulation, and, nowadays, they are considered as a way to communicate and transfer messages from the bacteria to the host and vice versa. This review article focuses on the current understanding of OMVs produced from major oral bacteria, P. gingivalis: generation, characteristics, and contents as well as the involvement in signal transduction of host cells and systemic diseases. Our recent study regarding the action of P. gingivalis OMVs in the living body is also summarized


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    近年,セルフ・エスティーム(Self-Esteem:SE)の適応的側面として自律的SE(autonomous SE)(山崎他,2017)の概念が提唱されている。本研究では,小学校5年生から中学校1年生を対象にした自律的SEを高める予防教育プログラムの開発を行った。本プログラムは,山崎他(2018)の自律的SEの概念理論とユニバーサル予防教育「『いのちと友情』の学校予防教育(Trial Of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship : TOP SELF)」の理論が基盤となっている。本文では,まず自律的SEの概念と発達プロセスとTOP SELFの理論,および自律的SEの開発の観点をまとめた。授業の内容は,授業の展開部分を中心とし,プログラム実施容易性向上の具体を説明している。展望では,適応的SEを伸ばす教育プログラムとしての教育効果の検証の必要性とその方法について述べた。The purpose of this study was to develop an educational program to cultivate autonomous selfesteem for 5th- to 7th- grades children as one of the programs called "Trial Of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship (TOP SELF)". In developing the program, the concept and developmental process of autonomous self-esteem (Yamasaki et al., 2018), the background theory and running procedures of the TOP SELF are utilized. Specifically, preparation and implementation with little burden for teachers were underscored. The completed program is expected to effectively increase autonomous self-esteem and decrease heteronomous one, keeping the basic characteristics of the TOP SELF, along with easily manageable implementation. The necessity for examining the effectiveness of the program using appropriate assessment designs and tools is discussed as a future research topic

    ユニバーサル予防教育「自律的セルフ・エスティームの育成」プログラムの効果 : 小学校5年生を対象とした教育効果の検証

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    本研究では,ユニバーサル予防教育TOP SELF(Trial Of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship)の教育の1つである「自律的セルフ・エスティームの育成」プログラムの教育効果の検証を行った。参加者は,小学校5年生の157名(教育条件83名,比較条件74名)であった。教育効果の測定には,児童用紙筆版セルフ・エスティーム潜在連合テスト(SE-IAT-C)が用いられた。分析の結果,比較条件の参加者の教育前後のSE-IAT-C得点は無変化であり,教育条件の参加者のみ,教育前後で有意に得点が上昇していた。この結果から,教育プログラムの効果が確認された。加えて,考察では本研究の課題や今後の研究の展開が論じられた。This research examined the effectiveness of a universal prevention education, termed "Trial Of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship (TOP SELF)" for development of autonomous selfesteem. Participants were 157 5th-grade children (83 for the education group, 74 for the control group) from two elementary schools. To assess autonomous self-esteem, each child completed the paper and pencil version of the Self-Esteem Implicit Association Test for Children (SE-IAT-C). The education group completed it twice, before and after the intervention, and the control group completed it in similar periods. Results showed that the SE-IAT-C scores in the control group did not significantly changed, while the scores in the education group increased significantly. Limitations of this research and future improvement of the research are discussed

    ガッコウ ヨボウ キョウイク プログラム カンジョウ ノ リカイ ト タイショ ノ イクセイ ノ キョウイク コウカ : ショウガッコウ 5ネンセイ オ タイショウ ニ

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    本研究は,学級集団を対象としたユニバーサル予防教育TOP SELF (Trial Of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship)のベース総合教育「感情の理解と対処の育成」のプログラムを実施し,その教育効果を検証した。対象者は小学校5年生3学級に在籍する109名で,自己評価,他者評価(クラス),向上度評価(自己・グループ・クラス)で構成された自記式質問紙を用いてデータを収集し,教育効果を分析した。その結果,当該プログラムの中位目標である「感情の同定」「感情の理解」「感情の対処」全てにおいて自己評価で有意な教育効果が確認された。また,他者評価においても「感情の理解」以外において,性差はみられたものの有意な教育効果が認められた。This study examined the educational effectiveness of an universal prevention education, named “Trial of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship (TOP SELF)” for Development of Understanding and Regulating Emotions. This program is designed to develop children’s emotional understanding and emotional regulation. Participants were 109 5th grade children from three classes. They completed a self-report inventory before and after the intervention. The inventory included questions of students’ perception of own, group members’ and classmates’ skills: identifying, understanding, and regulating emotions. The results indicated that participants perceived significant improvement in those skills of themselves after the intervention. Girls demonstrated higher mean levels for their classmates’ ability in identifying and regulating emotions and boys highlighted a higher mean level for their classmates’ proficiency in emotional regulation. Several items are significantly correlated with impression of this program such as“ the program was enjoyable” and “the program was understandable enough

