85 research outputs found


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    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics会議名: 言語資源活用ワークショップ2019, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 2019年9月2日−4日, 主催: 国立国語研究所 コーパス開発センター対話において、相手が知っているかどうか不確かな対象に言及する際、話し手はどのようにその対象を対話に導入するのだろうか。本研究では『日本語地図課題対話コーパス』を用いて、特定の対象が最初に対話に導入される際の言語活動の分析を行った。本稿は、(1)発話機能、(2)相互行為、(3)言語形式の3つの観点からその言語活動の特徴を報告する

    A Comparison of Factors Affecting Verbal Aggression Between Japan and China: Emotion and Politeness

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of politeness on verbal aggression in the different cultural contexts of Japan and China. Questionnaire research was administered to 195 Japanese university students and 255 Chinese university students. In the questionnaire, students were asked to recall an incident within a week or two in which they got angry. They were also asked to indicate (1) the intensity of their anger, (2) the hostility of the other party, (3) the degree of emotional regulation, (4) the action taken, (5) rational behavioral tendency, (6) social distance between self and the other party, (7) relative power of the other party, and (8) ranking of imposition. Participants\u27 behavior in (4) was categorized into verbal aggression and other. Logistic regression analysis was conducted on the data from both countries, with verbal aggression and other categorized from (4) as the objective variables and the remaining variables from (1) through (8), excluding (4), as explanatory variables. The results showed that proximity to the other party increased verbal aggression for both Japanese and Chinese participants. Emotional variables – anger and emotion regulation-affected verbal aggression only among Chinese students


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    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics会議名: 言語資源活用ワークショップ2020, 開催地: オンライン, 会期: 2020年9月8日−9日, 主催: 国立国語研究所 コーパス開発センター会話において特定の対象を最初に参照する際,話し手はしばしば発話の途中にポーズを入れ,聞き手からの反応を誘発することがある。本研究では,この方略を発話の「分割提示」と 呼び,日本語地図課題対話を用いて,発話の分割提示による会話の流れへの影響について分析を行った。その結果,参照する対象を聞き手が知っている場合 (共有条件) と知らない場合 (有無条件) では,聞き手から応答に違いがあることが分った。また,分割提示を行うことで話し手は,聞き手の知識についてより早く想定することができ,効率的な会話が実現できていると提案する

    会話における「そうしたら」と「そうすると」の出現状況 : 『日本語日常会話コーパス』を題材に

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    国立国語研究所 研究系 音声言語研究領域 非常勤研究員/千葉大学 博士課程千葉大学Adjunct Researcher, Spoken Language Division, Research Department, NINJAL / Doctoral Student, Chiba UniversityChiba University日本語の条件表現は,「タラ」「ト」「バ」「ナラ」等の多様な形式があり,これまで多くの研究者によって,各形式の統語的・意味的特徴を説明する理論が提案されてきた。しかし,実際の会話を対象にした定量的な研究は十分には行われていない。本研究は,条件表現のうち「そうしたら」と「そうすると」の2つの表現に着目し,2つの形式の選択要因を明らかにするために,『日本語日常会話コーパス』を用いて,3つの分析を行った。分析1では,従来議論されてきた前件の事実関係と条件表現形式の使用傾向について分析を行った。分析2では,特定の条件表現の用法に限定して,形式の使用傾向の分析を行った。分析3では,会話は参加者同士が協力して発話の理解を達成する共同的活動であるという観点から条件表現の形式の使用傾向の分析を行った。本研究の結果,「そうしたら」と「そうすると」の選択が前件の事実関係と強く関連していることが示された。また,分析結果に基づいて,条件表現の選択要因を検討し,これまでの研究では説明できない形式の使用を説明できることを示した。The Japanese language contains several forms of conditional clauses such as "tara," "to," "ba," and "nara," and numerous researchers have attempted to syntactically and/or semantically describe their differing functions. Prior studies usually focus on the theoretical usages of conditional clauses by examining if interchanging them, changes the sentences\u27 meanings; few studies examine how different conditional clauses are actually employed. To better understand this aspect, we analyzed the usages of conditional clauses in the Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation (CEJC, Koiso et al. 2017). In particular, we focused on the two most frequently appearing lexicalized expressions of Japanese conditional clauses in the CEJC – "soushitara" and "sousuruto." In Analysis 1, based on a traditional approach, we examined if the usage pattern of the two forms differed when the states of fact about antecedents varied. In Analysis 2, we selected conditional clauses associated with specific content from the corpus, subsequently examining whether the expressions of antecedents and/or consequents associated with the two conditional clauses differed. In Analysis 3, we reanalyzed data utilized in Analyses 1 and 2 by assuming that conversation is achieved by collaborative acts among agents to understand each other. Results revealed that although they may be syntactically and semantically interchangeable, "soushitara" and "sousuruto" are clearly employed in different ways, and differential usages can be attributed to variations in the states of fact about antecedents. In addition, the results of Analysis 3 provide an innovative way to differentiate between "soushitara" and "sousuruto" where no previous model or theory was applicable

