3 research outputs found


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    Now a days people are facing life style disorders and stressful mental conditions due to the hectic and busy schedule. Madhumeha is one among them. It is the single most metabolic disease affecting the organ/system in the body. It is a burning problem in today’s scenario. It has been grouped under 20 Prameha described by our ancient Acharayas. This disease does not originate suddenly. Its pathophysiology takes long term. Any of Prameha neglected ends up in Madhumeha. It cannot be completely cured but can be prevented by food, medicines, life style etc. Administration of Ayurvedic herbs can play a very beneficial role in preventing this disease as well as its complication because they are oriented towards preventive and treatment approach. Various drugs of herbal origin as well as mineral origin is being mentioned in Ayurvedic texts Herbal medications shows anti diabetic effects and bring varying effects on the blood sugar level with minimal side effects. Role of herbs such as Ashwagandha, Haridra, Daruharidra, Aamlaki etc. in Pre diabetic, Diabetic and its complications along with effects of such herbs in experimental studies will be explored in present paper


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    Faulty dietary habits, sedentary life style and stressful conditions may lead to various metabolic disorders and diabetes is one of them. In Ayurveda, Madhumeh one of the types of Vataj prameh is compared to diabetes mellitus because of having similarities of diseases in respect to Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and prognosis. Prevalence of diabetes is increasing day by day throughout the world where India leads the highest numbers. Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of global death by disease. Type-2 DM is    responsible for approximately 90% of cases. The main causes of Madhumeha are lack of exercise, improper food habits, excessive intake of food having Snigdha and Guru guna and food which causes vitiation of Kapha dosha are the primal causes of disease Microvascular complications of diabetes like retinopathy and nephropathy are comparatively lower in Indians. The prevalence of premature coronary artery disease is much higher in Indians compared to other ethnic groups. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of vision loss in adults of working age (20-65yrs) in industrialized countries..Modern therapeutics has many limitations but Ayurvedic principles of management can help the patient to control blood glucose level and have better routine life. Ayurveda plays an important role in prevention of Type-2 DM. Up to 80% of type 2 diabetes is preventable by adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity. To prevent this disease and its complications it is necessary to follow principles of Ayurveda i.e. Nidanaparivarjan, Ashtahar Vidhivisheshayatan, Dincharya, Rutucharya, Sadavritta and practicing particular Asana and Yoga postures


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    Health is the state of mentally and physically well being. According to Ayurveda, when Dosha, Dhatu and Mala are in Sama awastha and Indriya, Aatma, Mann all are working properly then the person is considered as Swastha. For Dosha, Dhatu and Mala to be in the state of proportionality Agni should be normal (Samagni). Agni consist digestive (Pak) and different kinds of hormones, enzyme and co enzymes activities etc. which participate in digestive & metabolic functions. It is believed to be the agency for various types of metabolic transformations. During each and every second various procedure of transformations take place inside the human body. Enumeration of Agni varies in various classical Ayurvedic texts. According to various functions and site of action, Agni has been divided into 13 types, i.e. one Jatharagni, five Bhutagni and seven Dhatvagni. Jatharagni is the most important one, which digests four types of food and transforms it into Rasa and Mala. Ayurveda consider that no disease ever be develop without the derangement of Agni. Therefore in the management of each and every disease, Agni gets primary focus. Though in Ayurvedic literature, a detailed explanation of Agni is available but there is lack of its practical utility. So, this paper is a sincere effort to elaborate the practical utility of Agni