115 research outputs found

    The HPB-AML-I cell line possesses the properties of mesenchymal stem cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In spite of its establishment from the peripheral blood of a case with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)-M1, HPB-AML-I shows plastic adherence with spindle-like morphology. In addition, lipid droplets can be induced in HPB-AML-I cells by methylisobutylxanthine, hydrocortisone, and indomethacin. These findings suggest that HPB-AML-I is similar to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) or mesenchymal stromal cells rather than to hematopoietic cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To examine this possibility, we characterized HPB-AML-I by performing cytochemical, cytogenetic, and phenotypic analyses, induction of differentiation toward mesenchymal lineage cells, and mixed lymphocyte culture analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HPB-AML-I proved to be negative for myeloperoxidase, while surface antigen analysis disclosed that it was positive for MSC-related antigens, such as CD29, CD44, CD55, CD59, and CD73, but not for CD14, CD19, CD34, CD45, CD90, CD105, CD117, and HLA-DR. Karyotypic analysis showed the presence of complicated abnormalities, but no reciprocal translocations typically detected in AML cases. Following the induction of differentiation toward adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteocytes, HPB-AML-I cells showed, in conjunction with extracellular matrix formation, lipid accumulation, proteoglycan synthesis, and alkaline phosphatase expression. Mixed lymphocyte culture demonstrated that CD3<sup>+ </sup>T-cell proliferation was suppressed in the presence of HPB-AML-I cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that HPB-AML-I cells appear to be unique neoplastic cells, which may be derived from MSCs, but are not hematopoietic progenitor cells.</p


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    ノウソッチュウ カンジャ ノ コウクウナイ ショケン ト シカ カイニュウ ノ ユウヨウセイ ニツイテ

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    We analyzed the need for dental intervention in patients with acute cerebral vascular disorders. In this study, we enrolled 43 individuals in SCU (male: 28, female: 15) in need of oral health management. The mean age of the patients was 68.0 ± 14.9. They had been diagnosed as cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or transient ischemic attack. Thirteen subjects were affected with pneumonia and could not handle self-care management. Furthermore, 10 subjects had poor oral hygiene. There were clearly more pneumonia patients in the intubation group compared to the non-intubation group. In addition, 18 cases (41.9%) needed dental treatment, and 5 cases received dental treatment. Patients with acute stroke had poor oral hygiene with disturbance of consciousness and paralysis, suggesting a possible cause of pneumonia in these patients. Half of patients required dental intervention, indicating that oral management may be necessary for stroke patients to prevent the occurrence of pneumonia

    トクシマ ダイガク ビョウイン ニオケル シュウジュツキ コウクウ キノウ カンリ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ

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    It has been shown that oral hygiene affects the onset of perioperative complications. The usefulness of perioperative oral function management aiming at the outbreak decrease in treatment complications and an early discharge was recognized. As a result, perioperative oral function management fee was founded at revision of medical service fees in Fiscal year 2012.  In this clinical study, we evaluated the implementation of perioperative oral function management in Tokushima University Hospital. We examined 781 patients, including 563 patients for surgery and 218 patients for chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The mean age of patients was 58.8 ± 12.4 years old.  The implementation rate of perioperative oral function management was 9.7% in the patients of surgery, and 17.4% in those of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The highly required medical department was neurosurgery in the patients of surgery, and hematology in those of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The mean number of tooth present was 21.3 ± 7.1 in the patients of surgery, and 19.8 ± 7.2 in those chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The rate of dental treatment was required in 40.5% of total patients who received surgery, and in 51.4% of patients who received chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The rate of patients who received denture treatment attained to 11.9% of the whole patients receiving surgery, and 13.3% of patients receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  It was revealed that there were many patients required potential demands in perioperative oral function management, and that there were many patients who need dental or denture treatment. We would like to develop perioperative oral function management by the interprofessional collaboration in health and social care


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    グンマケンNチョウザイジュウコウレイシャ ノ カレイ ニ ヨル シンタイ エイヨウジョウタイ ノ ヘンカ ニ カンスル ジッタイチョウサ

