388 research outputs found

    The Markov algorithm as a language parser—Linear bounds

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    The Markov algorithm [1, 2] can be used as a language parser and as means fordefining languages [2–5]. This work is concerned with the amount of computing time which the algorithm requires. Computing time is measured by the number of comparisons between the rules of the grammar and the input string. A modification is introduced into the algorithm which reduces the computation time. It is proved that under certain conditions imposed on the rules of the grammar the computing time required by the modified algorithm is bounded linearly by the length of the input string. One set of such conditions requires that each application of a grammar rule reduces the length of the input string. Another set requires that each application does not increase the length of the input string and that the graph associated with the rules of the grammar satisfies certain restrictions


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    Bevidstheden_:: En oversigt

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    Efter nogle indledende afsnit om bl.a. sjæl-legeme problemet gennemgår artiklen den lange række af mentale funktioner,som er knyttet til bevidsthedsbegrebet. Dernæst søges bevidsthedens domæne placeret i psyken som helhed.After some introductory sections on among other things the mind-body problem the article reviews the no less than 21 or more mental functions that seems to be tied up with the concept of consciousness. Next consciousness is related to the mind as a whole

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    Evolution, antropologisk psykologi og kulturpsykologi

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    The human psyche consists of a connection between (1) nature, (2) the human organism and (3) culture. Nature is the first world, the human organism and the psyche is the second world, and culture is the third world. Culture is the formal aspect of the third world or the manner in which the third world appears at given time and place. The fylogenetic correspondens between the first and the second world is called biopsyche. The sociogenetic correspondens between the second and the third world is called culturepsyche. Biopsyche and culturepsyche develop as a unity dating two-four million years back. They split for perhapsabout 40.000 years ago, and since then only the culturepsyche can develop further as the variable unfolding of the biopsyche. Cultural psychology investigates how the second world is synchronously influenced by and carrier of the third world. In addition anthropological psychology investigates the diachronous alternation between the first, the second and the third world including the second world's creation ofthe third and the species specific determination of the human psyche. A short outline is rendered of the main trends in psychological anthropology.Menneskets psyke består af en forbindelse mellem (1) naturen, (2) den menneskelige organisme og (3) kulturen. Naturen er den første verden, den menneskelige organisme og psyke er den anden verden, kulturen er den tredie verden. Kultur er den tredie verdens formaspekt eller den måde, hvorpå den tredie verden udfolder sig til given tid og sted. Den fylogenetiske korrespondens mellem den første og den anden verden kaldes biopsyke. Den sociogenetiske korrespondens mellem den anden og den tredie verden kaldes kulturpsyke. Biopsyken og kulturpsyken udvikles som en enhed fra to-fire millioner år tilbage.For måske ca. 40. 000 år siden skiltes deres veje, og kun kulturpsyken er herefter udviklingsdygtig som variabel biopsykisk udfoldelse. Kulturpsykologien undersøger, hvorledes den anden verden synkront er påvirket af og bærer den tredie verden. Den antropologiske psykologi udforsker desuden den diakrone vekselvirkning mellem den første, den anden og den tredie verden, herunder den anden verdens skabelse af den tredie samt psykens artsbestemmelse. Der gives en kort oversigt over den psykologiske antropologis hovedretninger


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    Moralens inderside

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    The Fall is interpreted as the description of the rise of the division of labor and the sociality involved. Sociality is defined as the reciprocal acknowledgement of the interdependency of excistence. Out of this spring the dialectics of reciprocity or the personal, i.e.the understanding that everybody has got the same properties as I myself. That applies primarily to positive qualities like love, trust, helpfulness etc. With the Danish philosopher Løgstrup these are defined as 'sovereign manifestations of life', i.e. manifestations that are given and to which we cannot freely choose to relate as it pleases us. These make up the inner side of morality. Contrary to phenomena like justice, equality and duty, which belong to the outer side of morality, the sovereign manifestations of life need noreasons or justifications. Their mode of comprehension is empathy or identification and they require the release of an analogouis manifestation. Their existence is explained evolutionary as a necessity of the division of labor. From this the good can be identified as a value. Lines are drawn to charity, therapy and care. The limits and risks of the inner side of morality are demonstrated through confrontation with the outer side of morality.Syndefaldet tolkes som beskrivelsen af den arbejdsdelte kooperations og den hermed forbundne socialitets opståen. Socialitet defineres som den gensidige anerkendelse af, at alles eksistens afhænger af hinanden. Heraf følger anerkendelsens dialektik eller personaliteten, hvilket vil sige at vi i grunden opfatter den anden som havende de samme egenskaber som os selv. Det gælder især de grundlæggende positive egenskaber som kærlighed, tillid, hjælpsomhed o.l. Disse defineres som suveræne livsytringer i Løgstrups forstand, dvs sådanne livsytringer som er os givet og som vi ikke frit kan vælge at forholde os til eller lade være. Disse udgør moralens inderside. I modsætning til fænomener som retfærdighed, lighed og pligt, som hører til på moralens yderside, kan suveræne livsytringer hverken begrundes eller retfærdiggøres. Deres forståelsesform er empati eller identifikation, og deres krav til den anden er udløsningen af en analog livsytring. Deres eksistens forklares som evolutionært opståede træk ved sindet, idet de er givet ved kooperationens nødvendighed. Her ud fra bestemmes det gode som værdi. Der trækkes linier til kærlighedsbudet,terapi og omsorg. Den moralske indersides begrænsninger og risici vises gennem en konfrontation med ydersiden

    Angstteoriernes landskab

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    Artiklen gennemgår de væsentligste psykologiske og filosofiske teorier om angst. Det drejer sig om klassisk og nyere psykoanalyse,behovteorier, trækteorier, socialpsykologiske teorier, eksistenstænkning, humanistiskpsykologi, kognitiv psykologi, klassiskog nyere indlæringsteori samt angstens psykobiologi.The paper is a review of the most important psychological and philosophical theories of anxiety. It is classical and recent psychoanalysis, need theories, trait theories, social psychological theories, existential theories, humanistic psychology, cognitive psychology, classical and recent leaming theories and psychobiological theories


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    Refleksivitet og personhed

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    (Publiceret i Psyke & Logos, 1982, i et temanummer om refleksivitet