1,321 research outputs found

    Contextual advertising

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    Contextual advertising entails the display of relevant ads based on the content that consumers view, exploiting the potential that consumers' content preferences are indicative of their product preferences. This paper studies the strategic aspects of such advertising, considering an intermediary who has access to a content base, sells advertising space to advertisers who compete in the product market, and provides the targeting technology. The results show that contextual targeting impacts advertiser profit in two ways: First, advertising through relevant content topics helps advertisers reach consumers with a strong preference for their product. Second, heterogeneity in consumers' content preferences can be leveraged to reduce product market competition, especially when competition is intense. The intermediary has incentives to strategically design its targeting technology, sometimes at the cost of the advertisers. When product market competition is moderate, the intermediary offers accurate targeting such that the consumers see the most relevant ads. When competition is high, the intermediary lowers the targeting accuracy such that the consumers see less relevant ads. Doing so intensifies competition and encourages advertisers to bid for multiple content topics in order to prevent their competitors from reaching consumers. In some cases, this may lead to an asymmetric equilibrium where one advertiser bids high even for the content topic that is more relevant to its competitor. © 2012 INFORMS

    An enamel-painted glass bottle from a “Turkish pit” in Buda

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    The fragments of a high quality, enamel painted, blue glass bottle with the date 1671 on its shoulder were found in the Castle District of Buda, in a huge pit dated to the period of the Ottoman occupation. The shape of the object shows eastern influences, while its decoration is clearly western. The origin of the bottle is probably Transylvanian, based on its characteristics and a small group of parallels

    Search when the lie depends on the target

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    The following model is considered. There is exactly one unknown element in the n-element set. A question is a partition of S into three classes: (A,L,B). If x ∈ A then the answer is "yes" (or 1), if x ∈ B then the answer is "no" (or 0), finally if x ∈ L then the answer can be either "yes" or "no". In other words, if the answer "yes" is obtained then we know that x ∈ A ∪ L while in the case of "no" answer the conclusion is x ∈ B ∪ L. The mathematical problem is to minimize the minimum number of questions under certain assumptions on the sizes of A,B and L. This problem has been solved under the condition |L| ≥ k by the author and Krisztián Tichler in previous papers for both the adaptive and non-adaptive cases. In this paper we suggest to solve the problem under the conditions |A| ≤ a, |B| ≤ b. We exhibit some partial results for both the adaptive and non-adaptive cases. We also show that the problem is closely related to some known combinatorial problems. Let us mention that the case b = n - a has been more or less solved in earlier papers. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

    Description of two new species of the groundstreak genus Arzecla Duarte et Robbins, 2010 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae: Eumaeini) from Colombia = Описание двух новых видов рода Arzecla Duarte et Robbins, 2010 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae: Eumaeini) из Колумбии

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    Two species of Arzecla Duarte et Robbins, 2010 are described from Colombia, namely: Arzecla straboris Bálint, sp. n. (type locality: El Aguila, Manizales, Caldas), and Arzecla straelena Bálint, sp. n. (type locality: Cerro Ingrumá, Riosucio, Caldas), both on the basis of a single male specimen. New species possess a combination of characters, unique in the genus, hence they are easy to identify. A  checklist with biogeographic and country indications and a key for identification based on wing characters for all described Arzecla species is provided. Specimens examined for comparative purpose are listed as an Appendix. Eleven figures

    Systematic review of psychological approaches to the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia

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    Objective: The authors systematically reviewed the literature on psychological approaches to treating the neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.Method: Reports of studies that examined effects of any therapy derived from a psychological approach that satisfied prespecified criteria were reviewed. Data were extracted, the quality of each study was rated, and an overall rating was given to each study by using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine criteria.Results: A total of 1,632 studies were identified, and 162 satisfied the inclusion criteria for the review. Specific types of psychoeducation for caregivers about managing neuropsychiatric symptoms were effective treatments whose benefits lasted for months, but other caregiver interventions were not. Behavioral management techniques that are centered on individual patients' behavior or on caregiver behavior had similar benefits, as did cognitive stimulation. Music therapy and Snoezelen, and possibly sensory stimulation, were useful during the treatment session but had no longer-term effects; interventions that changed the visual environment looked promising, but more research is needed.Conclusions: Only behavior management therapies, specific types of caregiver and residential care staff education, and possibly cognitive stimulation appear to have lasting effectiveness for the management of dementia-associated neuropsychiatric symptoms. Lack of evidence regarding other therapies is not evidence of lack of efficacy. Conclusions are limited because of the paucity of high-quality research ( only nine level-1 studies were identified). More high-quality investigation is needed

    Differentiation of dementia with Lewy bodies from Alzheimer's disease using a dopaminergic presynaptic ligand

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    Background: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is one of the main differential diagnoses of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Key pathological features of patients with DLB are not only the presence of cerebral cortical neuronal loss, with Lewy bodies in surviving neurones, but also loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurones, similar to that of Parkinson's disease (PD). In DLB there is 40-70% loss of striatal dopamine.Objective: To determine if detection of this dopaminergic degeneration can help to distinguish DLB from AD during life.Methods: The integrity of the nigrostriatal metabolism in 27 patients with DLB, 17 with AD, 19 drug naive patients with PD, and 16 controls was assessed using a dopaminergic presynaptic ligand, I-123-labelled 2beta-carbomethoxy-3beta-(4-iodophenyl)-N-(3-fluoropropyl)nortropane (FP-CIT), and single photon emission tomography (SPET). A SPET scan was carried out with a single slice, brain dedicated tomograph (SME 810) 3.5 hours after intravenous injection of 185 MBq FP-CIT. With occipital cortex used as a radioactivity uptake reference, ratios for the caudate nucleus and the anterior and posterior putamen of both hemispheres were calculated. All scans were also rated by a simple visual method.Results: Both DLB and PD patients had significantly lower uptake of radioactivity than patients with (p<0.01) and controls (p<0.001) in the caudate nucleus and the anterior and posterior Putamen.Conclusion: FP-CIT SPET provides a means of distinguishing DLB from AD during life