Decay of the zincate concentration gradient at an alkaline zinc cathode after charging
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The transport of the zincate ion to the alkaline zinc cathode was studied by observing the decay of the zincate concentration gradient at a horizontal zinc cathode after charging. This decay was found to approximate first order kinetics as expected from a proposed boundary layer model. The concentrations were calculated from polarization voltages. The decay half life was shown to be a linear function of the thickness of porous zinc deposit on the cathode indicating a very rapid transport of zincate through porous zinc metal. The rapid transport is attributed to an electrochemical mechanism. From the linear dependence of the half life on the thickness the boundary layer thickness was found to be about 0.010 cm when the cathode was at the bottom of the cell. No significant dependence of the boundary layer thickness on the viscosity of electrolyte was observed. The data also indicated a relatively sharp transition between the diffusion and convection transport regions. When the cathode was at the top of the cell, the boundary layer thickness was found to be roughly 0.080 cm. The diffusion of zincate ion through asbestos submerged in alkaline electrolyte was shown to be comparable with that predicted from the bulk diffusion coefficient of the zincate ion in alkali