129 research outputs found

    Relation Between Indian Constitution and Democracy

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    Today the people in India are in a mood which comes rarely in the life of a country. They are looking forward starry eyed, to a new direction, a new era, a life. It is time not merely for a new budget or a new licensing policy or a new price structure. It is the moment for shaping and moulding a new society, for giving a new and clear orientation to the nation. The constitution is not a structure of fossils like a coral reef and is not intended merely to enable politicians to play their unending game of power. When a republic comes to birth, it is the leaders who produce the institutions. Later, it is the institutions which produce the leaders. In India’s case the established structures failed to give desired results. If the system of Parliamentary democracy had been worked in conformity with the objectives for which it has been established and the obligations and codes of conduct it imposes on politicians, political parties and their mutual relations, it would have constituted a most heart warming feature in finding a way out of the morass and confusion in which we are finding ourselves as a nation. In the words of T.S. Eliot, ‘we had the experience, but we missed the meaning’. We the Indians, know it well that our democratic institutions have not been worked in that manner. Our electorate is largely illiterate and not in a position to take an objective or critical view of the promises and performances of different political parties.

    Overview of Image Processing and Various Compression Schemes

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    Image processing is key research among researchers. Compression of images are required when need of transmission or storage of images. Demand of multimedia growth, contributes to insufficient bandwidth of network and memory storage device. Advance imaging requires capacity of extensive amounts of digitized information. Therefore data compression is more required for reducing data redundancy to save more hardware space and transmission bandwidth. Various techniques are given for image compression. Some of which are discussed in this paper


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    Background: Palpable breast lump, breast pain, and nipple discharge are common symptoms of breast disease. Breast cytology (fine-needle aspiration, nipple discharge smear, and touch preparation) accurately identifies benign, atypical, and malignant pathological changes in breast specimens. This study aims to determine the types of breast lesions diagnosed by breast cytology and assess the clinical adequacy of narrative reporting of breast cytology results. Methods: Medical records of 390 patients presenting to breast or general surgery clinics in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Medical College, Tanda between four years were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Of the 390 diagnosed breast lesions, 89.7 % (n = 350) occurred in females, while 10.3 % (n = 40) occurred in males, giving rise to a female-to-male ratio of 8.8:1. Neoplastic breast lesions (n = 296) comprised 75.9 %, while non-neoplastic breast lesions (n = 94) comprised 24.1 % of all diagnosed breast lesions. The neoplastic lesions were classified as 72.3 % (n = 214) benign and 27.7 % (n = 82) malignant, resulting in a benign-to-malignant ratio of 2.6:1. Fibroadenoma (n = 136) and gynecomastia (n = 33) were the most frequently diagnosed breast lesions for women and men, respectively. Conclusions: Breast cytology effectively diagnosed neoplastic and non-neoplastic breast lesions. Neoplastic breast lesions occurred more frequently in women whereas non-neoplastic lesions occurred more frequently in men. To address the limitations associated with narrative reporting of breast cytology results, a synoptic reporting format incorporating the United Kingdom’s National Health Service Breast Screening Programme’s diagnostic categories (C1 to C5) is recommended for adoption by this hospital

    To ChatGPT, or not to ChatGPT: That is the question!

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    ChatGPT has become a global sensation. As ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) emerge, concerns of misusing them in various ways increase, such as disseminating fake news, plagiarism, manipulating public opinion, cheating, and fraud. Hence, distinguishing AI-generated from human-generated becomes increasingly essential. Researchers have proposed various detection methodologies, ranging from basic binary classifiers to more complex deep-learning models. Some detection techniques rely on statistical characteristics or syntactic patterns, while others incorporate semantic or contextual information to improve accuracy. The primary objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive and contemporary assessment of the most recent techniques in ChatGPT detection. Additionally, we evaluated other AI-generated text detection tools that do not specifically claim to detect ChatGPT-generated content to assess their performance in detecting ChatGPT-generated content. For our evaluation, we have curated a benchmark dataset consisting of prompts from ChatGPT and humans, including diverse questions from medical, open Q&A, and finance domains and user-generated responses from popular social networking platforms. The dataset serves as a reference to assess the performance of various techniques in detecting ChatGPT-generated content. Our evaluation results demonstrate that none of the existing methods can effectively detect ChatGPT-generated content