    Oral-Nasopharyngeal Dendritic Cells Mediate T Cell-Independent IgA Class Switching on B-1 B Cells

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    Native cholera toxin (nCT) as a nasal adjuvant was shown to elicit increased levels of T-independent S-IgA antibody (Ab) responses through IL-5- IL-5 receptor interactions between CD4+ T cells and IgA+ B-1 B cells in murine submandibular glands (SMGs) and nasal passages (NPs). Here, we further investigate whether oral-nasopharyngeal dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in the induction of B-1 B cell IgA class switch recombination (CSR) for the enhancement of T cell-independent (TI) mucosal S-IgA Ab responses. High expression levels of activation-induced cytidine deaminase, Iα-Cμ circulation transcripts and Iμ-Cα transcripts were seen on B-1 B cells purified from SMGs and NPs of both TCRβ−/− mice and wild-type mice given nasal trinitrophenyl (TNP)-LPS plus nCT, than in the same tissues of mice given nCT or TNP-LPS alone. Further, DCs from SMGs, NPs and NALT of mice given nasal TNP-LPS plus nCT expressed significantly higher levels of a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) than those in mice given TNP-LPS or nCT alone, whereas the B-1 B cells in SMGs and NPs showed elevated levels of transmembrane activator and calcium modulator cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) expression. Interestingly, high frequencies of IgA+ B-1 B cells were induced when peritoneal IgA− IgM+ B cells were stimulated with mucosal DCs from mice given nasal TNP-LPS plus nCT. Taken together, these findings show that nasal nCT plays a key role in the enhancement of mucosal DC-mediated TI IgA CSR by B-1 B cells through their interactions with APRIL and TACI

    Design and Evaluation of the Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation

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    application/pdfNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsGraduate School of Humanities, Chiba UniversityNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsWe have constructed the Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation (CEJC) and published it in March 2022. The CEJC is designed to contain various kinds of everyday conversations in a balanced manner to capture their diversity. The CEJC features not only audio but also video data to facilitate precise understanding of the mechanism of real-life social behavior. The publication of a large-scale corpus of everyday conversations that includes video data is a new approach. The CEJC contains 200 hours of speech, 577 conversations, about 2.4 million words, and a total of 1675 conversants. In this paper, we present an overview of the corpus, including the recording method and devices, structure of the corpus, formats of video and audio files, transcription, and annotations. We then report some results of the evaluation of the CEJC in terms of conversant and conversation attributes. We show that the CEJC includes a good balance of adult conversants in terms of gender and age, as well as a variety of conversations in terms of conversation forms, places, activities, and numbers of conversants.conference pape

    Construction of the corpus of everyday Japanese conversation : An interim report

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    National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsChiba University/National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsLREC 2018 Special Speech Sessions "Speech Resources Collection in Real-World Situations"; Phoenix Seagaia Conference Center, Miyazaki; 2018-05-09In 2016, we launched a new corpus project in which we are building a large-scale corpus of everyday Japanese conversation in a balanced manner, aiming at exploring characteristics of conversations in contemporary Japanese through multiple approaches. The corpus targets various kinds of naturally occurring conversations in daily situations, such as conversations during dinner with the family at home, meetings with colleagues at work, and conversations while driving. In this paper, we first introduce an overview of the corpus, including corpus size, conversation variations, recording methods, structure of the corpus, and annotations to be included in the corpus. Next, we report on the current stage of the development of the corpus and legal and ethical issues discussed so far. Then we present some results of the preliminary evaluation of the data being collected. We focus on whether or not the 94 hours of conversations collected so far vary in a balanced manner by reference to the survey results of everyday conversational behavior that we conducted previously to build an empirical foundation for the corpus design. We will publish the whole corpus in 2022, consisting of more than 200 hours of recordings

    Activation of Soil and Chemical Reagents Exposed to the Neutrons Released by the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura

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    Specific activities (Bq/g-element) of residual neutron-induced radionuclides by the JCO criticality accident were measured for soil, concrete block and chemical reagent samples collected in the JCO campus. Induced radionuclides such as 24Na, 46Sc, 54Mn, 59Fe, 60Co, 65Zn, 82Br, 122Sb, 134Cs and 140La were detected in the samples, depending on the ground distance from the accident point and the sampling date. Apparent thermal, epi-thermal and fast neutron fluences, which reached the sample at each point, were roughly estimated from the specific activities and cross sections of the target nuclides taken from a literature. The present data are believed to be important as validation data for a three-dimensional neutron transport model calculation