1,420 research outputs found

    Resonantly suppressed transmission and anomalously enhanced light absorption in ultrathin metal films

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    We study light diffraction in the periodically modulated ultrathin metal films both analytically and numerically. Without modulation these films are almost transparent. The periodicity results in the anomalous effects, such as suppression of the transmittance accompanied by a strong enhancement of the absorptivity and specular reflectivity, due to excitation of the surface plasmon polaritons. These phenomena are opposite to the widely known enhanced transparency of periodically modulated optically thick metal films. Our theoretical analysis can be a starting point for the experimental investigation of these intriguing phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Warm turbulence in the Boltzmann equation

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    We study the single-particle distributions of three-dimensional hard sphere gas described by the Boltzmann equation. We focus on the steady homogeneous isotropic solutions in thermodynamically open conditions, i.e. in the presence of forcing and dissipation. We observe nonequilibrium steady state solution characterized by a warm turbulence, that is an energy and particle cascade superimposed on the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. We use a dimensional analysis approach to relate the thermodynamic quantities of the steady state with the characteristics of the forcing and dissipation terms. In particular, we present an analytical prediction for the temperature of the system which we show to be dependent only on the forcing and dissipative scales. Numerical simulations of the Boltzmann equation support our analytical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Size-independence of statistics for boundary collisions of random walks and its implications for spin-polarized gases

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    A bounded random walk exhibits strong correlations between collisions with a boundary. For an one-dimensional walk, we obtain the full statistical distribution of the number of such collisions in a time t. In the large t limit, the fluctuations in the number of collisions are found to be size-independent (independent of the distance between boundaries). This occurs for any inter-boundary distance, including less and greater than the mean-free-path, and means that this boundary effect does not decay with increasing system-size. As an application, we consider spin-polarized gases, such as 3-Helium, in the three-dimensional diffusive regime. The above results mean that the depolarizing effect of rare magnetic-impurities in the container walls is orders of magnitude larger than a Smoluchowski assumption (to neglect correlations) would imply. This could explain why depolarization is so sensitive to the container's treatment with magnetic fields prior to its use.Comment: 5 page manuscript with extra details in appendices (additional 3 pages

    Casimir forces in modulated systems

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    For the first time we present analytical results for the contribution of electromagnetic fluctuations into thermodynamic properties of modulated systems, like cholesteric or smectic liquid crystalline films. In the case of small dielectric anisotropy we have derived explicit analytical expressions for the chemical potential of such systems. Two limiting cases were specifically considered: (i) the Van der Waals (VdW) limit, i.e., in the case when the retardation of the electromagnetic interactions can be neglected; and (ii) the Casimir limit, i.e. when the effects of retardation becomes considerable. It was shown that in the Casimir limit, the film chemical potential oscillates with the thickness of the film. This non-monotonic dependence of the chemical potential on the film thickness can lead to step-wise wetting phenomena, surface anchoring reorientation and other important effects. Applications of the results may concern the various systems in soft matter or condensed matter physics with multilayer or modulated structures.Comment: 13 page

    Dynamics of nearly spherical vesicles in an external flow

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    We analytically derive an equation describing vesicle evolution in a fluid where some stationary flow is excited regarding that the vesicle shape is close to a sphere. A character of the evolution is governed by two dimensionless parameters, SS and Λ\Lambda, depending on the vesicle excess area, viscosity contrast, membrane viscosity, strength of the flow, bending module, and ratio of the elongation and rotation components of the flow. We establish the ``phase diagram'' of the system on the S−ΛS-\Lambda plane: we find curves corresponding to the tank-treading to tumbling transition (described by the saddle-node bifurcation) and to the tank-treading to trembling transition (described by the Hopf bifurcation).Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
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