188 research outputs found

    Differences in student job attribute preferences for SMEs and MNCs in Uganda

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    Increasing graduate employment in SMEs is a challenge in many sub-Saharan countries. This study analyzes career prospects of undergraduates in Uganda by establishing which job attributes predict overall attraction to SMEs and MNCs by gender. The study utilized a systematic sample of under graduates to rate 17 job attributes. SMEs are rated poorly on all attributes compared to MNCs

    Impact of Multiparty Politics on Local Government in Uganda

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    This study traces the development of political parties and local governments in Uganda. It then examines how multiparty politics has resulted in changes that have impacted decision making at the local government level.Following years of civil strife, Uganda emerged as a “movement only” state under the National Resistance Movement led by Yoweri Museveni. One of the major innovations of this new government was to implement a strategy of administrative and fiscal decentralization. This experiment was long hailed as an African success story, but the reemergence of multiparty politics in 2006 is having a major impact on local governance. This study traces the development of political parties and local governments in Uganda. It then examines how multiparty politics has resulted in changes that have impacted decision making at the local government level. The study concludes that multiparty politics is leading to fiscal insolvency of local governments, the creation of unviable new district governments, and administrative recentralization


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    The Bemisia tabaci complex is currently recognised as key agricultural pests that cause economic damage globally. Temperature is the most important driver of changes in behaviour, abundance and distribution of insect pests, including the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). The objective of this study was to evaluate the development, fecundity and reproduction of B. tabaci SSA1 on cassava genotypes under a range of temperatures. A laboratory study was conducted using three cassava genotypes (Alado alado, NAROCASS 1 and NASE 14) at five constant temperatures (16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 \ub0C). The parameters assessed included development duration, survival, fecundity and population parameters for B. tabaci SSA1. Temperature had significant effects (P<0.001) on development time, survival and fecundity of B. tabaci; while cassava genotype had no effect (P>0.05). An inverse relationship was observed between development time and temperature for all stages across all cassava genotypes. The total life cycle was 63.8 days at 16 \ub0C and 17.9 days at 32 \ub0C on NAROCASS 1. Survival for each stage throughout the entire life cycle increased with temperature and was highest at 32 \ub0C, although this was not significantly different from that at 28 \ub0C. Fecundity increased with temperature and was highest at 32 \ub0C on all cassava genotypes. For all cassava genotypes, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rate of increase (\u3bb) and net reproductive rate (Ro) increased with temperature, while mean generation time (T) reduced following a similar pattern. At 32 \ub0C, rm, Ro, \u3bb and T were 0.2, 48.7, 1.2 and 22.6 days, respectively; compared to 0.01, 1.9, 1.0 and 71.2 days at 16 \ub0C on Alado alado. Therefore, the ideal development temperature for B. tabaci SSA1 is 32 \ub0C. Thus, there is a risk of accelerated future expansion of B. tabaci SSA1 populations globally, with global warming and climate variability.Le complexe Bemisia tabaci est actuellement reconnu comme un ravageur agricole cl\ue9 causant des dommages \ue9conomiques \ue0 l\u2019\ue9chelle mondiale. La temp\ue9rature est le facteur le plus important des changements de comportement, d\u2019abondance et de r\ue9partition des insectes ravageurs, y compris l\u2019aleurode (Bemisia tabaci). L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer le d\ue9veloppement, la f\ue9condit\ue9 et la reproduction de B. tabaci SSA1 sur des g\ue9notypes de manioc sous une gamme de temp\ue9ratures. Une \ue9tude en laboratoire a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e en utilisant trois g\ue9notypes de manioc (Alado alado, NAROCASS 1 et NASE 14) \ue0 cinq temp\ue9ratures constantes (16, 20, 24, 28 et 32 \ub0C). Les param\ue8tres \ue9valu\ue9s comprenaient la dur\ue9e du d\ue9veloppement, la survie, la f\ue9condit\ue9 et les param\ue8tres de population pour B. tabaci SSA1. La temp\ue9rature a eu des effets significatifs (P<0,001) sur le temps de d\ue9veloppement, la survie et la f\ue9condit\ue9 de B. tabaci, tandis que le g\ue9notype du manioc n\u2019a eu aucun effet (p>0,05). Une relation inverse a \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9e entre le temps de d\ue9veloppement et la temp\ue9rature pour tous les stades dans tous les g\ue9notypes de manioc. Le cycle de vie total \ue9tait de 63,8 jours \ue0 16 \ub0C et de 17,9 jours \ue0 32 \ub0C sur NAROCASS 1. La survie pour chaque \ue9tape tout au long du cycle de vie entier augmentait avec la temp\ue9rature et \ue9tait maximale \ue0 32 \ub0C. Cependant, la survie \ue0 28 \ub0C n\u2019\ue9tait pas significativement diff\ue9rente de celle observ\ue9e \ue0 32 \ub0C. La f\ue9condit\ue9 augmentait avec la temp\ue9rature et \ue9tait maximale \ue0 32 \ub0C sur tous les g\ue9notypes de manioc. Pour tous les g\ue9notypes de manioc, le taux d\u2019accroissement intrins\ue8que (rm), le taux d\u2019accroissement fini (\u3bb) et le taux net de reproduction (Ro) ont augment\ue9 avec la temp\ue9rature, tandis que le temps de g\ue9n\ue9ration moyen (T) a diminu\ue9 selon un sch\ue9ma similaire. A 32 \ub0C, rm, Ro, \u3bb et T \ue9taient respectivement de 0,2, 48,7, 1,2 et 22,6 jours ; contre 0,01, 1,9, 1,0 et 71,2 jours \ue0 16 \ub0C sur Alado alado. Par cons\ue9quent, d\u2019apr\ue8s cette \ue9tude, la temp\ue9rature de d\ue9veloppement id\ue9ale pour B. tabaci SSA1 est de 32 \ub0C. Ainsi, il existe un risque d\u2019expansion future acc\ue9l\ue9r\ue9e des populations de B. tabaci SSA1 \ue0 l\u2019\ue9chelle mondiale, avec le r\ue9chauffement climatique et la variabilit\ue9 climatique

