225 research outputs found

    Clinical and Pathological Improvement in Stroke-Prone Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats Related to the Pleiotropic Effect of Cilostazol

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    Background and Purpose-Cerebral infarction is a major cause of death or decreasing activities of daily living. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of commonly used antiplatelet drugs on stroke and motor and cognitive functions in relation to oxidative stress markers and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R). Methods-Stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats were treated with vehicle, aspirin, clopidogrel, and cilostazol from 8 to 10 weeks of age. Physiological parameters, regional cerebral blood flow, and serum lipids were examined. Motor and cognitive functions were evaluated weekly by the Rotorod and water maze task. Spontaneous infarct volume, oxidative stress markers for lipid, protein, and DNA at the ischemic boundary zone of spontaneous infarction, and the IGF-1R-positive cell ratio in the hippocampus were immunohistochemically examined in brain sections. IGF-1R beta expression in the hippocampus was assessed by Western blotting. Results-The antiplatelet drugs, cilostazol and clopidogrel, reduced the spontaneous infarct volume more than aspirin. Only cilostazol improved motor and cognitive functions with a significant increase (P<0.05) in the memory-related IGF-1R-positive ratio and IGF-1R beta expression in the hippocampus. Cilostazol reduced the 4 oxidative stress markers in affected neurons in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats regardless of blood pressure, regional cerebral blood flow, or serum lipid levels. Conclusions-The present results suggest that a possible pleiotropic effect of cilostazol resulted in the reduction of spontaneous infarct volume and preservation of motor and spatial cognitive functions. The increase of IGF-1R-positive cells in the hippocampal CA1 region could partly explain the preservation of spatial cognitive function in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats

    An Analysis of Peer Group Relationships of Students with a Combination of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities : Through the Comparison of Social Interactions with Peers and Adults

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    知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児の特別支援学級内における友人関係について,学級内の他の知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児との間で行われる相互交渉を,教師や,自閉症を伴わない知的障害のある児童との間で行われる相互交渉と比較することにより,友人関係行動を明らかにすることを本研究の目的とした。観察の結果,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害のA児は,同じ知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害のB児やC児に対してかかわりを開始し,相互交渉に至ることは少なかったが,B児とC児間の相互交渉は多く認められた。このように,A児にのみ異なる結果が認められた背景には,A児とB・C児との学年差があることが考えられた。また,対象児が大人に対して相互交渉を開始する頻度は,大人以外の周囲の人とのかかわりと比較して高かった。従来の研究では,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児同士のペアよりも知的障害児と知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児のペアの方が相互交渉を開始する頻度が高いことが明らかになっているが,本研究においては,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児から自閉症を伴わない知的障害児に対する相互交渉開始の頻度は,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児同士のそれよりも少なかった。The purpose of the present study was to investigate friendship establishment behaviors among students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities in special needs classrooms by analyzing the differences of social interactions with other students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, those with intellectual disabilities, and their teachers. As a result of the observation, Student A, who is a person with a combination of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, was rarely observed to start friendship establishment behaviors with Students B and C, who also are people with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, however, those behaviors between Students B and C were frequently observed. This difficulty in the establishment of social interactions occurred in Student A was considered to be the cause of age differences: Student A was older than the other two students. In addition, the frequency of these students’ social interactions with adults was higher than that of their interactions with peers. Previous studies revealed that the frequency of starting social interactions between pairs with children with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities was lower than that of interactions between children with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities and those with intellectual disabilities. However, in the present study, it was found out that the frequency of social interactions from students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities to those with intellectual disabilities was less than that of interactions from students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities to those with intellectual disabilities

    The Trend of “the Special Needs Classroom (Tentative)” Initiative : Towards the Construction and Promotion of the Inclusive Education System

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    本研究は,「障害者の権利に関する条約」が発効した今,インクルーシブ教育システムの構築・推進に寄与すると考えられる「特別支援教室(仮称)」構想の具現化に向けた動向を,文献研究を行うことにより整理し,そこで得られた知見を提示することによって,今後「特別支援教室(仮称)」へ移行することになった場合の基礎的資料とすることを目的とした。「特別支援教室(仮称)」構想をインクルーシブ教育システム構築・推進の視点から考察した結果,①通常の教育と特別支援教育が連携・協働することによって効果的な「特別支援教育チーム」を構築し,児童の教育的ニーズに応じた最善の教育を提供すること,②インクルーシブな学級経営をするために,環境調整や課題改善を導入すること,の2点が障害のある子どもや困難のない子どもも含めた全ての子どもにとって有益な支援をするために重要であることが示唆された。In 2014, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has come into force so that it was thought to be important to summarize the recent trends and movements of the “special needs classroom (tentative)” initiatives by reviewing the recent research studies and literatures that contribute to the construction and promotion of the inclusive education system. The purpose of the current study was to create the basic material to prepare for the future educational legal reform in special needs education by gathering the findings of the studies and literatures on the“ special needs classroom (tentative)” initiatives. The results, which were discussed from the viewpoint of the inclusive education system construction and promotion, suggested that it was important to give valuable supports for all students, including students who have disabilities 1) to provide the best practices based on students’ educational needs by building effective“ special needs education teams” and promoting collaborations between regular education and special needs education, and 2) to introduce environmental adjustment, accommodations, and modifications for the purpose of managing inclusive classrooms


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    This study was conducted to determine the activity levels of the Pectoralis major, Brachioradialis, Latissimus dorsi and Rectus during forward and backward strokes in tennis. The subjects were five male college tennis players. Integrated electromyograms (integrated EMG) were obtained from an analysis of the results of rectified electromyography performed on the above four muscles. The integrated EMG were recorded for each subject during isometric voluntary contraction for each muscle. The relative muscle activity level was that determined during forward and backward strokes in tennis. The higher muscle activity levels were obtained from the Rectus and Brachioradialis in the forward stroke, and from the Brachioradialis and Pectoralis major in the backward stroke

