300 research outputs found

    Open Source GIS Programs on the World Web

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    Programs of Open Source are introduced to GIS in task, that they are within reach on the World Web. Basic concepts are introduced in task, that oftenest use be connected with Open Source and GIS programs. Their beginnings and further development are introduced and briefly introduced programs Opened Source achievable on the World Web. Program of GIMP is introduced in continuation that he is within reach also in Slovenian. Program of GIMP is introdused briefly based on two examples

    First record of the northern spruce bark beetle, Ips duplicatus (Sahlberg, 1836), in Slovenia

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    The northern spruce bark beetle, Ips duplicatus (Sahlberg), has invaded Central Europe in the past century and continues to spread southwards and westwards. It has caused damage in some parts of Europe in recent decades and poses a serious threat to spruce forests across the continent. From 2018 to 2021, we conducted intensive monitoring to determine the status of I. duplicatus in Slovenia. We used different types of traps and pheromone lures that attract I. duplicatus beetles and took bark samples from bark beetle-infested trees. Of the 26 traps used during the four years of monitoring, I. duplicatus was found in 16 traps in the central part of Slovenia in 2020. Adult beetles were caught in traps containing both I. typographus and I. duplicatus lures. The identity of this species was confirmed using morphological keys and molecular methods. One to five I. duplicatus beetles were found per trap, totaling 25 specimens. However, we did not confirm any I. duplicatus in samples taken from trees in 2021. We conclude that I. duplicatus is present in Slovenia, but our results suggest that the species is only present locally and that the population is small

    VozniŔke zmožnosti pri demenci in parkinsonizmu

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    Samostojna vožnja avtomobila posamezniku omogoča neodvisnost in dejavno vključenost v družbo. Predstavlja kompleksno dejavnost, ki zahteva uporabo kognitivnih, senzoričnih in motoričnih sposobnosti voznika. NaraŔčajoči delež starejÅ”ih v Sloveniji, tako kot v ostalih delih razvitega sveta, pomeni, da se bo v bližnji prihodnosti pomembno povečalo tudi Å”tevilo oseb z nevrodegenerativnimi boleznimi, najpogostejÅ”i med njimi sta Alzheimerjeva bolezen in Parkinsonova bolezen. Čeprav starejÅ”i povzročijo razmeroma malo prometnih nezgod, se to najverjetneje povezuje s pogostostjo njihove udeležbe v prometu. UpoÅ”tevajoč Å”tevilo prevoženih kilometrov so starejÅ”i ena od starostnih skupin, ki povzroči največ prometnih nesreč. Pri bolnikih z napredovalo demenco pa so sposobnosti vožnje Å”e dodatno poslabÅ”ane, učinkovitost strategij kompenzacije vožnje (npr. izogibanje vožnji ponoči in vožnji po avtocesti) pa vpraÅ”ljiva. Raziskave o vozniÅ”ki uspeÅ”nosti posameznikov v začetni fazi demence niso povsem enoznačne, zato se o vozniÅ”ki sposobnosti ne smemo odločati le na osnovi diagnoze. Potrebna je individualna skrbna analiza kliničnega stanja in dodatnih podatkov, dobljenih z nevropsiholoÅ”kimi testi in preizkusno vožnjo. Ključno je upoÅ”tevanje posebnosti nevroloÅ”kih in drugih okvar pri posameznih boleznih ter možnosti kompenzacije okrnjenih sposobnosti. Glede na Å”iroko paleto dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na oceno vozniÅ”ke zmožnosti, enoznačnega priporočila o vozniÅ”ki zmožnosti ob postavitvi diagnoze demenca ali parkinsonizem ni moč podati

    From structural polymorphism to structural metamorphosis of the coat protein of flexuous filamentous potato virus Y

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    The structural diversity and tunability of the capsid proteins (CPs) of various icosahedral and rod-shaped viruses have been well studied and exploited in the development of smart hybrid nanoparticles. However, the potential of CPs of the wide-spread flexuous filamentous plant viruses remains to be explored. Here, we show that we can control the shape, size, RNA encapsidation ability, symmetry, stability and surface functionalization of nanoparticles through structure-based design of CP from potato virus Y (PVY). We provide high-resolution insight into CP-based self-assemblies, ranging from large polymorphic or monomorphic filaments to smaller annular, cubic or spherical particles. Furthermore, we show that we can prevent CP self-assembly in bacteria by fusion with a cleavable protein, enabling controlled nanoparticle formation in vitro. Understanding the remarkable structural diversity of PVY CP not only provides possibilities for the production of biodegradable nanoparticles, but may also advance future studies of CPā€™s polymorphism in a biological context

    How Can We Advance Integrative Biology Research in Animal Science in 21st Century?:Experience at University of Ljubljana from 2002 to 2022

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    In this perspective analysis, we strive to answer the following question: how can we advance integrative biology research in the 21st century with lessons from animal science? At the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science, we share here our three lessons learned in the two decades from 2002 to 2022 that we believe could inform integrative biology, systems science, and animal science scholarship in other countries and geographies. Cultivating multiomics knowledge through a conceptual lens of integrative biology is crucial for life sciences research that can stand the test of diverse biological, clinical, and ecological contexts. Moreover, in an era of the current COVID-19 pandemic, animal nutrition and animal science, and the study of their interactions with human health (and vice versa) through integrative biology approaches hold enormous prospects and significance for systems medicine and ecosystem health

    An International Study on Psychological Coping During COVID-19: Towards a Meaning-Centered Coping Style

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    Background/Objective This study examined the role of different psychological coping mechanisms in mental and physical health during the initial phases of the COVID-19 crisis with an emphasis on meaning-centered coping. Method A total of 11,227 people from 30 countries across all continents participated in the study and completed measures of psychological distress (depression, stress, and anxiety), loneliness, well-being, and physical health, together with measures of problem-focused and emotion-focused coping, and a measure called the Meaning-centered Coping Scale (MCCS) that was developed in the present study. Validation analyses of the MCCS were performed in all countries, and data were assessed by multilevel modeling (MLM). Results The MCCS showed a robust one-factor structure in 30 countries with good test-retest, concurrent and divergent validity results. MLM analyses showed mixed results regarding emotion and problem-focused coping strategies. However, the MCCS was the strongest positive predictor of physical and mental health among all coping strategies, independently of demographic characteristics and country-level variables. Conclusions The findings suggest that the MCCS is a valid measure to assess meaning-centered coping. The results also call for policies promoting effective coping to mitigate collective suffering during the pandemic

    Possibilities for the use of laser vibrometry in the management of insect pests

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