    D-pi-A Dye System Containing Cyano-Benzoic Acid as Anchoring Group for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    A D-pi-A dye (KM-1) incorporating cyanobenzoic acid as a new acceptor/anchoring group has been synthesized for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) with a high molar extinction coefficient of 66 700 M-1 cm(-1) at 437 nm. Theoretical calculations show that the hydrogen bond between -CN and surface hydroxyl leads to the most stable configuration on the surface of TiO2. In addition, the adsorption of the dye on TiO2 follows a Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) isotherm. Multilayer adsorption of KM-1 on TiO2 seems to take place particularly at higher dye concentrations. DSC device using KM-1 reached a maximum incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) of 84%, with a solar to electric power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.3% at AM1.5 G illumination (100 mW cm(-2)). This new type of anchoring group paves a way to light harvesting with strong binding to the metal oxide surface. design new dyes that combine good visibl

    Influence of the Anchoring Modes on the Electronic and Photovoltaic Properties of D−π–A Dyes

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    Five new donor−π-bridge−acceptor (D−π−A) organic sensitizers with cyano and/or triple bond substituted benzoic acid as acceptor/anchoring groups were synthesized and tested for their performance in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). The systematic incorporation of a cyano group on the benzoic acid anchoring part and an additional acetylene bond at the para-position to −COOH lead to a variation of the photoelectrochemical properties, electronic transitions, and device performances. Characterization of the molecular structure, the electronic/optical properties of the dyes, as well as their photovoltaic performance in DSCs was accomplished by means of electrochemistry, quantum chemical methods, and various spectroscopic techniques such as photoinduced absorption, steady-state spectroscopy, and time-resolved transient absorption studies on femto- and nanosecond time scales. Thereby, significant dependence of DSCs performances on the substituents and anchoring groups was observed. In general, cyano substituents lead to improved DSCs performances. On the other hand, the insertion of an acetylene linker in combination with a cyano group does not enhance the device efficiencies. Devices composed of a para-cyano benzoic acid as anchor revealed maximum IPCE values of 80% with a PCE of 4.50% at AM 1.5 G illumination (100 mW cm−2) due to retarded charge recombination dynamics

    Effect of Extended π-Conjugation of the Donor Structure of Organic D–A−π–A Dyes on the Photovoltaic Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    Two new D−A−π-spacer−A organic dyes, KM-10 and KM-11, containing a benzothiadiazole unit in a π-spacer and a cyanoacrylic acid as an acceptor have been synthesized and tested as sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells. Structural variations of the donor moiety, i.e., π-extension of the diphenylamine electron-donating groups, gave rise to different photovoltaic efficiencies –7.1% for KM-10 and 8% for KM-11– despite having comparable absorption properties. A detailed investigation, including transient photo- current and photovoltage decay measurement, transient absorption spectroscopy, and quantum chemical methods, provided important conclusions about the nature of the substitution on the photovoltaic properties of dyes
