1,466 research outputs found

    Improved silicon solar cells

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    Redistribution of phosphorus within the n-type layers of n-on-p silicon solar cells results in significant improvements in cell performance. Electrical current output is increased, reduction in current output due to radiation damage is lessened, and very shallow junctions are no longer needed

    Ultrasonic evaluation of mechanical properties of thick, multilayered, filament wound composites

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    A preliminary investigation is conducted to define capabilities and limitations of ultrasonic and acousto-ultrasonic measurements related to mechanical properties of filament wound graphite/epoxy composite structures. The structures studied are segments of filament wound cylinders formed of multiple layers of hoop and helical windings. The segments consist of 24 to 35 layers and range from 3.02 to 3.34 cm in wall thickness. The resultant structures are anisotropic, heterogeneous, porous, and highly attenuating to ultrasonic frequencies greater than 1 MHz. The segments represent structures to be used for space shuttle booster cases. Ultrasonic velocity and acousto-ultrasonic stress wave factor measurement approaches are discussed. Correlations among velocity, density, and porosity, and between the acousto-ultrasonic stress wave factor and interlaminar shear strength are presented

    Transfer function concept for ultrasonic characterization of material microstructures

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    The approach given depends on treating material microstructures as elastomechanical filters that have analytically definable transfer functions. These transfer functions can be defined in terms of the frequency dependence of the ultrasonic attenuation coefficient. The transfer function concept provides a basis for synthesizing expressions that characterize polycrystalline materials relative to microstructural factors such as mean grain size, grain-size distribution functions, and grain boundary energy transmission. Although the approach is nonrigorous, it leads to a rational basis for combining the previously mentioned diverse and fragmented equations for ultrasonic attenuation coefficients

    Decay of the zincate concentration gradient at an alkaline zinc cathode after charging

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    The transport of the zincate ion to the alkaline zinc cathode was studied by observing the decay of the zincate concentration gradient at a horizontal zinc cathode after charging. This decay was found to approximate first order kinetics as expected from a proposed boundary layer model. The concentrations were calculated from polarization voltages. The decay half life was shown to be a linear function of the thickness of porous zinc deposit on the cathode indicating a very rapid transport of zincate through porous zinc metal. The rapid transport is attributed to an electrochemical mechanism. From the linear dependence of the half life on the thickness the boundary layer thickness was found to be about 0.010 cm when the cathode was at the bottom of the cell. No significant dependence of the boundary layer thickness on the viscosity of electrolyte was observed. The data also indicated a relatively sharp transition between the diffusion and convection transport regions. When the cathode was at the top of the cell, the boundary layer thickness was found to be roughly 0.080 cm. The diffusion of zincate ion through asbestos submerged in alkaline electrolyte was shown to be comparable with that predicted from the bulk diffusion coefficient of the zincate ion in alkali

    Mechanism and models for zinc metal morphology in alkaline media

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    Based on experimental observations, a mechanism is presented to explain existence of the different morphologies of electrodeposited zinc in alkaline solution. The high current density dendrites appear to be due to more rapid growth on the nonbasal crystallographic planes than on the basal plane. The low current density moss apparently results from dissolution from the nonbasal planes at low cathodic voltages. Electrochemical models were sought which would produce such a phenomenon. The fundamental plating mechanism alone accounts only for different rates on different planes, not for zinc dissolution from a plane in the cathodic region. Fourteen models were explored; two models were in accord with the proposed mechanism. One involves rapid disproportionation of the zinc +1 species on the nonbasal planes. The other involves a redox reaction (corrosion) between the zinc-zincate and hydrogen-water systems

    Codes and coding circuitry for automatic error correction within digital systems technical report no. 2

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    Codes and coding circuits for automatic error correction in digital computer

    Search for solid conductors of Na(+) and K(+) ions: Five new conductors

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    Five conductors of three structure types were discovered which, as solids, can transport Na(+) or K(+) ions with conductivities of approximately .00001/(omega cm) at 300 K. These compounds are: (1) the pyrochlores NaTaWO6 and NaTa2O5F, both with an activation energy for conduction delta E of 21 kJ/mole; (2) the bodycentered cubic form of NaSbO3, with delta E = 42 kJ/mole; and (3) the niobates 2Na2O with 3Nb2O5 and 2K2O with 3Nb2O5, with the alkali ions probably in open layers of the incompletely determined structure; delta E = 17 kJ/mole. On the basis of approximately 40 structure types, some generalizations were made regarding the relation between structure and ionic transport

    Acousto-ultrasonic verification of the strength of filament wound composite material

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    The concept of acousto-ultrasonic (AU) waveform partitioning was applied to nondestructive evaluation of mechanical properties in filament wound composites (FWC). A series of FWC test specimens were subjected to AU analysis and the results were compared with destructively measured interlaminar shear strengths (ISS). AU stress-wave factor (SWF) measurements gave greater than 90 percent correlation coefficient upon regression against the ISS. This high correlation was achieved by employing the appropriate time and frequency domain partitioning as dictated by wave propagation path analysis. There is indication that different SWF frequency partitions are sensitive to ISS at different depths below the surface

    Transply crack density detection by acousto-ultrasonics

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    The acousto-ultrasonic method was applied to a PMR-15 8-harness, satin Celion 3000 fabric composite to determine the extent of transply cracking. A six-ply 0/90 laminate was also subjected to mechanical loading, which induced transply cracking. The stress wave factor (SWF) is defined as the energy contained in the received signal from a 2.25-MHz center frequency transducer. The correlation of the SWF with transply crack density is shown

    Conductivity of boules of single crystal sodium beta-alumina

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    The ionic and electrochemical polarization characteristics of two boules of single crystal sodium beta-alumina (Na2O.8Al2O3), 2 cm in diameter, were investigated over the range of 25 to 300 C using 2- and 4-probe ac and dc techniques with reversible and ion-blocking electrodes. Textural (or internal) polarization at 27 C was present only in boule 1 which cleaved easily. Interfacial polarization, using solid sodium electrodes, was present at 27 C in the 2-probe conductivities for both boules. Cleaning with liquid sodium at 300 C reduced its magnitude, but some interfacial polarization was still present in the 2-probe conductivities for boule 2 below about 140 C. Above 140 C, with liquid sodium electrodes, the 2-probe conductivities, essentially polarization-free, were given by KT = 3300 exp(-3650/RT). The conductivity of boule 2 at 180 C remained essentially constant with increasing current density up to about 140 milliamps per square centimeter