29 research outputs found

    Extensive lineage-specific gene duplication and evolution of the spiggin multi-gene family in stickleback

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The threespine stickleback (<it>Gasterosteus aculeatus</it>) has a characteristic reproductive mode; mature males build nests using a secreted glue-like protein called spiggin. Although recent studies reported multiple occurrences of genes that encode this glue-like protein spiggin in threespine and ninespine sticklebacks, it is still unclear how many genes compose the spiggin multi-gene family.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genome sequence analysis of threespine stickleback showed that there are at least five spiggin genes and two pseudogenes, whereas a single spiggin homolog occurs in the genomes of other fishes. Comparative genome sequence analysis demonstrated that Muc19, a single-copy mucous gene in human and mouse, is an ortholog of spiggin. Phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary analyses of these sequences suggested that an ancestral spiggin gene originated from a member of the mucin gene family as a single gene in the common ancestor of teleosts, and gene duplications of spiggin have occurred in the stickleback lineage. There was inter-population variation in the copy number of spiggin genes and positive selection on some codons, indicating that additional gene duplication/deletion events and adaptive evolution at some amino acid sites may have occurred in each stickleback population.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A number of spiggin genes exist in the threespine stickleback genome. Our results provide insight into the origin and dynamic evolutionary process of the spiggin multi-gene family in the threespine stickleback lineage. The dramatic evolution of genes for mucous substrates may have contributed to the generation of distinct characteristics such as "bio-glue" in vertebrates.</p

    Expression Profiling without Genome Sequence Information in a Non-Model Species, Pandalid Shrimp (Pandalus latirostris), by Next-Generation Sequencing

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    While the study of phenotypic variation is a central theme in evolutionary biology, the genetic approaches available to understanding this variation are usually limited because of a lack of genomic information in non-model organisms. This study explored the utility of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies for studying phenotypic variations between 2 populations of a non-model species, the Hokkai shrimp (Pandalus latirostris; Decapoda, Pandalidae). Before we performed transcriptome analyses using NGS, we examined the genetic and phenotypic differentiation between the populations. Analyses using microsatellite DNA markers suggested that these populations genetically differed from one another and that gene flow is restricted between them. Moreover, the results of our 4-year field observations indicated that the egg traits varied genetically between the populations. Using mRNA extracted from the ovaries of 5 females in each population of Hokkai shrimp, we then performed a transcriptome analysis of the 2 populations. A total of 13.66 gigabases (Gb) of 75-bp reads was obtained. Further, 58,804 and 33,548 contigs for the first and second population, respectively, and 47,467 contigs for both populations were produced by de novo assembly. We detected 552 sequences with the former approach and 702 sequences with the later one; both sets of sequences showed greater than twofold differences in the expression levels between the 2 populations. Twenty-nine sequences were found in both approaches and were considered to be differentially expressed genes. Among them, 9 sequences showed significant similarity to functional genes. The present study showed a de novo assembly approach for the transcriptome of a non-model species using only short-read sequence data, and provides a strategy for identifying sequences showing significantly different expression levels between populations

    Role of methionine adenosyltransferase 2A in bovine preimplantation development and its associated genomic regions

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    Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) is involved in folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism, which is essential for preimplantation embryos in terms of both short-term periconceptional development and long-term phenotypic programming beyond the periconceptional period. Here, our immunofluorescence analysis of bovine oocytes and preimplantation embryos revealed the consistent expression of MAT2A (the catalytic subunit of the ubiquitously expressed-type of MAT isozyme) during this period. Addition of the MAT2A inhibitor FIDAS to the culture media of bovine preimplantation embryos reduced their blastocyst development, revealing the particular importance of MAT2A in successful blastocyst development. Exploration of MAT2A-associated genomic regions in bovine blastocysts using chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) identified candidate MAT2A-associated genes implicated not only in short-term periconceptional embryo development, but also in long-term phenotypic programming during this period in terms of growth, metabolism, and immune functions. These results suggest the critical involvement of MAT2A in the periconceptional period in life-long programming of health and disease as well as successful preimplantation development

    Interploidy gene flow involving the sexual-asexual cycle facilitates the diversification of gynogenetic triploid Carassius fish