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    本研究は,65歳以上の健康な地域在住高齢者の(対象者95名)栄養状態を把握し,栄養教育における課題を抽出することを目的とした。ベースラインの調査は,2000年に行い,追跡調査を2005年に行った。5年間に,男女ともに身長,体重が有意に低下していた。血液性状は,2000年に比べて2005年で赤血球数,ヘモグロビン濃度,アルブミン濃度およびHbA1c濃度が有意に低下し,HDLコレステロール濃度が有意に増加していた。しかし,アルブミン値が3.8g/dl未満の高齢者は一人もみられなかった。栄養素等摂取状況は,2000年に比べて2005年で男性ではビタミンCおよび鉄摂取量が有意に低下していた。女性ではビタミンB2,鉄摂取量が有意に低下していた。そこで鉄不足状態が発現する可能性についてヘモグロビン値を元に正常群(男性 : Hb≧13g/dl, 女性 : Hb≧12g/dl),鉄不足群(男性 : Hb<13g/dl, 女性 : Hb<12g/dl)の2群に分けて検討したところ,鉄不足群は2000年においては11名であったのに対し,2005年には26名に増えていた。性,年齢を補正した結果,正常群に比べて鉄不足群で,2000年時におけるたんぱく質,鉄およびビタミンB12摂取量が有意に低値を示した。以上の結果より,本研究対象者において低アルブミン血症を示す高齢者は観察されず,たんぱく質栄養状態は全対象者で良好であった可能性,2005年で増加した鉄不足状態の発現には,2000年におけるたんぱく質,鉄およびビタミンB12等の摂取量の不足が関わる可能性が示唆された。The purpose of this study was to estimate nutritional conditions among elderly community residents (95persons, ≧65 years old), and to explore strategies for nutritional education. A baseline survey was carried out in 2000 and was followed-up in 2005. During the 5 years, mean values of height and weight significantly decreased in both sexes. Levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, serum albumin and serum HbA1c significantly decreased, while HDL-cholesterol levels significantly increased in a follow-up survey when compared to levels in the baseline survey. Intakes of dietary fat, iron and vitamin C in males, or iron and vitamin B2 in females were significantly decreased in the follow-up survey compared to those in the baseline survey. Based on hemoglobin levels in 2005, the participants were divided into two groups ; the iron normal group (male : Hb≧13g/dl, female : Hb≧12g/dl) and iron deficient group (male : Hb<13g/dl, female : Hb<12g/dl). Iron deficient group increased in the follow-up survey more than in the baseline survey. Adjusted for sex and age, protein, iron and vitamin B12 intakes in the baseline survey were significantly lower in the iron deficiency group than in the iron normal group. In addition, there were no subjects with hypoalbuminemia (Alb<3.8g/dl). In conclusion, this study suggested that dietary insufficiency of protein, iron and vitamin B12 intake at the onset of 2000 resulted in an increase in the number of iron deficiency persons in the follow-up survey

