29 research outputs found

    Family functioning of adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to investigate the features of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) behaviors, family functioning and parental well-being in adolescents with NSSI referred to child and adolescent psychiatry department and also in order to detect if there is an association between the act of NSSI and the issues above mentioned. METHODS: 37 cases with NSSI in the last year and their 51 parents and 31 controls with any psychopathology and their 47 parents referred to child and adolescents psychiatry clinic were included. Psychiatric diagnostic interview (Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children Lifetime Version), Mc Master Family Assessment Device were applied to all participants. Mc Master Family Assessment Device and General Health Questionnaire were also applied to all participants’ parents. RESULTS: Cutting was the most common self harm method. The adolescents with NSSI and their parents had greater scores in Mc Master Family Assessment Device subscales by pointing the limitations in functioning. The parents of adolescents with NSSI had greater ratio 2 and upper scores in GHQ-12. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The family functioning of adolescents with NSSI was poorer. There was a significant association between NSSI behaviors and poor family functioning. The parents of adolescents with NSSI had more risks in mental health disorders. It is important to interview with parents of adolescents with NSSI about family functioning problems and to support parental well-being

    A comparison of extra and intra-familial sexual abuse of children and adolescents

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    Objective: The aim of the study is to define and compare individual and family characteristics, occurrence as well as the consequences of the abuse and forensic processes of children who are victims of extra and intra-familial child sexual abuse. Methods: Data was collected by retrospective chart review of 182 cases who had admitted to a child and adolescent psychiatry clinic between 2010 and 2012 for forensic evaluation due to being victims of child sexual abuse. Following data collection cases were grouped into two; 139 children and adolescent as extrafamilial and 43 cases as intra-familial child sexual abuse. Analysis of data was performed accordingly. Results: Girls were more commonly sexually abused in both groups. In the intra-familial group, mean ages of children and their parents were significantly lower. Biological father was the most common offender in the intra-familial sexual abuse group Children in the extra-familial sexual abuse group had significantly lower intelligences quotients and were not attending school. Time between the occurrence of the abuse and the forensic evaluation was significantly longer in the intra-familial group. Withdrawal of the claim was only present in the intrafamilial sexual abuse group. In both groups physical abuse accompanying sexual abuse were significantly more common in male victims. Mean age under 12 years, intelligence level and psychiatric morbidity within the family were found to be the predictors of intrafamilial sexual child abuse. Discussion: This study displays that 1/4 of child sexual abuse is in the form of incest, known to have significantly more detonating effects on the victims. It takes longer to identify the cases of incest and its deleterious effects are more implicit. Extended and expansive research on child sexual abuse, especially incest, necessitates

    'My Child Doesn't Eat!'; Parental Feeding Strategies, Parental Attitudes and Family Functioning of Children with Poor Appetite

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    Purpose: Children's low interest in food and 'lack of appetite' are of serious concern for parents and in consequently for the professionals. This study aimed to examine parental feeding strategies, effects of meal time environment, describe family functioning, and clarify general parental attitudes of the children with poor appetite from a developing country without any physical health problem that might affect growth, cause pain or discomfort during feeding

    Relationships between pediatric obesity and maternal emotional states and attitudes

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    Objective The goal of this study was to investigate depression and anxiety levels of mothers whose child (7-11 years) and adolescent (12-18 years) offspring had obesity, as well as those mothers' attitudes toward their children and their family relationships

    Metabolic syndrome and features in children and adolescents diagnosed with mood disorders and psychotic disorders

