18 research outputs found


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    Knowledge of the characteristics describing the technological properties of the material is the basis for correct numerical simulation and the design of new technological processes or the modernization of existing ones. For each technological process of plastic forming, a set of features should be defined that correctly describe the susceptibility of the material to its shaping in a given process.The paper presents the results of rheological tests of 6xxx series Al alloy, obtained for deformation parameters corresponding to the process of the extrusion of large-size profiles. The effect of deformation conditions on changes in yield stress was determined. Next, the true values of the mathematical model coefficients describing the rheological properties of the tested material were determined using the inverse method, which is the basis for conducting numerical tests


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    Changing market preferences regarding expectations in terms of the functionality, properties, and appearance of a finished product place excessive demands on manufacturers. The 6xxx-series alloys are the most commonly used in extrusion, and they have broad applications (e.g., the construction, electronics, automotive, and shipbuilding industries). The development of deformation technology at the design stage reaps unquestionable benefits when planning the production process. Under real conditions, the extrusion of hollow profiles requires the use of pocket dies, whose proper design is a complex process. This paper presents the results of preliminary numerical investigations of the extrusion process of structural panels from the 6005A aluminum alloy intended for the construction of transport car bodies. The influence of selected parameters of the extrusion process on the temperature distribution was analyzed in the material. The calculations were made using FEM for a three-dimensional deformation state, taking into account the thermal phenomena occurring during the applied deformation scheme in the extrusion process carried out in a flat die

    Ways of translating selected Swedish prepositions into Polish. A comparative analysis of the novel Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann by Jonas Jonasson and its Polish translation

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest ukazanie wybranych strategii translatorskich użytych podczas tłumaczenia szwedzkich przyimków på i till na język polski. Przykłady użyte do analizy kontrastywnej zostały zaczęrpnięte z książki Jonasa Jonassona Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann oraz jej polskiego przekładu autorstwa Joanny Myszkowskiej-Mangold. Praca składa się z dwóch części: teoretycznej i empirycznej. Część teoretyczna obejmuje opis lingwistyki kontrastywnej uwzględniając jej historię, przedmiot i cel badań oraz używane metody. Pokazuje ona również związek gramatyki kontrastywnej z przekładoznawstwem oraz wymienia strategie translatorskie, które pełnią ważną rolę w procesie tłumaczenia. Kolejny rozdział części teoretycznej zawiera charakterystykę przyimka jako klasy wyrazów oraz przedstawia jego znaczenie, budowę oraz funkcję. Na część empiryczną składa się omówienie trzydziestu przykładów wybranych uprzednio z książki. Dzięki analizie materiału możemy zobaczyć najczęstsze strategie translatorskie użyte przez autorkę polskiego przekładu. Na końcu pracy znajduje się krótkie podsumowanie zawierające wnioski końcowe.The aim of this paper is to present how some of the selected Swedish prepositions were translated into Polish and which translation strategies were used in the process of translating. The study is based on an analysis of examples with the prepositions på and till chosen from Jonas Jonasson’s book Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann and their Polish equivalents found in the translation by Joanna Myszkowska-Mangold. The thesis consists of two main parts: theoretical and empirical. The former is made of two chapters which include: an introduction to contrastive analysis and translation with their respective definitions and a short historical background, as well as the description of preposition with its meaning, structure and function. The empirical part covers the analysis of 30 examples chosen from the book and shows the most common strategies used by the translator. The summary of the analysis as well as some of the conclusions can be found at the end of the paper

    Nowe aspekty asymetrycznego procesu walcowania blach grubych : rozprawa habilitacyjna

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    Práce je zařazena do knihovního fondu ÚK VŠB-TUO (sign. 273897)Habilitační práce (doc.)--Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství, 2010Nad názvem: Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział Inżynierii Procesowej, Materiałowej i Fizyki Stosowanej, 2009PrezenčníNeuvedenoNeuveden

    Politycy a grzeczność językowa. Analiza strategii grzecznościowych na przykładzie wybranych fragmentów debat prezydenckich i wiceprezydenckich w Stanach Zjednoczonych

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    Przedmiotem poniższej pracy jest analiza wybranych strategii grzecznościowych używanych przez polityków podczas debat prezydenckich oraz wiceprezydenckich w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Pierwszy rozdział pracy przedstawia różne definicje pojęcia „grzeczności językowej” oraz omawia niektóre modele grzecznościowe przedstawione przez poszczególnych językoznawców. W kolejnej części opisana została teoria grzeczności językowej zaproponowana przez Penelope Brown i Stephena C. Levinsona wraz z krytyką, z którą się ona spotkała. W trzecim rozdziale autorka przedstawia strategie grzecznościowe opisane przez autorów teorii. Ostatni rozdział poświęcony jest analizie poszczególnych strategii grzecznościowych, przeprowadzonej na podstawie modelu Brown i Levinsona, pojawiających się w wypowiedziach polityków z debat prezydenckich i wiceprezydenckich przeprowadzonych w Stanach Zjednoczonych w latach 2008-2020.The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the selected politeness strategies used by politicians during presidential and vice presidential debates in the U.S. In the first chapter are presented different understandings of the term politeness as well as some chosen models of politeness described by the selected linguists. The next part of the paper discusses Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness and the criticism which the model received. In the third chapter, the author describes politeness strategies presented by Brown and Levinson. The last chapter includes the analysis of the selected politeness strategies used in the presidential and vice presidential debates in the U.S. in the years 2008-2020

    Analysis of Fire Hazards in a Selected Plant

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    The work identifies and analyzes fire hazards in a selected plant - the fuel base. On this basis, the risk of these risks was estimated and methods of their prevention were established using the PHA method

    Microstate of Basic Phase of High-Alloyed Ferritic Steels

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    In according with the stated conception the purpose of the present work is the reconstruction of some of innumerable microstates of α phase of ferritic steels, definition of its macroparameters and their subsequent comparison with indicators of mechanical properties of industrially let out steels. The establishment of a correlation between the measured indicators of mechanical properties of already created materials and the calculated state parameters of their basic phase opens an opportunity of mechanical properties prediction of materials in dependence on their prehistory that as a matter of fact represents the central task of material science. Simulation of α-phase state of series of industrially let out ferritic steels and alloys is executed in the assumption of identity of its composition to composition of steel or alloy as a whole. The correlation between indicators of mechanical properties of steels and alloys and state parameters of their basic phase is traced

    Modeling of the Closure of Metallurgical Defects in the Magnesium Alloy Die Forging Process

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    The article discusses the impact of hot forging elongation operations on the closure of metallurgical discontinuities such as middle porosity in selected magnesium alloys (AZ91) depending on the shape of the input used. Numerical modeling was carried out using the Forge®NxT 2.1 program based on the finite element method and laboratory modeling in order to bring about the closure of defects of metallurgical origin in deformed forging ingots. On the basis of the conducted research, optimal values of the main technological parameters of forging and appropriate groups of anvils to be used in individual stages of forging were proposed in order to eliminate metallurgical defects

    Investigation of the Influence of Open-Die Forging Parameters on the Flow Kinetics of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy

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    This paper presents the results of numerical tests of the process of forging magnesium alloy ingots (AZ91) on a hydraulic press with the use of flat and proprietary shaped anvils. The analysis of the hydrostatic pressure distribution and the deformation intensity was carried out. It is one of the elements used for determining the assumptions for the technology of forging to obtain a semi-finished product from the AZ91 alloy with good strength properties. The aim of the research was to reduce the number of forging passes, which will shorten the operation time and reduce the product manufacturing costs. Numerical tests of the AZ91 magnesium alloy were carried out using commercial Forge®NxT software