    Formulation Development and Evaluation of Herbal Toothpaste for Treatment of Oral Disease

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    Streptococcus mutans is the most common cause of tooth decay. Parabens and other commonly used as anti-Streptococcus agents in toothpaste industry have numerous side effects such as discoloration of teeth. The herbal extract of all three plants gives antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity and prevent and reducing the tooth decay, dental caries and given to freshness of mouth. The aim of present work was development and evaluation of herbal antimicrobial toothpaste containing Bark of Acacia nilotica, Acacia catechu and flower buds of syzygium aromaticum as herbal ingredients. Different types of formulations (F1-F6) were formulated using calcium carbonate as abrasive and Glycerine as humectant in varied concentrations. All the formulations were evaluated for various parameters like dryness, color, appearance, consistency, washability, pH, spreadability and foaming power. Polyherbal toothpaste containing hydroalcoholic extract of plants was tested for antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans with different concentrations of toothpaste were used (25, 50and 100 mg/ml). Among the tested bacteria used Staphylococcus aureus was found to be most sensitive to the formulated toothpaste as seen by zone of inhibition (19-24 mm) followed by Streptococcus mutans (13-18 mm). The results showed that the formulated polyherbal toothpaste is promising antimicrobial effects against both organisms. It may be safer compared to fully synthetic toothpaste. Further studies are warranted to prove safety and efficacy of the formulated polyherbal toothpaste. Keywords: Streptococcus mutans, Acacia nilotica, Acacia catechu, syzygium aromaticum, polyherbal toothpast

    BayBFed: Bayesian Backdoor Defense for Federated Learning

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    Federated learning (FL) allows participants to jointly train a machine learning model without sharing their private data with others. However, FL is vulnerable to poisoning attacks such as backdoor attacks. Consequently, a variety of defenses have recently been proposed, which have primarily utilized intermediary states of the global model (i.e., logits) or distance of the local models (i.e., L2-norm) from the global model to detect malicious backdoors. However, as these approaches directly operate on client updates, their effectiveness depends on factors such as clients' data distribution or the adversary's attack strategies. In this paper, we introduce a novel and more generic backdoor defense framework, called BayBFed, which proposes to utilize probability distributions over client updates to detect malicious updates in FL: it computes a probabilistic measure over the clients' updates to keep track of any adjustments made in the updates, and uses a novel detection algorithm that can leverage this probabilistic measure to efficiently detect and filter out malicious updates. Thus, it overcomes the shortcomings of previous approaches that arise due to the direct usage of client updates; as our probabilistic measure will include all aspects of the local client training strategies. BayBFed utilizes two Bayesian Non-Parametric extensions: (i) a Hierarchical Beta-Bernoulli process to draw a probabilistic measure given the clients' updates, and (ii) an adaptation of the Chinese Restaurant Process (CRP), referred by us as CRP-Jensen, which leverages this probabilistic measure to detect and filter out malicious updates. We extensively evaluate our defense approach on five benchmark datasets: CIFAR10, Reddit, IoT intrusion detection, MNIST, and FMNIST, and show that it can effectively detect and eliminate malicious updates in FL without deteriorating the benign performance of the global model

    Nimesulide induced toxic epidermal necrolysis: a rare case report

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    Adverse drug reactions to the prescribed medicines are the major obstacles in continuation of drug treatment. Nimesulide, a selective cyclo-oxygenase (COX-2) inhibitor was first launched in Italy in 1985 and subsequently marketed in more than 50 countries including India. Due to its better and faster antipyretic action, it has gained popularity among physicians and paediatricians. Here, we report a case of 60 years old male patient who developed toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) following ingestion of tablet nimesulide. The patient was managed with parenteral corticosteroids, antibiotics, emollients, anti-fungal and supportive care. This case highlights the importance of nimesulide and other NSAIDs as possible cause of TEN. Nimesulide has never been approved in countries like USA, Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Australia. But in India it is available as over the counter drug and is used for various indications like fever, myalgia, arthralgia. Therefore, the drugs which are banned outside India should be used with caution and medical practitioners should report all the adverse drug reactions to such drugs.
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