    ジドウヨウ ノ カンイバン セルフ エスティーム SE センザイ レンゴウ テスト ノ カイハツ ノ コウソウ : ジリツテキ ナラビニ タリツテキ SE オ ドウジ ニ ソクテイ スル シヒツバン ト タブレット PCバン ノ ソクテイホウ カイハツ ニ カンスル リロン

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    本論文では,自律的SEと他律的SEを同時に測定することができる,紙筆版およびタブレットPC版の簡易版SE潜在連合テスト(SE-IAT)の開発に関する理論を提示することを目的としている。第1節では,本研究の背景として,近年のSE研究の動向と自律的SEおよび他律的SEの概念と測定方法論について提示している。第2節では,現行の自律的SEの測定法の理論について言及している。そして,第3節では自律的SEと他律的SEを同時測定する山崎ら(印刷中)の理論を紹介しながら,それを児童用の簡易版SE-IATで作成する構想をまとめている。The present paper aimed to depict the theoretical perspectives of developing Implicit Association Test (IAT) to measure autonomous and heteronomous self-esteem for children. The theory applies for two types of IAT, a paper-and-pencil version and a tablet PC version. In the first section, the back grounds of the present study were illustrated, which concerned trends of self-esteem research in recent years, concepts of autonomous self-esteem and heteronomous self-esteem, and measuring methods of these two self-esteems. In the second section, the current theory of measuring autonomous self-esteem was mentioned. Finally, followed by that, considerations on developing brief IAT for measuring both autonomous and heteronomous self-esteems were discussed, along with the theories clarified by Yamasaki et al. (in press)

    ジドウヨウ ノ シヒツバン セルフ エスティーム センザイ レンゴウ テスト : ジッシ ノ テジュン ト サイテン ホウホウ ノ ショウサイ ノ ショウカイ ソシテ カダイ ジュンジョ カウンター バランス ノ サクジョ カノウセイ ノ ケントウ

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    本研究は,自律的セルフ・エスティームを測定するための児童用紙筆版セルフ・エスティーム潜在連合テスト(SE-IAT-C)の実施の手順および採点方法の詳細を紹介するとともに,学校現場での簡便な使用のためにSE-IAT-Cの組み合わせ課題のカウンターバランスの必要性について検討した。調査は小学生581名(男児281名,女児300名)と担任教員10名に行った。その結果,妥当性はカウンターバランスの有無にかかわらず,横嶋ら(2017)と同様の結果が確認された。信頼性は自分と快刺激の組み合わせ課題で始まるパターンよりも,自分と不快刺激の組み合わせ課題で始まるパターンの方が比較的に安定していた。学校教育の場等でSE-IAT-Cを実施する場合は,冊子作成や採点の時間的コストを削減するために,上記の構成でカウンターバランスを取らずに実施することが可能であると考えられた。The present paper aimed to depict the implementation procedure and scoring method of the Paper and Pencil Version of Self-Esteem Implicit Association Test for Children (SE-IAT-C) , along with an examination of the possibility for omitting the counterbalance in the task orders for simple implementation at schools. The SE-IAT-C is a measure to autonomous self-esteem. Participants were 581 children (281 males and 300 females) and 10 home room teachers in two public elementary schools. Results revealed the same level of validity as Yokoshima et al. (2017) no matter whether the counterbalance. The reliability was relatively more stable when the task is started from the self and unpleasant task compared with the self and pleasant task. Therefore, the results suggested that the SE-IAT-C is possible to implement without the counterbalance, starting from the self and unpleasant task, which would lead to reducing the burden for teachers in terms of the time and labor costs to prepare the questionnaire and score the results at schools