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    クローン繁殖フナは稀に有性生殖をしながら繁栄 --遺伝的に多様なクローンフナが存在する謎を解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-11-19.Asexual vertebrates are rare and at risk of extinction due to their restricted adaptability through the loss of genetic recombination. We explore the mechanisms behind the generation and maintenance of genetic diversity in triploid asexual (gynogenetic) Carassius auratus fish, which is widespread in East Asian fresh waters and exhibits one of the most extensive distribution among asexual vertebrates despite its dependence on host sperm. Our analyses of genetic composition using dozens of genetic markers and genome-wide transcriptome sequencing uncover admixed genetic composition of Japanese asexual triploid Carassius consisting of both the diverged Japanese and Eurasian alleles, suggesting the involvement of Eurasian lineages in its origin. However, coexisting sexual diploid relatives and asexual triploids in Japan show regional genetic similarity in both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. These results are attributed to a unique unidirectional gene flow from diploids to sympatric triploids, with the involvement of occasional sexual reproduction. Additionally, the asexual triploid shows a weaker population structure than the sexual diploid, and multiple triploid lineages coexist in most Japanese rivers. The generated diversity via repeated interploidy gene flow as well as an increased establishment of immigrants is assumed to offset the cost of asexual reproduction and might contribute to the successful broad distribution of this asexual vertebrate

    Whole-genome resequencing shows numerous genes with nonsynonymous SNPs in the Japanese native cattle Kuchinoshima-Ushi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because the Japanese native cattle <it>Kuchinoshima-Ushi </it>have been isolated in a small island and their lineage has been intensely protected, it has been assumed to date that numerous and valuable genomic variations are conserved in this cattle breed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we evaluated genetic features of this breed, including single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) information, by whole-genome sequencing using a Genome Analyzer II. A total of 64.2 Gb of sequence was generated, of which 86% of the obtained reads were successfully mapped to the reference sequence (Btau 4.0) with BWA. On an average, 93% of the genome was covered by the reads and the number of mapped reads corresponded to 15.8-fold coverage across the covered region. From these data, we identified 6.3 million SNPs, of which more than 5.5 million (87%) were found to be new. Out of the SNPs annotated in the bovine sequence assembly, 20,432 were found in protein-coding regions containing 11,713 nonsynonymous SNPs in 4,643 genes. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis using sequence data from 10 genes (more than 10 kbp) showed that <it>Kuchinoshima-Ushi </it>is clearly distinct from European domestic breeds of cattle.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results provide a framework for further genetic studies in the <it>Kuchinoshima-Ushi </it>population and research on functions of SNP-containing genes, which would aid in understanding the molecular basis underlying phenotypic variation of economically important traits in cattle and in improving intrinsic defects in domestic cattle breeds.</p

    Phylogenetic tree and gene structures of the spiggin multi-gene family and its homologs

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Extensive lineage-specific gene duplication and evolution of the spiggin multi-gene family in stickleback"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/7/209</p><p>BMC Evolutionary Biology 2007;7():209-209.</p><p>Published online 4 Nov 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2180178.</p><p></p> Threespine and ninespine stickleback spiggin genes from the genome sequence (Gaac_spg1, 3, 4, 5, and 7; boxed), published spiggin cDNA sequences (spg1-spg4, Pungitius_spgα-γ; DDBJ/EMBL/NCBI accession numbers: AB221477, AB221481-83, DQ018713-8), and spiggin homologs in four other fish species (Tetraodon, spotted green pufferfish; Takifugu, torafugu; Oryzias, medaka; Danio, zebrafish) were subjected to phylogenetic analyses, and the resulting ML tree is shown. Numbers at nodes in internal branches indicate % bootstrap values (500 replicates). Putative corresponding relationships between genome and cDNA sequences are indicated by circles. The exon-intron structures of the corresponding genes are shown on the right. Brackets indicate the region used for phylogenetic studies (exons 7–16). The gene structure of spiggin cDNA sequences is shown in gray. Shaded boxes in the cDNA sequences indicate that the ORF could not be estimated from the genome data. Unpublished sequence gaps from ninespine stickleback genes and an undetermined region in the medaka genome are indicated by dotted lines. Asterisks in the zebrafish gene structure indicate the parts incongruent for the determination of ORFs because of indels