18 research outputs found

    The capacity of the fecal microbiota from Malawian infants to ferment resistant starch

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    In Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC), weaning is associated with environmentally acquired and inflammation-associated enteric disorders. Dietary intake of high amylose maize starch (HAMS) can promote commensal fermentative bacteria and drive the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). By stabilizing commensal gut microbiology, and stimulating the production of anti-inflammatory metabolites, HAMS supplementation might therefore influence enteric health. However, the extent to which the gut microbiota of LMIC infants are capable of fermenting HAMS is unclear. We assessed the capacity of the fecal microbiota from pre-weaning and weaning Malawian infants to ferment HAMS and produce SCFAs using an in vitro fermentation model. Fecal microbiota from both pre-weaning and weaning infants were able to ferment HAMS, as indicated by an increase in bacterial load and total SCFA concentration, and a reduction in pH. All of these changes were more substantial in the weaning group. Acetate production was observed with both pre-weaning and weaning groups, while propionate production was only observed in the weaning group. HAMS fermentation resulted in significant alterations to the fecal microbial community in the weaning group, with significant increases in levels of Prevotella, Veillonella, and Collinsella associated with propionate production. In conclusion, fecal microbiota from Malawian infants before and during weaning has the capacity to produce acetate through HAMS fermentation, with propionate biosynthetic capability appearing only at weaning. Our results suggest that HAMS supplementation might provide benefit to infants during weaning

    Assessing the organisational costs of HIV/AIDS on NGOs in Malawi: results from a pilot study

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    Objectives To assess the social and economic costs of HIV/AIDS infection on the organisational capacities of selected non‐government organisations (NGOs) in Malawi. Methods Sixteen semi‐structured interviews with senior staff of four NGOs to estimate the costs paid by the NGO and the loss of management and staff time over the last 12 months because of HIV/AIDS, plus questionnaires filled in by 48 NGO leaders. Results Labour costs were an estimated 12.5% higher because of HIV/AIDS, corresponding to a 3% increase in overall budget costs. There was also an estimated 12.4% loss of staff time to address HIV‐related issues such as funerals, sickness and management time. Conclusions The organisational costs of HIV/AIDS on NGOs in Malawi may be considerable and more serious than perceived by NGOs, who must develop a workplace response. It also has policy implications for donors, who may need to adjust their funding strategies

    Estimation of Pediatric Dosage of Antimalarial Drugs, Using Pharmacokinetic and Physiological Approach

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    Most of the individuals who die of malaria in sub–Saharan Africa are children. It is, therefore, important for this age group to have access to the right treatment and correct dose. Artemether—lumefantrine is one of the fixed dose combination therapies that was approved by the World Health Organization to treat malaria. However, the current recommended dose has been reported to cause underexposure or overexposure in some children. The aim of this article was, therefore, to estimate the doses that can mimic adult exposure. The availability of more and reliable pharmacokinetic data is essential to accurately estimate appropriate dosage regimens. The doses in this study were estimated using the physiological information from children and some pharmacokinetic data from adults due to the lack of pediatric pharmacokinetic data in the literature. Depending on the approach that was used to calculate the dose, the results showed that some children were underexposed, and others were overexposed. This can lead to treatment failure, toxicity, and even death. Therefore, when designing a dosage regimen, it is important to know and include the distinctions in physiology at various phases of development that influence the pharmacokinetics of various drugs in order to estimate the dose in young children. The physiology at each time point during the growth of a child may influence how the drug is absorbed, gets distributed, metabolized, and eliminated. From the results, there is a very clear need to conduct a clinical study to further verify if the suggested (i.e., 0.34 mg/kg for artemether and 6 mg/kg for lumefantrine) doses could be clinically efficacious

    Albumin-mediated alteration of plasma zinc speciation by fatty acids modulates blood clotting in type-2 diabetes

