5 research outputs found

    Modification of 伪-Synuclein by Phosphorylation: A Pivotal Event in the Cellular Pathogenesis of Parkinson鈥檚 Disease

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    Post-translational protein modifications play an important role in generating the large diversity of the proteome in comparison to the relatively small number of genes; phosphorylation being the most widespread. Phosphorylation of proteins regulates important molecular-switches for several cellular events and abnormal phosphorylation events are associated in many neurodegenerative diseases. In Parkinson鈥檚 disease (PD) the main hallmark is the accumulation of cytoplasmic inclusions, Lewy bodies (LBs), consisting of 伪-synuclein (伪-Syn) and ubiquitin. There鈥檚 another key observation which is increasingly gaining prominence is a modified-form of 伪-Syn; the phospho 伪-Syn serine129 (pSyn). The significance of pSyn has gained importance in PD because its accumulation is distinctly enhanced in the diseased condition. The revelation of the involvement of pSyn on 伪-Syn aggregation, LB formation and neurotoxicity is crucial to understanding the pathogenesis and progression of PD.聽Since some in vitro and in vivo studies have indicated that pSyn is an early event preceding apoptosis, some important questions now needs to be explored in reference to the physiological functions regulated by phosphorylation, such as dopamine synthesis, vesicle mobilization, regulation of synaptic proteins, and synaptic plasticity. An investigation of the role of enzymes on the phosphorylation and clearance of 伪-Syn and region-specific susceptibility is required to be determined; to identify viable targets for new therapeutics

    La importancia de la colaboraci贸n interprofesional para mejorar la seguridad del paciente en la asistencia sanitaria

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    When healthcare experts from many disciplines work together to provide thorough and efficient patient care, this is referred to as interprofessional collaboration. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of interprofessional cooperation in raising patient safety within the healthcare system. 306 students participated in a 4-hour program that included three team simulation exercises and a 1-hour TeamSTEPPS session. By program, students were divided and asked to choose a main point. Perspectives, opinions, and possibilities for collaboration were investigated in pre- and post-assessments. Pre and post tests were completed by 49% of the students. Improvements in attitudes toward teamwork, motivation, the value of training, self-efficacy, and TeamSTEPPS abilities are significant. Strengthened interprofessional team interaction and understanding of patient advocacy. For patient safety, efficient collaboration among teammates is crucial. In a significant interprofessional TeamSTEPPS-based program encompassing four student professions, we establish beneficial attitude and knowledge consequences.Cuando expertos sanitarios de muchas disciplinas trabajan juntos para proporcionar una atenci贸n al paciente completa y eficiente, se habla de colaboraci贸n interprofesional. Es imposible sobrestimar la importancia de la colaboraci贸n interprofesional para aumentar la seguridad de los pacientes dentro del sistema sanitario. 306 estudiantes participaron en un programa de 4 horas que inclu铆a tres ejercicios de simulaci贸n en equipo y una sesi贸n TeamSTEPPS de 1 hora. Por programa, se dividi贸 a los estudiantes y se les pidi贸 que eligieran un punto principal. En las evaluaciones previas y posteriores se investigaron las perspectivas, opiniones y posibilidades de colaboraci贸n. El 49% de los alumnos completaron las pruebas pre y post. Las mejoras en las actitudes hacia el trabajo en equipo, la motivaci贸n, el valor de la formaci贸n, la autoeficacia y las habilidades de TeamSTEPPS son significativas. Fortalecimiento de la interacci贸n del equipo interprofesional y comprensi贸n de la defensa del paciente. Para la seguridad del paciente, la colaboraci贸n eficaz entre compa帽eros de equipo es crucial. En un programa interprofesional significativo basado en TeamSTEPPS que abarca cuatro profesiones estudiantiles, establecemos consecuencias beneficiosas en cuanto a actitudes y conocimientos

    Traslaci贸n de los avances tecnol贸gicos para mejorar la seguridad del paciente mediante innovaciones de enfermer铆a aplicadas en el punto de atenci贸n

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    The use of internet-based surveillance technology platforms is thought to benefit patients in nursing homes by enhancing their protection and the standard of care while also streamlining the job of the caregivers. A good strategy for creating and applying digital innovations and adapting the product or service is co-creation. The purpose of this research was to examine shared creation as an adoption method and practice, as well as to determine the enablers and challenges to the use of technological surveillance technologies in the residential setting for people with dementia and roaming behavior. An inductive content review of the qualitative and quantitative data was conducted after the data had been logically analyzed using an approach for the drivers of development. A greater number of resources were needed for the execution than those involved had expected for the gradual modifications since it constituted a major change. As a whole, the joint development technique stood out as the key enabler, leading to a more secure night surveillance system. The procedure of successfully implementing novel electronic surveillance technologies within care facilities is difficult and time-consuming, and it becomes even more challenging when the innovation enables medical professionals to fundamentally alter surgical procedures at the Point of care, opening up new opportunities for individuals and caregivers to co-create value. Long-term digitization of municipality medical services necessitates the direct integration of increasingly sophisticated IT skills into the administration and delivery of medical services as well as collaboratively creating values with those using the services and their families.Se cree que el uso de plataformas tecnol贸gicas de vigilancia basadas en Internet beneficia a los pacientes de residencias de ancianos al mejorar su protecci贸n y el nivel de los cuidados, al tiempo que agiliza el trabajo de los cuidadores. Una buena estrategia para crear y aplicar innovaciones digitales y adaptar el producto o servicio es la cocreaci贸n. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n era examinar la creaci贸n compartida como m茅todo y pr谩ctica de adopci贸n, as铆 como determinar los factores que facilitan y dificultan el uso de tecnolog铆as de vigilancia tecnol贸gica en el entorno residencial para personas con demencia y comportamiento itinerante. Se llev贸 a cabo una revisi贸n inductiva del contenido de los datos cualitativos y cuantitativos despu茅s de analizarlos l贸gicamente utilizando un enfoque para los impulsores del desarrollo. Para la ejecuci贸n se necesitaron m谩s recursos de los que los implicados hab铆an previsto para las modificaciones graduales, ya que constitu铆a un cambio importante. En conjunto, la t茅cnica de desarrollo conjunto destac贸 como el factor clave que permiti贸 obtener un sistema de vigilancia nocturna m谩s seguro. El procedimiento de implantar con 茅xito tecnolog铆as novedosas de vigilancia electr贸nica en los centros asistenciales es dif铆cil y requiere mucho tiempo, y se convierte en un reto a煤n mayor cuando la innovaci贸n permite a los profesionales m茅dicos alterar fundamentalmente los procedimientos quir煤rgicos en el punto de atenci贸n, lo que abre nuevas oportunidades para que las personas y los cuidadores creen valor conjuntamente. La digitalizaci贸n a largo plazo de los servicios m茅dicos municipales requiere la integraci贸n directa de competencias inform谩ticas cada vez m谩s sofisticadas en la administraci贸n y prestaci贸n de servicios m茅dicos, as铆 como la creaci贸n colaborativa de valores con quienes utilizan los servicios y sus familias

    Influence of intranasal exposure of MPTP in multiple doses on liver functions and transition from non-motor to motor symptoms in a rat PD model

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