30 research outputs found

    Assessment of knowledge and skills of GNM students regarding active management of third stage of labour

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    Background: Active management of third stage of labour is a simple and practical intervention to reduce the incidence of PPH has been identified, globally endorsed, and widely promoted for more than a decade as part of programs to reduce maternal mortality. The objective of the present study was to assess knowledge and skills of GNM students regarding Active Management of third stage of Labour in selected schools of Nursing, Haryana.Methods: A non-experimental research design with descriptive survey was carried, the study comprised of 100 GNM students selected by purposive sampling technique from M.M. School of Nursing, Mullana and School of Nursing, Christian Hospital, Jagadhri. Structured knowledge questionnaire and observational checklist was used to assess the knowledge and skills respectively. Validity and reliability of tool was established.Results: SPSS version 20 was used for statistical analysis. Majority (92%) of the GNM students had below average level of knowledge and all (100%) were incompetent to perform active management of third stage of labour.Conclusions: GNM students should be updated with the knowledge and skill in order to provide safe and qualified care. Various teaching strategies or training should be inculcated in their curriculum and integrated as necessary to achieve the goals set for maternal and newborn survival

    Biocomputational Characterization and Evolutionary Analysis of Bubaline Dicer1 Enzyme

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    Dicer, an ribonuclease type III type endonuclease, is the key enzyme involved in biogenesis of microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and thus plays a critical role in RNA interference through post transcriptional regulation of gene expression. This enzyme has not been well studied in the Indian water buffalo, an important species known for disease resistance and high milk production. In this study, the primary coding sequence (5,778 bp) of bubaline dicer (GenBank: AB969677.1) was determined and the bubaline Dicer1 biocomputationally characterized to determine the phylogenetic signature among higher eukaryotes. The evolutionary tree revealed that all the transcript variants of Dicer1 belonging to a specific species were within the same node and the sequences belonging to primates, rodents and lagomorphs, avians and reptiles formed independent clusters. The bubaline dicer1 is closely related to that of cattle and other ruminants and significantly divergent from dicer of lower species such as tapeworm, sea urchin and fruit fly. Evolutionary divergence analysis conducted using MEGA6 software indicated that dicer has undergone purifying selection over the time. Seventeen divergent sequences, representing each of the families/taxa were selected to study the specific regions of positive vis-à-vis negative selection using different models like single likelihood ancestor counting, fixed effects likelihood, and random effects likelihood of Datamonkey server. Comparative analysis of the domain structure revealed that Dicer1 is conserved across mammalian species while variation both in terms of length of Dicer enzyme and presence or absence of domain is evident in the lower organisms


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    出生直後の普通および無菌モルモット,ならびに分娩前後のモルモットに異種蛋白を経口強制投与し,その腸管透過性,感作状態,母乳中への異種蛋白の移行および免疫原性に関して免疫学的諸反応で検討,また乳児突然死の発生機序を幼若モルモット気管感作(牛乳)法と気管内誘発注入により起こる臨床症状,アナフィラキシーショック後の血中抗牛乳抗体の変動,および呼吸器官の病理組織学的検討などを行なった。1. 出生直後の普通および無菌モルモットで異種抗毒素が経口投与後30分で血中に移行,また出生直後のウマ血清または牛乳の投与で0.5ヵ月後感作が成立していた。2. 分娩前後モルモットに異種抗毒素を経口投与し血中,母乳中に抗毒素蛋白の移行排出を認め,母乳中に移行した抗毒素ウマ血清あるいは牛乳で子モルモットが感作される。親モルモット,子モルモットでのウマ血清および牛乳の組合せ投与実験で,子モルモットは両抗原に感作される。3. 幼若モルモットの気管内微量牛乳注入後1.5ヵ月に感作成立を認め,誘発注入により臨床上アナフィラキシーショックが出現,その際抗牛乳抗体価は1/2〜1/4に減少した。肺の変化は機能的の無気肺像が特異所見であり,死因は内部窒息によるものと推定した。以上の結果から,乳児突然死は牛乳アレルギー状態における牛乳誤嚥誘発の上に成立するものを含むものと推定した。Immunogenicity of foreign protein was studied by forced oral administration in ordinary and germ-free newborn guinea pigs and to mother animals before and after delivery, examining its intestinal permeability, sensitization of babies, and transition into mother\u27s milk. The heterogeneous tetanus antitoxin passed into blood stream of newborns within 30 minutes after its oral administration, and sensitized the babies half a month after administration of horse serum or cow milk immediately after birth. Antitoxin protein transited to mother\u27s milk after its oral administration before or after delivery and sensitized the babies receiving the milk. Combined administration of two different proteins to mothers and newborns resulted in sensitization of baby animals with both antigens. Mechanisms of sudden death in infancy were examined by intratracheal administration of a very small amount of whole cow milk to baby guinea pigs which were easily sensitized and their antibody titers lowered to 1/2 to 1/4, causing severe anaphylactic shock in most cases. After this challenge, atelectasis of the lungs was found and this may lead to internal asphyxia causing death. Therefore, the sudden death in infancy may be due to miss-swallowing of cow milk into the trachea in milk-allergic condition

    Medical Diagnostic Systems Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithms : Principles and Perspectives

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    Funding Information: This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korean Government, Ministry of Science and ICT, under Grant NRF-2020R1A2B5B02002478, and in part by Sejong University through its Faculty Research Program.Peer reviewe

    Preserving Data Confidentiality Using Multi-cloud Architecture

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    Subfertility Problems Leading to Disposal of Breeding Bulls

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    Subfertility problems are encountered frequently in the cattle and buffalo bulls commercially maintained for semen production in dairy farms and under field conditions for natural insemination. Reports are scarce on the incidence of subfertility in breeding bulls, especially in India. The objective of the present study was to assess the incidence of the male reproductive anomalies leading to disposal of bovine bulls at GADVASU dairy farm, Ludhiana, Punjab (India). Data on frequency of various subfertility and disposal pattern of bulls maintained at the dairy farm, GADVASU, were collected for 12 yrs (1999 to 2010) and compiled from different record registers. Percentage of bulls that produced freezable semen (out of reserved ones) was less in cattle (25.641%) as compared to that of buffalo (30.4%). Various subfertility traits like poor libido and unacceptable seminal profile were found to be the significant reasons (p<0.01) for culling of the breeding bulls. Inadequate sex drive and poor semen quality were the main contributing factors for bull disposal in cattle whereas poor semen freezability was most frequently observed in buffalo bulls. All the male reproductive traits were significantly different (p<0.05) for the periods of birth, except for semen volume, initial motility (IM), age at last semen collection (ALSC) and age at disposal. The ages at first and last semen collection as well as freezing (i.e. AFSC, ALSC and AFSF, ALSF, respectively) and age at disposal (AD) were higher in buffalo. The spermatological parameters and semen production period (SPP) were higher in cattle. The age at first semen donation and breeding period could be reduced by introducing the bulls to training at an early age. The results revealed an increasing trend in individual motility (IM) while semen volume, AFSC, AFSF, AD, FSPP, SPP, ALSC and ALSF showed a decreasing, however, not a definite trend, over the periods. The semen donation traits like, AFSF, of the cattle and buffalo bulls could be predicted from the AFSC, using prediction equation derived in the present study

    Phylogenetic characterization of novel cathelicidin from Indian water buffalo

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    495-506The bubaline cathelicidins have been an important area of research because of possibility of exploring novel antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the buffaloes, which are comparatively more sturdy animals and are better adapted to Indian climate as compared to the crossbred cattle. The rationale behind the current study was to in silico characterize the cloned bubaline cathelicidin3 (Cath3) peptide and to study the evolution of bubaline caths. Multiple sequence alignment of the bubaline Cath3 (from this study) and homologous peptide sequences revealed an insertion of 6 amino acids in the cathelin domain of the bubaline Cath3 peptide when compared with that of cattle. Biocomputational analyses of the Cath3 coding sequence (cds) as well as the amino acid sequences (using MEGA6 software & Datamonkey server) indicated that different types and transcript variants of cathelicidin varied considerably within the same species, indicating the role of natural selection during the evolution of caths. The cathelicidin cds belonging to divergent species were analyzed using different models like SLAC, FEL and REL (Datamonkey server). It is concluded from the REL model that bubaline cathelicidin3 antimicrobial peptides have undergone episodic positive selection (in upto 36 codons) conferring selective advantage in evolution of the peptide

