629 research outputs found

    Syrian refugees and cultural intimacy in Istanbul : "I feel safe here!"

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    This paper derives from the findings of a recent qualitative and quantitative study conducted by the Support to Life Association among Syrian refugees in Istanbul to make their vulnerability assessment with a particular focus on their strong attachment to this city. The research question to be answered in this paper is to what extent Istanbul provides Syrian refugees with a space of cultural intimacy, where they feel safe and secure despite the difficulties of everyday life. The main premise of the paper is that historical, cultural and religious forms of affinity are likely to particularly attach the Sunni-Muslim-Arab-Syrians originating from Aleppo province to Istanbul. However, this sense of safety is not free from various sources of exploitation. This paper is expected to contribute to the discipline of Refugee Studies by shedding light on the historical elements and the agency that are often neglected in such analysis

    Native Minority Claims: The search for acceptance

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    Work Package 4: National Case Studies of Challenges to Tolerance in Political LifeThe ACCEPT PLURALISM project (2010-2013) is funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities. (Call FP7-SSH-2009-A, Grant Agreement no: 243837). Coordinator: Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute

    "Sicher in Kreuzberg" - Constructing Diasporas: Turkish Hip-Hop Youth in Berlin

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    This book examines the construction and articulation of diasporic cultural identity among the Turkish working-class youth in Kreuzberg (Little Istanbul), Berlin. This work primarily suggests that the contemporary diasporic consciousness is built on two antithetical axes: particularism and universalism. The presence of this dichotomy derives from the unresolved historical dialogues that the diasporic youths experience between continuity and disruption, essence and positionality, tradition and translation, homogeneity and difference, past and future, 'here' and 'there', 'roots' and 'routes', and local and global

    »Sicher in Kreuzberg«

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    This book examines the construction and articulation of diasporic cultural identity among the Turkish working-class youth in Kreuzberg (Little Istanbul), Berlin. This work primarily suggests that the contemporary diasporic consciousness is built on two antithetical axes: particularism and universalism. The presence of this dichotomy derives from the unresolved historical dialogues that the diasporic youths experience between continuity and disruption, essence and positionality, tradition and translation, homogeneity and difference, past and future, 'here' and 'there', 'roots' and 'routes', and local and global

    Management of Ethno-Cultural Diversity in Turkey: Europeanization of Domestic Politics and New Challenges

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    Turkey has gone through an enormous process of change in the last decade, especially regarding he political recognition of ethno-cultural and religiously diverse groups. The term “diversity” has become one of the catch words of contemporary political philosophy. Diversity, in its recent forms, whether cultural, political, ethnic, or religious, is a byproduct of globalization. Globalization has made the movements of persons or groups in the ethnoscape easier. It is apparent that the management of diversity has posed a great challenge for nation states as well as for the international and supranational organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union (EU). This paper touches upon the management of ethnic diversity in both national and supranational levels, with particular reference to Turkey and the EU. The thesis makes a distinction between “diversity as a phenomenon” and “diversity as a discourse/ideology” in the Turkish context. The paper claims that the state and various ethnic groups in Turkey have been inclined to employ the “diversity as a discourse/ideology” in the aftermath of the EU Helsinki Summit of 1999, in compliance with the prevailing discourse of “unity in diversity” within the EU circles

    “Unity in diversity”: ethnic/cultural diversity in turkey and the European union

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    Will Kymlicka rightfully points out that there are two ways in which minority claims have been assessed by the state: either as a national security challenge, or as a quest of justice and fairness. The former is more visible in undemocratic regimes, while the latter in democratic ones. This article aims to display a general account of the ways in which ethnic minorities have been assessed by the modern Turkish state. The main premise of the work is that the Turkish state has become more democ..