    Lineage-specific positive selection at the merozoite surface protein 1 (msp1) locus of Plasmodium vivax and related simian malaria parasites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The 200 kDa merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) of malaria parasites, a strong vaccine candidate, plays a key role during erythrocyte invasion and is a target of host protective immune response. <it>Plasmodium vivax</it>, the most widespread human malaria parasite, is closely related to parasites that infect Asian Old World monkeys, and has been considered to have become a parasite of man by host switch from a macaque malaria parasite. Several Asian monkey parasites have a range of natural hosts. The same parasite species shows different disease manifestations among host species. This suggests that host immune responses to <it>P. vivax</it>-related malaria parasites greatly differ among host species (albeit other factors). It is thus tempting to invoke that a major immune target parasite protein such as MSP-1 underwent unique evolution, depending on parasite species that exhibit difference in host range and host specificity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We performed comparative phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of the gene encoding MSP-1 (<it>msp1</it>) from <it>P. vivax </it>and nine <it>P. vivax</it>-related simian malaria parasites. The inferred phylogenetic tree of <it>msp1 </it>significantly differed from that of the mitochondrial genome, with a striking displacement of <it>P. vivax </it>from a position close to <it>P. cynomolgi </it>in the mitochondrial genome tree to an outlier of Asian monkey parasites. Importantly, positive selection was inferred for two ancestral branches, one leading to <it>P. inui </it>and <it>P. hylobati </it>and the other leading to <it>P. vivax</it>, <it>P. fieldi </it>and <it>P. cynomolgi</it>. This ancestral positive selection was estimated to have occurred three to six million years ago, coinciding with the period of radiation of Asian macaques. Comparisons of <it>msp1 </it>polymorphisms between <it>P. vivax</it>, <it>P. inui </it>and <it>P. cynomolgi </it>revealed that while some positively selected amino acid sites or regions are shared by these parasites, amino acid changes greatly differ, suggesting that diversifying selection is acting species-specifically on <it>msp1</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present results indicate that the <it>msp1 </it>locus of <it>P. vivax </it>and related parasite species has lineage-specific unique evolutionary history with positive selection. <it>P. vivax </it>and related simian malaria parasites offer an interesting system toward understanding host species-dependent adaptive evolution of immune-target surface antigen genes such as <it>msp1</it>.</p

    Immunopathological Characterization of liposome Adjuvant Coated with Mannan

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    The adjuvant activity of liposomes coated with mannan-cholesterol was studied in mice. Ovalbumin (OVA) was reconstituted into liposomes as a model antigen. The adjuvant activity was assessed by the following two immunological responses: delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) footpad swelling responses and in vitro release of interferon-γ and interleukin-4 by regional lymph node cells. First, we studied dose effects on DTH responses of total lipid, mannan-cholesterol and OVA used for liposomes. The minimal doses per mouse required for the induction of optimal responses were as follows; 1μg of OVA, 10μg of mannan-cholesterol and 336μg of total lipid. Second, immunological and histopathological studies showed the following two points: 1) mannan-coated liposomes induced a tuberculintype DTH response while non-coated liposomes elicited a Jones-Mote reaction, and 2) mannan-coated liposomes induced obvious microabscesses but non-coated liposome did not. Third, the inoculation of mannan-coated liposomes rendered the regional lymph node cells to release a large amount of interferon-γ with little IL-4 against OVA while non-coated lipo-some released neither of the lymphokines. These results indicated that mannan-coated lipo-somes are a potent adjuvant to induce type 1 helper T cells but have a disadvantage to form microabscesses at the inoculation sites

    A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku and Swift

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    We report on the X-ray spectral analysis of the black hole candidate XTE\ J1752--223 in the 2009--2010 outburst, utilizing data obtained with the MAXI/Gas Slit Camera (GSC), the Swift/XRT, and Suzaku, which work complementarily. As already reported by Nakahira et al. (2010) MAXI monitored the source continuously throughout the entire outburst for about eight months. All the MAXI/GSC energy spectra in the high/soft state lasting for 2 months are well represented by a multi-color disk plus power-law model. The innermost disk temperature changed from \sim0.7 keV to \sim0.4 keV and the disk flux decreased by an order of magnitude. Nevertheless, the innermost radius is constant at \sim41 D3.5(cosi)1/2D_{3.5}(\cos{\it i})^{-1/2} km, where D3.5D_{3.5} is the source distance in units of 3.5 kpc and ii the inclination. The multi-color disk parameters obtained with the MAXI/GSC are consistent with those with the Swift/XRT and Suzaku. The Suzaku data also suggests a possibility that the disk emission is slightly Comptonized, which could account for broad iron-K features reported previously. Assuming that the obtained innermost radius represents the innermost stable circular orbit for a non-rotating black hole, we estimate the mass of the black hole to be 5.51±\pm0.28 MM_{\odot} D3.5(cosi)1/2D_{3.5}(\cos{\it i})^{-1/2}, where the correction for the stress-free inner boundary condition and color hardening factor of 1.7 are taken into account. If the inclination is less than 49^{\circ} as suggested from the radio monitoring of transient jets and the soft-to-hard transition in 2010 April occurred at 1--4% of Eddignton luminosity, the fitting of the Suzaku spectra with a relativistic accretion-disk model derives constraints on the mass and the distance to be 3.1--55 MM_{\odot} and 2.3--22 {\rm kpc}, respectively. This confirms that the compact object in XTE J1752--223 is a black hole.Comment: 12 pages including 7 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in PAS