22,860 research outputs found

    Perfect Scalars on the Lattice

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    We perform renormalization group transformations to construct optimally local perfect lattice actions for free scalar fields of any mass. Their couplings decay exponentially. The spectrum is identical to the continuum spectrum, while thermodynamic quantities have tiny lattice artifacts. To make such actions applicable in simulations, we truncate the couplings to a unit hypercube and observe that spectrum and thermodynamics are still drastically improved compared to the standard lattice action. We show how preconditioning techniques can be applied successfully to this type of action. We also consider a number of variants of the perfect lattice action, such as the use of an anisotropic or triangular lattice, and modifications of the renormalization group transformations motivated by wavelets. Along the way we illuminate the consistent treatment of gauge fields, and we find a new fermionic fixed point action with attractive properties.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    The preparation, identification and properties of chlorophyll derivatives

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    In the investigation of 10-hydroxy chlorophylls a and b novel techniques included modification of chromatography and the use of fully-deuterated compounds isolated from fully-deuterated autotropic algae to determine the molecular structure of the chlorophylls

    Parameter-free ansatz for inferring ground state wave functions of even potentials

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    Schr\"odinger's equation (SE) and the information-optimizing principle based on Fisher's information measure (FIM) are intimately linked, which entails the existence of a Legendre transform structure underlying the SE. In this comunication we show that the existence of such an structure allows, via the virial theorem, for the formulation of a parameter-free ground state's SE-ansatz for a rather large family of potentials. The parameter-free nature of the ansatz derives from the structural information it incorporates through its Legendre properties

    Private Database Queries Using Quantum States with Limited Coherence Times

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    We describe a method for private database queries using exchange of quantum states with bits encoded in mutually incompatible bases. For technology with limited coherence time, the database vendor can announce the encoding after a suitable delay to allow the user to privately learn one of two items in the database without the ability to also definitely infer the second item. This quantum approach also allows the user to choose to learn other functions of the items, such as the exclusive-or of their bits, but not to gain more information than equivalent to learning one item, on average. This method is especially useful for items consisting of a few bits by avoiding the substantial overhead of conventional cryptographic approaches.Comment: extended to generalized (POVM) measurement

    Test and evaluate passive orbital disconnect struts (PODS 3)

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    The objectives of the Passive Orbital Disconnect Struts (PODS) test are to evaluate modal resonance of the PODS-III supports to obtain engineering data required for use of PODS-III on flight systems; determine possible performance improvements in large LO2/LH2 space applications. (1) Modal Vibration Tests. A modal resonance survey is performed on a set of six PODS-III struts assembled in a dewar simulator. The survey conditions simulate both launch and orbital loadings of the struts. The orbital load range spans a full to an empty tank. The frequencies surveyed cover the range consistent with Shuttle qualification requirements and the principal resonant modes of the strut system. (2) Benefit study. The benefit of using PODS-III supports on OTV and Space Station LO sub 2 and LH sub 2 reference tanks was compared to nondisconnect supports. Four LO sub 2 and LH sub 2 tanks were studied under various conditions: (1) holding the launch resonance at 35 Hz and varying the orbit resonance; (2) analyzing both full and emtpy tanks at launch; (3) varying orbit boundary temperaure; (4) varying the number of struts; (5) varying orbit times; and (6) using or not using vapor cooling

    Superpotentials from variational derivatives rather than Lagrangians in relativistic theories of gravity

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    The prescription of Silva to derive superpotential equations from variational derivatives rather than from Lagrangian densities is applied to theories of gravity derived from Lovelock Lagrangians in the Palatini representation. Spacetimes are without torsion and isolated sources of gravity are minimally coupled. On a closed boundary of spacetime, the metric is given and the connection coefficients are those of Christoffel. We derive equations for the superpotentials in these conditions. The equations are easily integrated and we give the general expression for all superpotentials associated with Lovelock Lagrangians. We find, in particular, that in Einstein's theory, in any number of dimensions, the superpotential, valid at spatial and at null infinity, is that of Katz, Bicak and Lynden-Bell, the KBL superpotential. We also give explicitly the superpotential for Gauss-Bonnet theories of gravity. Finally, we find a simple expression for the superpotential of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theories with an anti-de Sitter background: it is minus the KBL superpotential, confirming, as it should, the calculation of the total mass-energy of spacetime at spatial infinity by Deser and Tekin.Comment: Scheduled to appear in Class. Quantum Grav. August 200

    Classical gravitational spin-spin interaction

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    I obtain an exact, axially symmetric, stationary solution of Einstein's equations for two massless spinning particles. The term representing the spin-spin interaction agrees with recently published approximate work. The spin-spin force appears to be proportional to the inverse fourth power of the coordinate distance between the particles.Comment: six pages, no figures, journal ref:accepted for Classical and Quantum Gravit

    When hot water freezes before cold

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    I suggest that the origin of the Mpemba effect (the freezing of hot water before cold) is freezing-point depression by solutes, either gaseous or solid, whose solubility decreases with increasing temperature so that they are removed when water is heated. They are concentrated ahead of the freezing front by zone refining in water that has not been heated, reduce the temperature of the freezing front, and thereby reduce the temperature gradient and heat flux, slowing the progress of the front. I present a simple calculation of this effect, and suggest experiments to test this hypothesis.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Gravitational energy

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    Observers at rest in a stationary spacetime flat at infinity can measure small amounts of rest-mass+internal energies+kinetic energies+pressure energy in a small volume of fluid attached to a local inertial frame. The sum of these small amounts is the total "matter energy" for those observers. The total mass-energy minus the matter energy is the binding gravitational energy. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler evaluated the gravitational energy of a spherically symmetric static spacetime. Here we show how to calculate gravitational energy in any static and stationary spacetime for isolated sources with a set of observers at rest. The result of MTW is recovered and we find that electromagnetic and gravitational 3-covariant energy densities in conformastatic spacetimes are of opposite signs. Various examples suggest that gravitational energy is negative in spacetimes with special symmetries or when the energy-momentum tensor satisfies usual energy conditions.Comment: 12 pages. Accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra