4 research outputs found

    Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent Resistance to the Israeli Occupation

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    Despite the long history of nonviolent campaigns by Palestinians challenging both British and Zionist colonialism, culminating in the overwhelmingly nonviolent first intifada (1987-93) and the present struggle against the Israeli occupation, this aspect of the Palestinian resistance is vastly under-reported. With her recent interview-based book, Kaufman-Lacusta will highlight non-violent resistance by both Palestinians and Israelis to the Israeli occupation along with ways US citizens can support this resistance. Valued Co-sponsors of Fairhaven Colleges World Issues Forum: Anthropology, Canadian American Studies, Communications, Political Science, Womens Studies, various Associated Students organizations and local community non-profits. About the Lecturer: Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta, Canadian author and Quaker-Jewish activis