9 research outputs found

    A Study on Mathematics lesson through language activities : Developing the ability to think, make decisions, and represent

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    A Study on teacher training for mathematics education (5) : A framework for evaluating the study of teaching materials in mathematics

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    A study on mathematics lesson for developing competency of communication (2) : Activities for approaching to the essence of mathematics through group working

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    本研究では,中学校・高等学校の数学学習における数学的活動の充実,とりわけグループ学習を活用して言語活動を充実することで,数学的に表現する力を身につけ,数学の本質に迫り,数学の理解を深めるための授業づくりに取り組んだ。そのための方策として,グループに分かれて課題に取り組ませたり,得られた結果をもとに規則性や図形の性質についてグループで話し合わせたり,話し合った内容を発表させるなどの学習指導を行った。授業の観察や生徒の感想の分析から,グループに分かれて作業したり話し合ったりする活動に取り組むことは,言語活動を活発にするのに有効であるが,話し合いのポイントを明確にするなど教師の働きかけがないとうまくいかない事例もあることがわかった。さらに,数学的な思考を深められる課題に取り組ませることは,議論が深まったり理解が進んだりするなど,言語活動も充実することがわかった。これらのことから,数学の本質に迫るには,学習している内容が既習事項とどのようにつながっているのかということを生徒に意識させながら,言語活動も含めた数学的活動を充実させるような指導を行うべきであるという示唆が得られた。The present study aims to explore the possibility of group work activities in which learners are given the opportunity to discuss mathematical questions posed in the tasks, which is followed by a group presentation about their findings in the preceding discussion section. The main questions to this study try to answer whether group work activities can promote interaction among teammates, and, as a result, whether group work activities can enhance students' process of learning and understanding mathematics. The results of analyzing mathematics lessons and students' reactions indicate that group work activities are effective for students to deepen their understandings of mathematics, especially when mathematical questions are worth discussing, and when additional and appropriate supports are given by the teacher. This suggests that in order to approach the essence of mathematics teacher should help students recognize the connection between the known and the unknown through mathematical activities including communication among students


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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of hybrid procedure for peripheral arterial disease (PAD), we compared the cases treated using the hybrid procedure with those treated using open revascularization (bypass alone) in our facilities. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 204 patients who underwent revascularization for PAD between 2007 and 2013. We divided the patients into two groups based on the type of procedure. Group 1 included patients who underwent the hybrid procedure, that is, doing endovascular therapy (EVT) either femoral or iliac resion and added the bypass procedure (infragenicular vein bypass) to the below knee artery, and group 2 included patients who underwent only bypass procedure (used autovein), that is, central anastomotic region was femoral artery region and peripheral anastomotic region was below knee artery. We evaluated various factors between the two groups, including the primary patency rate, secondary patency rate, amputation-free survival rate, and determined the efficacy of the hybrid procedure for PAD. Results: In the patientʼs characteristics, there was significant difference between the two groups in the cases with cerebrovascular disease, only (p=0.03). There were no significant differences in the primary or secondary patency rates, and the amputation-free survival rate. Conclusions: Primary patency rate, secondary patency rate, and amputation-free survival rate of the hybrid procedure were comparable to those of bypass (alone) procedure. The hybrid procedure is therefore an acceptable strategy for patients with PAD

    Long Term Results of a Hybrid Revascularization Procedure for Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of hybrid procedure for peripheral arterial disease (PAD), we compared the cases treated using the hybrid procedure with those treated using open revascularization (bypass alone) in our facilities. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 204 patients who underwent revascularization for PAD between 2007 and 2013. We divided the patients into two groups based on the type of procedure. Group 1 included patients who underwent the hybrid procedure, that is, doing endovascular therapy (EVT) either femoral or iliac resion and added the bypass procedure (infragenicular vein bypass) to the below knee artery, and group 2 included patients who underwent only bypass procedure (used autovein), that is, central anastomotic region was femoral artery region and peripheral anastomotic region was below knee artery. We evaluated various factors between the two groups, including the primary patency rate, secondary patency rate, amputation-free survival rate, and determined the efficacy of the hybrid procedure for PAD. Results: In the patientʼs characteristics, there was significant difference between the two groups in the cases with cerebrovascular disease, only (p=0.03). There were no significant differences in the primary or secondary patency rates, and the amputation-free survival rate. Conclusions: Primary patency rate, secondary patency rate, and amputation-free survival rate of the hybrid procedure were comparable to those of bypass (alone) procedure. The hybrid procedure is therefore an acceptable strategy for patients with PAD