    Populism and immigration in the European Union

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    Este artículo analiza la correlación entre populismo e inmigración en la UE. Tras examinar la literatura acerca del estado actual de los movimientos populistas en la UE y los resultados de un trabajo de campo comparativo llevado a cabo en Alemania, Francia, Italia, Grecia y los Países Bajos, el artículo trata de comprender cómo influyen los debates sobre inmigración, refugiados, movilidad e islam en el auge del populismo de extrema derecha en Europa. Para ello, se describen los principales componentes del discurso populista en Europa respecto a los inmigrantes y los refugiados y se analizan los factores socioeconómicos, políticos y culturales del extremismo populista, así como el resentimiento hacia la diversidad, el multiculturalismo, el islam, la inmigración y la movilidad entre los seguidores de partidos populistas en los cinco países europeos escogidos. This article analyses the correlation between populism and immigration in the EU. After examining the literatureon the current state of the populist movements in the EU, along with the results of comparative fieldwork carried out in Germany, France, Italy, Greece and the Netherlands, the article seeks to understand and explain how the debates on immigration, refugees, mobility and Islam influence the rise of far-right populism in Europe. To do this, the main components of the populist discourse in Europe on immigrants and refugees are described, and the socioeconomic, political and culturalfactors in populist extremism are analysed along with the resentment about diversity, multiculturalism, Islam, immigration and mobility held by the followers of populist parties in the five European countries chosen

    Les Français musulmans : enquĂȘte sur une rĂ©bellion rĂ©publicaine

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    Il est plus plausible d’interprĂ©ter les mouvements dans les banlieues, en 2005, ainsi que les prĂ©cĂ©dents, non pas comme une sĂ©rie d’émeutes anti rĂ©publicaines, mais plutĂŽt comme un jugement critique du rĂ©publicanisme concret et conservateur tel qu’il est pratiquĂ© actuellement. Le langage populaire des Ă©meutes n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© surtout religieux, ethnique ou centrifuge. Le langage de ces Ă©meutes Ă  rĂ©pĂ©titions depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1990 est plutĂŽt l’expression de la pauvretĂ©, de la violence et de l’exclusion. À la vĂ©ritĂ©, ce langage dĂ©coule d’une vraie rhĂ©torique rĂ©publicaine, qui tente de dĂ©noncer la pauvretĂ©, le chĂŽmage, la xĂ©nophobie, les tensions urbaines, la politique Ă©conomique nĂ©o libĂ©rale et la violence qui prĂ©dominent dans les banlieues exclues socialement et politiquement. La crise de l’éducation rĂ©publicaine, qui reposait sur l’objectif de former des citoyens Ă©gaux et politiquement conscients, souligne le fait que les cloches sonnent pour la cinquiĂšme RĂ©publique en France. Le prĂ©sent papier a pour objectif de montrer comment les Musulmans français originaires du Turquie et d’Afrique du Nord conçoivent les inĂ©galitĂ©s politiques, sociales et Ă©conomiques actuelles.French-Muslims: Survey of a Republican Rebellion. It is more plausible to interpret the 2005 banlieue movements and the preceding ones not as a set of anti-republican riots, but rather as a critical assessment of existing real and conservative republicanism. The popular language of the riots has never essentially been religious, ethnic or centrifugual. The language of these ongoing riots since early 1990s is rather the expression of poverty, violence and exclusion. This language indeed derives from quite a republicanist rhetoric, trying to denounce poverty, unemployment, xenophobia, urban tension, neo-liberal political economy and violence prevailing in the socially and politically excluded banlieues. The crisis of the republicanist education, which was based on the objective of forming equal and political citizen highlights the fact that the bells ring for the Fifth French Republic. This work aims to reveal the ways in which French-Muslims of migrant origin coming from Turkey and North Africa conceive of the existing political, social and economic inequalities.Los franceses musulmanes: encuesta sobre una rebelĂ­on republicana. Es mĂĄs plausible interpretar los movimientos de las «banlieues» (barrios perifĂ©ricos) de 2005 y de otros precedentes no como una serie de insurrecciones antirrepublicanas sino como un juicio crĂ­tico del republicanismo concreto y conservador practicado actualmente. El lenguaje popular de las insurrecciones nunca ha sido religioso, Ă©tnico o centrĂ­fugo. El lenguaje de estas insurrecciones a repeticiĂłn desde los años 1990 es mĂĄs bien la expresiĂłn de la pobreza, de la violencia y de la exclusiĂłn. Este lenguaje deriva de una verdadera retĂłrica republicana et intenta denunciar la pobreza, el desempleo, la xenofobia, las tensiones urbanas, la polĂ­tica econĂłmica neo-liberal y la violencia predominantes en las «banlieues» social y polĂ­ticamente excluidas. La crisis de la educaciĂłn republicana cuyo objetivo era el de formar ciudadanos iguales y polĂ­ticamente conscientes, subraya el hecho de que las “campanas suenan” para la Quinta Republica francesa. El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es mostrar cĂłmo los musulmanes franceses originarios de TurquĂ­a o del Norte de África conciben las desigualdades polĂ­ticas, sociales y econĂłmicas actuales
