338 research outputs found

    Polynomial Structure of Topological String Partition Functions

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    We review the polynomial structure of the topological string partition functions as solutions to the holomorphic anomaly equations. We also explain the connection between the ring of propagators defined from special K\"ahler geometry and the ring of almost-holomorphic modular forms defined on modular curves.Comment: version 2: references fixe

    Charged BTZ-like Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

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    Motivated by many worthwhile paper about (2 + 1)-dimensional BTZ black holes, we generalize them to to (n + 1)-dimensional solutions, so called BTZ-like solutions. We show that the electric field of BTZ-like solutions is the same as (2 + 1)-dimensional BTZ black holes, and also their lapse functions are approximately the same, too. By these similarities, it is also interesting to investigate the geometric and thermodynamics properties of the BTZ-like solutions. We find that, depending on the metric parameters, the BTZ-like solutions may be interpreted as black hole solutions with inner (Cauchy) and outer (event) horizons, an extreme black hole or naked singularity. Then, we calculate thermodynamics quantities and conserved quantities, and show that they satisfy the first law of thermodynamics. Finally, we perform a stability analysis in the canonical ensemble and show that the BTZ-like solutions are stable in the whole phase space.Comment: 5 pages, two column format, one figur

    Examples of M5-Brane Elliptic Genera

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    We determine the modified elliptic genus of an M5-brane wrapped on various one modulus Calabi-Yau spaces, using modular invariance together with some known Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of small degrees. As a bonus, we find nontrivial relations among Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of different degrees and genera from modular invariance.Comment: 13 page

    Remodeling the B-model

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    We propose a complete, new formalism to compute unambiguously B-model open and closed amplitudes in local Calabi-Yau geometries, including the mirrors of toric manifolds. The formalism is based on the recursive solution of matrix models recently proposed by Eynard and Orantin. The resulting amplitudes are non-perturbative in both the closed and the open moduli. The formalism can then be used to study stringy phase transitions in the open/closed moduli space. At large radius, this formalism may be seen as a mirror formalism to the topological vertex, but it is also valid in other phases in the moduli space. We develop the formalism in general and provide an extensive number of checks, including a test at the orbifold point of A_p fibrations, where the amplitudes compute the 't Hooft expansion of Wilson loops in lens spaces. We also use our formalism to predict the disk amplitude for the orbifold C^3/Z_3.Comment: 83 pages, 9 figure

    The Ruled Vertex and Nontoric del Pezzo Surfaces

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    We construct the topological partition function of local nontoric del Pezzo surfaces using the ruled vertex formalism.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    A matrix model for the topological string II: The spectral curve and mirror geometry

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    In a previous paper, we presented a matrix model reproducing the topological string partition function on an arbitrary given toric Calabi-Yau manifold. Here, we study the spectral curve of our matrix model and thus derive, upon imposing certain minimality assumptions on the spectral curve, the large volume limit of the BKMP "remodeling the B-model" conjecture, the claim that Gromov-Witten invariants of any toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold coincide with the spectral invariants of its mirror curve.Comment: 1+37 page

    Partition functions and elliptic genera from supergravity

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    We develop the spacetime aspects of the computation of partition functions for string/M-theory on AdS(3) xM. Subleading corrections to the semi-classical result are included systematically, laying the groundwork for comparison with CFT partition functions via the AdS(3)/CFT(2) correspondence. This leads to a better understanding of the "Farey tail" expansion of Dijkgraaf et. al. from the point of view of bulk physics. Besides clarifying various issues, we also extend the analysis to the N=2 setting with higher derivative effects included.Comment: 34 page

    Dark Matter Direct Detection with Non-Maxwellian Velocity Structure

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    The velocity distribution function of dark matter particles is expected to show significant departures from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. This can have profound effects on the predicted dark matter - nucleon scattering rates in direct detection experiments, especially for dark matter models in which the scattering is sensitive to the high velocity tail of the distribution, such as inelastic dark matter (iDM) or light (few GeV) dark matter (LDM), and for experiments that require high energy recoil events, such as many directionally sensitive experiments. Here we determine the velocity distribution functions from two of the highest resolution numerical simulations of Galactic dark matter structure (Via Lactea II and GHALO), and study the effects for these scenarios. For directional detection, we find that the observed departures from Maxwell-Boltzmann increase the contrast of the signal and change the typical direction of incoming DM particles. For iDM, the expected signals at direct detection experiments are changed dramatically: the annual modulation can be enhanced by more than a factor two, and the relative rates of DAMA compared to CDMS can change by an order of magnitude, while those compared to CRESST can change by a factor of two. The spectrum of the signal can also change dramatically, with many features arising due to substructure. For LDM the spectral effects are smaller, but changes do arise that improve the compatibility with existing experiments. We find that the phase of the modulation can depend upon energy, which would help discriminate against background should it be found.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures, submitted to JCAP. Tables of g(v_min), the integral of f(v)/v from v_min to infinity, derived from our simulations, are available for download at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~mqk/dmdd

    The Generalized Green-Schwarz Mechanism for Type IIB Orientifolds with D3- and D7-Branes

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    In this paper, we work out in detail the tadpole cancellation conditions as well as the generalized Green-Schwarz mechanism for type IIB orientifold compactifications with D3- and D7-branes. We find that not only the well-known D3- and D7-tadpole conditions have to be satisfied, but in general also the vanishing of the induced D5-brane charges leads to a non-trivial constraint. In fact, for the case h1,10h^{1,1}_{-} \neq 0 the latter condition is important for the cancellation of chiral anomalies. We also extend our analysis by including D9- as well as D5-branes and determine the rules for computing the chiral spectrum of the combined system.Comment: 33+7 pages; 2 figures; v2: references added; v3: published versio

    Extended Holomorphic Anomaly in Gauge Theory

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    The partition function of an N=2 gauge theory in the Omega-background satisfies, for generic value of the parameter beta=-eps_1/eps_2, the, in general extended, but otherwise beta-independent, holomorphic anomaly equation of special geometry. Modularity together with the (beta-dependent) gap structure at the various singular loci in the moduli space completely fixes the holomorphic ambiguity, also when the extension is non-trivial. In some cases, the theory at the orbifold radius, corresponding to beta=2, can be identified with an "orientifold" of the theory at beta=1. The various connections give hints for embedding the structure into the topological string.Comment: 25 page