22 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Study of mRNA Degradation and Transcript Elongation in Escherichia coli

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    An essential part of gene expression is the coordination of RNA synthesis and degradation, which occurs in the same cellular compartment in bacteria. Here, we report a genome‐wide RNA degradation study in Escherichia coli using RNA‐seq, and present evidence that the stereotypical exponential RNA decay curve obtained using initiation inhibitor, rifampicin, consists of two phases: residual RNA synthesis, a delay in the interruption of steady state that is dependent on distance relative to the mRNA's 5′ end, and the exponential decay. This gives a more accurate RNA lifetime and RNA polymerase elongation rate simultaneously genome‐wide. Transcripts typically have a single RNA decay constant along all positions, which is distinct between different operons, indicating that RNA stability is unlikely determined by local sequences. These measurements allowed us to establish a model for RNA processing involving co‐transcriptional degradation, providing quantitative description of the macromolecular coordination in gene expression in bacteria on a system‐wide level.Chemistry and Chemical Biolog

    Multiomics Investigation Revealing the Characteristics of HIV-1-Infected Cells In Vivo

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    For eradication of HIV-1 infection, it is important to elucidate the detailed features and heterogeneity of HIV-1-infected cells in vivo. To reveal multiple characteristics of HIV-1-producing cells in vivo, we use a hematopoietic-stem-cell-transplanted humanized mouse model infected with GFP-encoding replication-competent HIV-1. We perform multiomics experiments using recently developed technology to identify the features of HIV-1-infected cells. Genome-wide HIV-1 integration-site analysis reveals that productive HIV-1 infection tends to occur in cells with viral integration into transcriptionally active genomic regions. Bulk transcriptome analysis reveals that a high level of viral mRNA is transcribed in HIV-1-infected cells. Moreover, single-cell transcriptome analysis shows the heterogeneity of HIV-1-infected cells, including CXCL13high cells and a subpopulation with low expression of interferon-stimulated genes, which can contribute to efficient viral spread in vivo. Our findings describe multiple characteristics of HIV-1-producing cells in vivo, which could provide clues for the development of an HIV-1 cure

    B cell-derived GABA elicits IL-10⁺ macrophages to limit anti-tumour immunity

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    GABAを標的とする抗腫瘍免疫機構 --代謝産物を介した免疫細胞間制御の一端を解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-11-10.Small, soluble metabolites not only are essential intermediates in intracellular biochemical processes, but can also influence neighbouring cells when released into the extracellular milieu1-3. Here we identify the metabolite and neurotransmitter GABA as a candidate signalling molecule synthesized and secreted by activated B cells and plasma cells. We show that B cell-derived GABA promotes monocyte differentiation into anti-inflammatory macrophages that secrete interleukin-10 and inhibit CD8⁺ T cell killer function. In mice, B cell deficiency or B cell-specific inactivation of the GABA-generating enzyme GAD67 enhances anti-tumour responses. Our study reveals that, in addition to cytokines and membrane proteins, small metabolites derived from B-lineage cells have immunoregulatory functions, which may be pharmaceutical targets allowing fine-tuning of immune responses

    Direct Observation of the Myosin Va Recovery Stroke That Contributes to Unidirectional Stepping along Actin

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    Myosins are ATP-driven linear molecular motors that work as cellular force generators, transporters, and force sensors. These functions are driven by large-scale nucleotide-dependent conformational changes, termed “strokes”; the “power stroke” is the force-generating swinging of the myosin light chain–binding “neck” domain relative to the motor domain “head” while bound to actin; the “recovery stroke” is the necessary initial motion that primes, or “cocks,” myosin while detached from actin. Myosin Va is a processive dimer that steps unidirectionally along actin following a “hand over hand” mechanism in which the trailing head detaches and steps forward ∼72 nm. Despite large rotational Brownian motion of the detached head about a free joint adjoining the two necks, unidirectional stepping is achieved, in part by the power stroke of the attached head that moves the joint forward. However, the power stroke alone cannot fully account for preferential forward site binding since the orientation and angle stability of the detached head, which is determined by the properties of the recovery stroke, dictate actin binding site accessibility. Here, we directly observe the recovery stroke dynamics and fluctuations of myosin Va using a novel, transient caged ATP-controlling system that maintains constant ATP levels through stepwise UV-pulse sequences of varying intensity. We immobilized the neck of monomeric myosin Va on a surface and observed real time motions of bead(s) attached site-specifically to the head. ATP induces a transient swing of the neck to the post-recovery stroke conformation, where it remains for ∼40 s, until ATP hydrolysis products are released. Angle distributions indicate that the post-recovery stroke conformation is stabilized by ≥5 kBT of energy. The high kinetic and energetic stability of the post-recovery stroke conformation favors preferential binding of the detached head to a forward site 72 nm away. Thus, the recovery stroke contributes to unidirectional stepping of myosin Va

    A circulating subset of iNKT cells mediates antitumor and antiviral immunity

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    新規の循環型iNKT細胞を発見 --抗腫瘍・抗ウイルス感染効果の高い免疫細胞療法の開発への貢献に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-10-24.Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are a group of innate-like T lymphocytes that recognize lipid antigens. They are supposed to be tissue resident and important for systemic and local immune regulation. To investigate the heterogeneity of iNKT cells, we recharacterized iNKT cells in the thymus and peripheral tissues. iNKT cells in the thymus were divided into three subpopulations by the expression of the natural killer cell receptor CD244 and the chemokine receptor CXCR6 and designated as C0 (CD244⁻CXCR6⁻), C1 (CD244⁻CXCR6⁺), or C2 (CD244⁺CXCR6⁺) iNKT cells. The development and maturation of C2 iNKT cells from C0 iNKT cells strictly depended on IL-15 produced by thymic epithelial cells. C2 iNKT cells expressed high levels of IFN-γ and granzymes and exhibited more NK cell–like features, whereas C1 iNKT cells showed more T cell–like characteristics. C2 iNKT cells were influenced by the microbiome and aging and suppressed the expression of the autoimmune regulator AIRE in the thymus. In peripheral tissues, C2 iNKT cells were circulating that were distinct from conventional tissue-resident C1 iNKT cells. Functionally, C2 iNKT cells protected mice from the tumor metastasis of melanoma cells by enhancing antitumor immunity and promoted antiviral immune responses against influenza virus infection. Furthermore, we identified human CD244⁺CXCR6⁺ iNKT cells with high cytotoxic properties as a counterpart of mouse C2 iNKT cells. Thus, this study reveals a circulating subset of iNKT cells with NK cell–like properties distinct from conventional tissue-resident iNKT cells

    Cdc2-mediated phosphorylation of Kid controls its distribution to spindle and chromosomes

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    The chromokinesin Kid is important in chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate. Here, we report that Kid function is regulated by phosphorylation. We identify Ser427 and Thr463 as M phase-specific phosphorylation sites and Cdc2–cyclin B as a Thr463 kinase. Kid with a Thr463 to alanine mutation fails to be localized on chromosomes and is only detected along spindles, although it retains the ability to bind DNA or chromosomes. Localization of rigor-type mutant Kid, which shows nucleotide-independent microtubule association, is also confined to the spindle, implying that strong association of Kid with the spindle can sequester it from chromosomes. T463A substitution in DNA-binding domain-truncated Kid consistently enhances its spindle localization. At physiological ionic strength, unphosphorylated Kid shows ATP-independent microtubule association, whereas Thr463-phosphorylated Kid shows ATP dependency. Moreover, the stalk region of unphosphorylated Kid interacts with microtubules and the interaction is weakened when Thr463 is phosphorylated. Our data suggest that phosphorylation on Thr463 of Kid downregulates its affinity for microtubules to ensure reversible association with spindles, allowing Kid to bind chromosomes and exhibit its function