28 research outputs found

    Gravitational Waves in F(R)F(R) Gravity: Scalar Waves and the Chameleon Mechanism

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    We discuss the scalar mode of gravitational waves emerging in the context of F(R)F(R) gravity by taking into account the chameleon mechanism. Assuming a toy model with a specific matter distribution to reproduce the environment of detection experiment by a ground-based gravitational wave observatory, we find that chameleon mechanism remarkably suppresses the scalar wave in the atmosphere of Earth, compared with the tensor modes of the gravitational waves. We also discuss the possibility to detect and constrain scalar waves by the current gravitational observatories and advocate a necessity of the future space-based observations.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted version in Physical Review

    Palatini-Born-Infeld Gravity, Bouncing Universe, and Black Hole Formation

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    We consider the Palatini formalism of the Born-Infeld gravity. In the Palatini formalism, the propagating mode is only graviton, whose situation is different from that in the metric formalism. We discuss about the FRW cosmology by using an effective potential. Especially we consider the condition that the bouncing could occur. We also give some speculations about the black hole formationComment: LaTeX 10 pages, title is changed, the differences from the previous works are clarified, version to appear in Physics Letters

    F(R)F(R) gravity in the early Universe: Electroweak phase transition and chameleon mechanism

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    It is widely believed that the screening mechanism is an essential feature for the modified gravity theory. Although this mechanism has been examined thoroughly in the past decade, their analyses are based on the classical configuration of the matter fields. In this paper, we demonstrate a new formulation of the chameleon mechanism in F(R)F(R) gravity theory, to shed light on quantum-field theoretical effects on the chameleon mechanism as well as the related scalaron physics, induced by the matter sector. We show a potential absence of the chameleon mechanism in the cosmic history based on a scale-invariant-extended scenario beyond the standard model of particle physics, in which a realistic electroweak phase transition, possibly yielding the right amount of baryon asymmetry of Universe today, simultaneously breaks the scale invariance in the early Universe. Remarkably enough, the matter sector contribution to the trace of energy-momentum tensor turns out to be on the same order of magnitude as that computed in the classical perfect-fluid approximation, even though the theory involves the nontrivial electroweak-phase transition environment. We also briefly discuss the oscillation of the scalaron field and indirect generation of non-tensorial gravitational waves induced by the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, version accepted in Chinese Physics

    Noether current from surface term, Virasoro algebra and black hole entropy in bigravity

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    We consider the static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions in bigravity theory for minimal model with a condition fμν=C2gμνf_{\mu \nu} = C^{2} g_{\mu \nu} and evaluate the entropy for black holes. In this condition, we show that there exists the Schwarzschild solution for C2=1C^{2} = 1, which is unique consistent solution. We examine how the massive spin-2 field contributes and affects to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy corresponding to Einstein gravity. In order to obtain the black hole entropy, we use a recently proposed approach which use Virasoro algebra and central charge corresponding to surface term in the gravitational action.Comment: 7 pages, version to appear in Physical Review

    Confronting Inflation Models with the Coming Observations on Primordial Gravitational Waves

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    The recent observations from CMB have imposed a very stringent upper-limit on the tensor/scalar ratio rr of inflation models, r<0.064r < 0.064, which indicates that the primordial gravitational waves (PGW), even though possible to be detected, should have a power spectrum of a tiny amplitude. However, current experiments on PGW is ambitious to detect such a signal by improving the accuracy to an even higher level. Whatever their results are, it will give us much information about the early Universe, not only from the astrophysical side but also from the theoretical side, such as model building for the early Universe. In this paper, we are interested in analyzing what kind of inflation models can be favored by future observations, starting with a kind of general action offered by the effective field theory (EFT) approach. We show a general form of rr that can be reduced to various models, and more importantly, we show how the accuracy of future observations can put constraints on model parameters by plotting the contours in their parameter spaces.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures with title changed and contents improve