    ソクヨク ニ オケル ジンコウ ボウショウセン ガ ジリツシンケイカツドウ ニ アタエル エイキョウ

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    本研究は人工芒硝泉による足浴が自律神経活動に及ぼす影響について検討することを目的とした。健康な若年男女計6名(男性3名 : 20.7±0.6歳,女性3名 : 21.3±0.6歳)を対象に,人工芒硝泉浴,淡水浴,湯なし条件(対照座位)の足浴条件を1日1条件,ランダムな順序で施行した。対象者には20分間座位安静をとってもらい,引き続き足浴前値の測定を行った。足浴は座位にて41℃(33L)の温湯に両足膝下約10cmまで15分間浸漬して行った。足浴終了後は対象者自身が水分を拭き取り,両足を毛布で覆い,60分間座位安静を保った。その間,心拍数,心拍変動周波数に基づく自律神経活動,鼓膜温を測定するとともに,体感温度,眠気,疲労感などの主観的評価をVisual Analogue Scale(VAS)を用いて記録した。その結果,人工芒硝泉浴及び淡水浴により体感温度は有意に上昇したが,鼓膜温及び心拍数に有意な変動は見られなかった。また淡水浴後は交感神経活動の有意な亢進が認められたが,人工芒硝泉浴後はそれが見られなかった。本結果から人工芒硝泉による足浴は足浴後の交感神経活動の亢進を抑え,疲労感の低減に寄与する可能性が示唆された。This study was conducted to estimate the effect of a footbath with sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) on autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity. Each of three young healthy males (age, 20.7±0.6 years) and females (age, 21.3±0.6 years) participated in 3 conditions in random order, footbaths with or without Na2SO4, and a sitting position without water as a control. Each subject sat on a chair and kept quiet for 20min with heart rate (HR) stabilized, and subsequently basal measurements were conducted. In a sitting position, they dipped their calves 10cm under their knee joints into hot water (41℃, 33L) for 15min. Immediately after the bathing, they removed moisture, covered their knees with a blanket and sat for 60min thereafter. Counts of HR, ANS activity based on frequency of HR variability, and a core temperature using an eardrum thermometer were measured. The degree of thermal comfort such as relatively hot or relatively cool, sleepiness and fatigue were also estimated using visual analogue scales (VAS). As a result, both footbaths with and without Na2SO4 significantly increased the subjective thermal comfort, while the core temperature and HR counts were unaffected. Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity was significantly increased by the footbath without Na2SO4, but not with Na2SO4. These observations suggested that in the footbath, Na2SO4 might have an inhibitory effect on increased SNS activity, and induce some depressive effects on feeling of fatigue

    Memory Immune Responses against Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza Virus Induced by a Whole Particle Vaccine in Cynomolgus Monkeys Carrying Mafa-A1*052∶02

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    We made an H1N1 vaccine candidate from a virus library consisting of 144 ( = 16 HA×9 NA) non-pathogenic influenza A viruses and examined its protective effects against a pandemic (2009) H1N1 strain using immunologically naïve cynomolgus macaques to exclude preexisting immunity and to employ a preclinical study since preexisting immunity in humans previously vaccinated or infected with influenza virus might make comparison of vaccine efficacy difficult. Furthermore, macaques carrying a major histocompatibility complex class I molecule, Mafa-A1*052∶02, were used to analyze peptide-specific CD8+ T cell responses. Sera of macaques immunized with an inactivated whole particle formulation without addition of an adjuvant showed higher neutralization titers against the vaccine strain A/Hokkaido/2/1981 (H1N1) than did sera of macaques immunized with a split formulation. Neutralization activities against the pandemic strain A/Narita/1/2009 (H1N1) in sera of macaques immunized twice with the split vaccine reached levels similar to those in sera of macaques immunized once with the whole particle vaccine. After inoculation with the pandemic virus, the virus was detected in nasal samples of unvaccinated macaques for 6 days after infection and for 2.67 days and 5.33 days on average in macaques vaccinated with the whole particle vaccine and the split vaccine, respectively. After the challenge infection, recall neutralizing antibody responses against the pandemic virus and CD8+ T cell responses specific for nucleoprotein peptide NP262-270 bound to Mafa-A1*052∶02 in macaques vaccinated with the whole particle vaccine were observed more promptly or more vigorously than those in macaques vaccinated with the split vaccine. These findings demonstrated that the vaccine derived from our virus library was effective for pandemic virus infection in macaques and that the whole particle vaccine conferred more effective memory and broader cross-reactive immune responses to macaques against pandemic influenza virus infection than did the split vaccine

    Current status of space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO and B-DECIGO

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    Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (DECIGO) is the future Japanese space mission with a frequency band of 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz. DECIGO aims at the detection of primordial gravitational waves, which could be produced during the inflationary period right after the birth of the universe. There are many other scientific objectives of DECIGO, including the direct measurement of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, and reliable and accurate predictions of the timing and locations of neutron star/black hole binary coalescences. DECIGO consists of four clusters of observatories placed in the heliocentric orbit. Each cluster consists of three spacecraft, which form three Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers with an arm length of 1,000 km. Three clusters of DECIGO will be placed far from each other, and the fourth cluster will be placed in the same position as one of the three clusters to obtain the correlation signals for the detection of the primordial gravitational waves. We plan to launch B-DECIGO, which is a scientific pathfinder of DECIGO, before DECIGO in the 2030s to demonstrate the technologies required for DECIGO, as well as to obtain fruitful scientific results to further expand the multi-messenger astronomy.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure