9 research outputs found

    Terminology of the Newest Technologies and Computering

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    Kompiuterijos terminijos 35-erių metų laikotarpį reikia laikyti pradiniu jos raidos etapu, kuriam būdinga ir sinonimija, ir variantiškumas, kuriuos paprastai lemia tiek ekstralingvistiniai, tiek lingvistiniai veiksniai. Skolinto ar lietuviško termino pasirinkties dalykus dažnai lemia skolinto ir lietuviško termino koreliacijos santykiai. Naujausių kompiuterijos terminų žodynų Lietuvių kalbos komisijos pirmosios pakopos aprobata rodo, kad minėtos srities terminija sisteminama ir norminama, tačiau dar nėra visiškai priimtinas lietuviškų ir skolintų terminų santykis, kurį iš dalies lemia specialistų nesutarimas dėl sinoniminių terminų statuso ir jų pasirinkties.The thirty-five-year period of computer terminology has to be considered the initial stage of its evolution where synonymy and variability are characteristic features, which are usually determined by both extralinguistic and linguistic factors. The choice of borrowed or Lithuanian terms is often determined by the relationship between borrowed and Lithuanian terms. The first stage of the newest dictionaries of computer terms approbated by the Commission of the Lithuanian Language shows that the terminology of the mentioned field is being systematized and normalized. However, the ratio between Lithuanian and borrowed terms is not fully acceptable yet, and it is partially determined by disagreement among specialists on the status of synonymous terms and the choice of them

    Some inaccurate uses in papers on welding / Dėl kai kurių netaisyklingos vartosenos atvejų suvirinimo srities mokslo darbuose

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    The article discusses some inaccurate uses of pronominal forms, certain terms and one of the syntactical mistakes – the expression of purpose. The article also provides the examples of mistakes found in welding papers. The use of nonpronominal forms in the denoted terms is one of typical morphological mistakes in treating the process of welding. Another problem is the inaccurate use and wrong formation of terminology. The article also focuses on the mistaken expression of purpose. Santrauka Straipsnyje aptariama keletas dažnesnių netaisyklingos vartosenos atvejų suvirinimo srities mokslo darbuose – kai sudėtiniuose terminuose rūšiai ar daikto ypatybei išskirti vartojamos neįvardžiuotinės būdvardžių ir dalyvių formos, taip pat pateikiama keletas dažnesnių pasenusių ir nevartotinų terminų pavyzdžių bei aptariama suvirintojų kalboje itin gaji viena iš sintaksės klaidų – netaisyklinga paskirties raiška. Taip pat straipsnyje aiškinamos netaisyklingos vartosenos priežastys, pateikiami klaidų pavyzdžiai, rasti suvirintojų tekstų rankraščiuose, ir siūlomi jų taisymo būdai (skliaustuose po lygybės ženklo (=) nurodomas taisyklingas vartotinas variantas). Raktiniai žodžiai: įvardžiuotinė forma, nevartotinas terminas, suvirinimo terminas, paskirties raišk

    Deviations from the Language Norms in Papers on Welding

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    The article discusses some inaccurate uses of pronominal forms, certain terms, syntactical and lexical mistakes in papers on welding. The article also provides the examples of mistakes found in welding papers. The use of nonpronominal forms in the denoted terms is one of the typical morphological mistakes in treating the process of welding. Another problem is the inaccurate use and wrong formation of terminology. The main lexical mistakes are semantic mistakes and calque. The article also focuses on the syntactical mistakes – the mistaken expression of purpose, the wrong use of preposition prie, redundant use of abstract nouns in treatises, also inaccurate use of infinitive with conjuction kad in dependant clauses. Causes for language mistakes and correction of errors are give

    The Need to Update the Content of the Materials in Teaching Language for Specific Purposes and its Possibilities in Higher Technical Schools

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    Straipsnyje aptariami svarbiausi ekolingvistinio požiūrio į kalbos mokymą aspektai ir sąsajos su specialybės kalbos mokymu bei jo turinio atnaujimu. Tyrimu, kuris grindžiamas ekolingvistinėmis prielaidomis, siekta atskleisti, kaip Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Aplinkos inžinerijos, Elektronikos ir Statybos fakultetų magistrantai vertina specialybės kalbos kultūros mokymo turinį ir kokios yra jo tobulinimo galimybės. Teorinės literatūros apžvalga ir kiekybinis tyrimas atskleidė, kad, mokant specialybės kalbos kultūros, siekiant, kad kurso turinys atitiktų studentų, o vėliau – ir darbuotojų poreikius, reikia ne tik įvertinti mokymo(si) patirtį, tirti studentų nuomonę, bet ir analizuoti kalbos aplinką, nuolat reaguoti į globalizacijos nulemtus visuomenės pokyčius.In the 80s of the 20th century the language ecology emerged from sociolinguistics, later turned into separate methodological school of language research called ecolinguistics. The representatives of this school started analyzing various aspects of language, as well as dealt into the norms of language and the issues of language teaching, encouraged updating of the content of language teaching materials. The presentation deals with the main ecolinguistic approaches towards the aspects of language teaching and the links with teaching language for specific purposes as well as with updating of its content. The first part of the presentation covers the theoretical aspects of ecolinguistic approach, the theories of social and cultural influence on language learning by foreign linguists (e.g. Einar Haugen, etc.) were referred to. The second part of the presentation introduces the research in evaluation of the language for specific purpose course, carried out at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in 2013–2014. The research was aimed at revealing the way the postgraduate students would assess the teaching content of the course in language for specific purpose and its possibilities for improvement. Postgraduate students, being the target group, were taken into consideration because most of them were part-time students, having regular jobs, therefore, they could assess the content of the course in language for specific purpose from their practical point of view. The review of the theoretical literature and quantitative research being considered, it has been revealed that by delivering the course in language for specific purpose there is need to assess not only the learning experience and students’ opinions, but also to analyze the whole language contexts and the changes in the society influenced by globalization should be taken into consideration. The feedback of students’ questionnaires have showed that the updating of the content of the materials in teaching language for specific purpose is closely related with the changes in language policies in higher educational institutions