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    Kara, Halil ( Aksaray, Yazar ) Öztürk Kara, Deniz ( Aksaray, Yazar )Amaç: Metabolik sendrom (METs) santral yağlanma, yüksek tansiyon, düşük seviyede yüksek yoğunluklu lipopro- tein (HDL) kolesterol, yükselmiş trigliserit(TG) ve hiperglisemi gibi bir dizi risk etkeninin birlikteliği şeklinde tanım- lanır. Metabolik sendrom yaygınlığı yetişkin popülasyonda birçok psikopatoloji ile hem artan belirti şiddeti düzeyin- de, hem de antidepresan kullanımı ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda duygudurum ve psikotik bozukluğu olan çocuk ve ergenlerde METs özellikleri ve METs oluşumunda var olan psikiyatrik bozuklukların ve psikotrop kullanı- mının etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Çalışmaya Ruhsal bozuklukların Tanısal ve Sayımsal El kitabı, yeniden gözden geçirilmiş dördüncü baskısı (DSM-IV-TR) tanı ölçütlerine göre bipolar bozukluk, şizofreni, şizoaffek- tif bozukluk ve şizofreniform bozukluğu olan 13-20 yaşları arasındaki 30 hasta ve psikiyatrik bozukluğu olmayan 30 sağlıklı kontrol grubu çocuk ve ergen alınmıştır. Katılımcıların antropometrik ölçümleri (vücut ağırlığı, boy, bel çevresi, beden kitle indeksi-BKİ) yanında kan basıncı ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Katılımcıların total kolesterol, trigliserit, HDL, düşük yoğunluklu lipoprotein (LDL) değerleri ve açlık kan şekeri (AKŞ) düzeyleri ölçülerek, tüm verilerin değer- lendirilmesi sonucunda METs tanısı International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) ölçütleri temel alınarak konulmuştur. Bulgular: Çalışmamızda tüm örneklem grubumuzda METs oranı %20 (n=12) olarak belirlendi. Bunlardan dokuzu (%27) olgu grubunda, üçü (%10) kontrol grubunda idi. METs grubunun BKİ değeri, ortalama ağırlık, bel çevresi uzunluğu, serum trigliserit ve AKŞ değerleri kontrol grubundan istatistiksel olarak yüksek bulunmuştur. Ayrıca duygudurum düzenleyici ilaçların kullanımının METs gelişmesine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu saptan- mıştır. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda çocuk ve ergenlerde psikiyatrik bozuklukların ve antipsikotik kullanımının metabolik düzenlemeyi bozduğu ve METs için risk oluşturduğu belirlenmiştir. Bulgularımızın özellikle METs açısından risk taşıyan çocuk ve ergenlerde antipsikotik kullanımına yeni yaklaşımlar sağlayacağı kanısındayız.Objective: Metabolic syndrome (METS) is described as cluster of risk factors including central obesity, hyperten- sion, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL), hypertriglyceridemia and hyperglycemia. The prevalence of METs has been associated with increased symptom severity and antidepressants utilization in many psychopathologies among adult population. We aimed to evaluate the effect of psychopathologies and antipsychotics in METs devel- opment, additionally to determine METs characteristics in children and adolescents diagnosed with bipolar and psychotic disorders. Methods: Thirty children and adolescents aged between 13-20 years old of whom were diag- nosed with bipolar mood disorders, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and schizophreniform according to Diag- nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria were compared with a 30 healthy children and adolescents in present study. The anthropometric measurements including body weight, height, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) as well as blood pressure measurements were documented. In addition, total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), HDL, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels were measured and METs assessed according to the IDF (International Diabetes Foundation) criteria in participants. Results: Overall the prevalence of METs was 20% (n=12) in our study. Among the METs patients, nine were (27%) in the case group, three were (10%) were in control group. The mean BMI, body weight, WC, serum TG and FBG values of the METs group were found to be statistically higher than the healthy control group. Moreover it was also found that utilization of mood-stabilizing drugs has a statistically significant effect on the development of METs. Conclusion: Psychopathologies and antipsychotic utilization have associated with an increased risk for the development of metabolic disorders and METs in the children and adolescents population. In this respect our findings may provide a new approach with the management of treatment strategies particularly in children and adolescents with high risk of METs

    Do mothers with high sodium levels in their breast milk have high depression and anxiety scores?

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    Objective This study aimed to assess the possible association of high breast milk sodium levels with postpartum depression and anxiety

    Do the psychosocial risk factors of the mothers have any effect on the breast milk electrolytes?

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    Objective: In this study, levels of sodium (Na) and sodium/potassium ratio (Na/K), which are considered as indicators of successful lactation, and their relationships with the mothers and their babies' sociodemographic features, psychosocial risk factors of mothers and their adult type attachment styles were aimed to be investigated

    Do mothers with high sodium levels in their breast milk have high depression and anxiety scores?

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    Objective This study aimed to assess the possible association of high breast milk sodium levels with postpartum depression and anxiety