    Identification and prioritization of the risks in the mass adoption of artificial intelligence-driven stable coins: The quest for optimal resource utilization

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    Industry 4.0 technologies have been revolutionizing the financial sector over the past few decades through the emergence of disruptive technologies. These disruptive technologies have also given rise to a new monetary taxonomy known as “digital currencies.” One form of digital currency that provides a more effective, environmentally friendly, stable, and reasonably priced payment alternative is stablecoin, an artificial intelligence-driven payment rail. However, it poses unique risks to the broader financial system, putting the country's economy at risk if it is adopted as a mainstream means of payment. In this context, the present study identifies and prioritizes several major risk categories and their classifications that prevent stablecoins from becoming mainstream payment instruments. Three sequential stages were followed to complete the entire research. The initial phase identified four risk categories and their classifications through a systematic literature review. Thereafter, Pythagorean fuzzy delphi was used in the study to validate the identified risk categories. To prioritize these risks, the authors employed a Pythagorean fuzzy analytical hierarchy and a combined comprehensive solution approach in the final stage. The results of this study revealed that technical risks, which are the biggest impediment to the widespread adoption of stablecoins as a means of payment, were the most influential criterion, followed by macroeconomic risks and legal and regulatory risks. The least significant criterion has been discovered to be user-centric risks. In sub-criterion ranking, monetary stability risks, relative price stability risks, concentration risks, money laundering (ML)/terrorist financing (TF) and other illicit activities, oracle risks, smart contract failures, operational failures, privacy risks, and consumer protection risks are the leading risks. This study is relevant to individuals, investors, researchers, policymakers, and regulators in the long-term evolution of the stablecoin ecosystem

    Identification of the MicroRNA Repertoire in TLR-Ligand Challenged Bubaline PBMCs as a Model of Bacterial and Viral Infection.

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    In the present study, we used high-throughput sequencing, miRNA-seq, to discover and explore the expression profiles of known and novel miRNAs in TLR ligand-stimulated vis-à-vis non-stimulated (i.e. Control) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from blood of healthy Murrah buffaloes. Six small RNA (sRNA) libraries were multiplexed in Ion Torrent PI chip and sequenced on Ion Proton System. The reads obtained were aligned to the Bos taurus genome (UMD3.1 assembly), which is phylogenetically closest species to buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). A total of 160 bovine miRNAs were biocomputationally identified in buffalo PBMCs and 130 putatively novel miRNAs (not enlisted in the bovine mirBase) were identified. All of these 290 miRNAs identified across the six treatment and control samples represent the repertoire of novel miRNAs for the buffalo species. The expression profiles of these miRNAs across the samples have been represented by sample dendrogram and heatmap plots. The uniquely expressed miRNAs in each treatment and control groups were identified. A few miRNAs were expressed at very high levels while the majority of them were moderately expressed. The miRNAs bta-miR-103 and -191 were found to be highly abundant and expressed in all the samples. Other abundantly expressed miRNAs include bta-miR-19b, -29b, -15a, -19a, -30d, -30b-5p and members of let family (let 7a-5p, let 7g & let 7f) in LPS and CpG treated PBMCS and bta-miR-191, -103 & -19b in Poly I:C stimulated PBMCs. Only one novel miRNA (bta-miR-11039) out of 130 identified putatively novel miRNAs, was expressed in all the six samples and differentially expressed (>2- fold) miRNAs were identified. Six of the differentially expressed miRNAs across the groups (bta-miR-421, bta-let-7i, bta-miR-138, bta-miR-21-5p, bta-miR-222 and bta-miR-27b) were subsequently confirmed by TaqMan quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Furthermore, the target genes of differentially expressed miRNAs were enriched for the roles in innate immunity and TLR signaling pathways. This maiden study on profiling and cataloguing of bubaline miRNAs expressed in TLR-ligand stimulated PBMCs will provide an important reference point for future studies on regulatory roles of miRNAs in immune system of buffaloes