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    This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation (grant numbers PG/15/9/31270, FS/15/42/31556) and travel grants from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (grant number MWCN-2017-294) and the International Co-operation project of Qinghai Province (grant number 2021-HZ-806).Zn2+ is an essential regulator of coagulation and is released from activated platelets. In plasma, free Zn2+ concentration is fine-tuned through buffering by human serum albumin (HSA). Importantly, the ability of HSA to bind/buffer Zn2+ is compromised by co-transported non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs). Given the role of Zn2+ in blood clot formation, we hypothesise that Zn2+ displacement from HSA by NEFAs in certain conditions (such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM) impacts on the cellular and protein arms of coagulation. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the extent to which increasing concentrations of a range of medium- and long-chain NEFAs reduced Zn2+-binding ability of HSA. Amongst the NEFAs tested, palmitate (16:0) and stearate (18:0) were the most effective at suppressing zinc-binding, whilst the mono-unsaturated palmitoleate (16:1c9) was markedly less effective. Assessment of platelet aggregation and fibrin clotting parameters in purified systems and in pooled plasma suggested that the HSA-mediated impact of the model NEFA myristate on zinc speciation intensified the effects of Zn2+ alone. The effects of elevated Zn2+ alone on fibrin clot density and fibre thickness in a purified protein system were mirrored in samples from T2DM patients, who have derranged NEFA metabolism. Crucially, T2DM individuals had increased total plasma NEFAs compared to controls, with the concentrations of key saturated (myristate, palmitate, stearate) and mono-unsaturated (oleate, cis-vaccenate) NEFAs positively correlating with clot density. Collectively, these data strongly support the concept that elevated NEFA levels contribute to altered coagulation in T2DM through dysregulation of plasma zinc speciation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Routine versus clinically driven laboratory monitoring of HIV antiretroviral therapy in Africa (DART): a randomised non-inferiority trial.

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    BACKGROUND: HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) is often managed without routine laboratory monitoring in Africa; however, the effect of this approach is unknown. This trial investigated whether routine toxicity and efficacy monitoring of HIV-infected patients receiving ART had an important long-term effect on clinical outcomes in Africa. METHODS: In this open, non-inferiority trial in three centres in Uganda and one in Zimbabwe, 3321 symptomatic, ART-naive, HIV-infected adults with CD4 counts less than 200 cells per microL starting ART were randomly assigned to laboratory and clinical monitoring (LCM; n=1659) or clinically driven monitoring (CDM; n=1662) by a computer-generated list. Haematology, biochemistry, and CD4-cell counts were done every 12 weeks. In the LCM group, results were available to clinicians; in the CDM group, results (apart from CD4-cell count) could be requested if clinically indicated and grade 4 toxicities were available. Participants switched to second-line ART after new or recurrent WHO stage 4 events in both groups, or CD4 count less than 100 cells per microL (LCM only). Co-primary endpoints were new WHO stage 4 HIV events or death, and serious adverse events. Non-inferiority was defined as the upper 95% confidence limit for the hazard ratio (HR) for new WHO stage 4 events or death being no greater than 1.18. Analyses were by intention to treat. This study is registered, number ISRCTN13968779. FINDINGS: Two participants assigned to CDM and three to LCM were excluded from analyses. 5-year survival was 87% (95% CI 85-88) in the CDM group and 90% (88-91) in the LCM group, and 122 (7%) and 112 (7%) participants, respectively, were lost to follow-up over median 4.9 years' follow-up. 459 (28%) participants receiving CDM versus 356 (21%) LCM had a new WHO stage 4 event or died (6.94 [95% CI 6.33-7.60] vs 5.24 [4.72-5.81] per 100 person-years; absolute difference 1.70 per 100 person-years [0.87-2.54]; HR 1.31 [1.14-1.51]; p=0.0001). Differences in disease progression occurred from the third year on ART, whereas higher rates of switch to second-line treatment occurred in LCM from the second year. 283 (17%) participants receiving CDM versus 260 (16%) LCM had a new serious adverse event (HR 1.12 [0.94-1.32]; p=0.19), with anaemia the most common (76 vs 61 cases). INTERPRETATION: ART can be delivered safely without routine laboratory monitoring for toxic effects, but differences in disease progression suggest a role for monitoring of CD4-cell count from the second year of ART to guide the switch to second-line treatment. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council, the UK Department for International Development, the Rockefeller Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, Gilead Sciences, Boehringer-Ingelheim, and Abbott Laboratories