    タリツテキ ズイハンセイ セルフ エスティーム ノ ガイネン ト ソクテイホウ

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    Low self-esteem has been treated as one of the leading causes of maladaptive behaviors in schools and communities. However, in recent years, more and more studies have been denying the benefits of selfesteem, which lead to the reconsideration of the previous concept and measuring method. Especially, Yamasaki et al.(2017)developed a new concept termed "autonomous and heteronomous(contingent)selfesteem" aftrer referring the newly developed concepts by Deci and others\u27 and Kernis\u27 studies. They revealed that the autonomous self-esteem is beneficial for health, adjustment, and performcne, while heteronomous one is unbeneficail. Moreover, they indicated that autonomous self-esteem is unable to be consiciously measured utilizing self-reports, and then developed a new implicit association test(IAT)termed "Paper-and-Pencil Version of SE-IAT-C" for a group of children at schools. Meanwhile, they suggested that heteronomous self-esteem is able to be measured both consicously and nonconsicioulsy. After considering Yamasaki et al.\u27s notions, the current paper scrutinized the concept and measuring methods of the heteronomous self-esteem reviewing the past research. In doing so, we focused on how we can develop a questionnaire and an IAT for heteronomous self-esteem. Finally, we discussed how we utilize autonomous and heteronomous self-esteem measures in cultivating autnomous self-esteem with universal prevention programs

    ジリツテキ セルフ エスティーム オ イクセイ スル ユニバーサル ヨボウ キョウイク ノ キョウイク モクヒョウ ノ カクリツ ト ジュギョウ ホウホウ ノ カイハツ ホウシン

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    最近,山崎ら(2017)は,セルフ・エスティームの概念を再考し,自律的ならびに他律的セルフ・エスティームに分類した。自律的セルフ・エスティームは健康,適応,そして遂行に好影響をもたらし,他律的セルフ・エスティームはしばしばそれらに悪影響をもたらす。そこで,何らかのプログラムを用いて,学校で自律的セルフ・エスティームを高める必要がある。トップ・セルフ(いのちと友情の学校予防教育)と呼ばれる一群のユニバーサル予防教育プログラムに自己信頼心(自信)の育成プログラムが含まれている。このプログラムは自律的セルフ・エスティームを高めることができるが,本来このセルフ・エスティームを高めることに特化して開発されたプログラムではない。そこで本論文では,より効果的に自律的セルフ・エスティームを育成できるように,自己信頼心(自信)の育成プログラムの目標を改訂した。また,目標の改訂に伴って必要になる教育方法の改訂についても,その望ましい改訂方針を示唆した。こうして,目標と方法の改訂が完了すれば,自律的セルフ・エスティームの育成プログラムの完成版が学校において広く実施されることが期待される。In recent years, Yamasaki et al. (2017) revised the concept of self-esteem, dividing it into autonomous and heteronomous self-esteem. Autonomous self-esteem is beneficial for health, adjustment, and performance, while heteronomous self-esteem is often detrimental to them. Therefore, autonomous self-esteem needs to be enhanced in schools, utilizing certain program. A group of univarsal prevention programs termed "TOP SELF (Trial Of Prevention School Education for Life and Friendship: TOP SELF) " includes a program for the development of self-confidence. Although this program can be used to enhance autonomous selfesteem, it is not a program originally for improving autonomous self-esteem. The current paper revised the purposes of the program for the development of self-confidence so that the program could improve autonomous self-esteem more effectively. Also, along with the revision of the purposes, this paper suggested the possible promising directions to modifying the methods of the present self-confidence program. Thus, after the selfconfidence program is fully revised in terms of the purposes and methods, the completed version of the program for the development of autonomous self-esteem will be hopefully implemented in a wide range of schools

    Constraints on the χ_(c1) versus χ_(c2) polarizations in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    The polarizations of promptly produced χ_(c1) and χ_(c2) mesons are studied using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in proton-proton collisions at √s=8  TeV. The χ_c states are reconstructed via their radiative decays χ_c → J/ψγ, with the photons being measured through conversions to e⁺e⁻, which allows the two states to be well resolved. The polarizations are measured in the helicity frame, through the analysis of the χ_(c2) to χ_(c1) yield ratio as a function of the polar or azimuthal angle of the positive muon emitted in the J/ψ → μ⁺μ⁻ decay, in three bins of J/ψ transverse momentum. While no differences are seen between the two states in terms of azimuthal decay angle distributions, they are observed to have significantly different polar anisotropies. The measurement favors a scenario where at least one of the two states is strongly polarized along the helicity quantization axis, in agreement with nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics predictions. This is the first measurement of significantly polarized quarkonia produced at high transverse momentum