258 research outputs found

    Quantification of periaortic adipose tissue in contrast-enhanced CT angiography: technical feasibility and methodological considerations

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    To examine the feasibility of the quantifcation of abdominal periaortic fat tissue (PaFT) (tissue within − 45 to − 195 HU) in enhanced CT-angiographies compared to unenhanced CT-scans and identify methodological issues afecting its clinical implementation. Using OsirixMD, PaFT volume and mean HU value were retrospectively measured within a 5 mm periaortic ring in paired unenhanced and enhanced abdominal aortic CT-scans. The correlation between PaFT values was examined in a derivation cohort (n=101) and linear regression analysis produced correction factors to convert values from enhanced into values from unenhanced CTs. The conversion factors were then applied to enhanced CTs in a diferent validation cohort (n=47) and agreement of corrected enhanced values with values from unenhanced scans was evaluated. Correlation between PaFT Volume und Mean HU from enhanced and unenhanced scans was very high (r >0.99 and r=0.95, respectively, p<0.0001 for both). The correction factors for PaFT Volume and Mean HU were 1.1057 and 1.0011. Potential confounding factors (CT-kilovoltage, slice thickness, mean intraluminal contrast density, aortic wall calcifcation, longitudinal variation of intraluminal contrast density, aortic diameter) showed no signifcant efect in a multivariate regression analysis (p>0.05). Bland-Altman analysis of corrected enhanced and unenhanced values showed excellent agreement and Passing–Bablok regression confrmed minimal/no residual bias. PaFT can be quantifed in enhanced CT-angiographies very reliably. PaFT Volume scores are very consistently slightly underestimated in enhanced scans by about 10%, while the PaFT Mean HU value remains practically constant and ofers distinct methodological advantages. However, a number of methodological issues remain to be addressed

    Зарубежный и отечественный опыт допустимых значений индивидуального пожарного риска

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    Пожары всегда наносят ущерб, и часто этот ущерб не восполним, потому что уносит человеческие жизни. Проанализировав различные информационные ресурсы, установлено, что индивидуальный пожарный риск в России целесообразно принять на уровне не ниже 12•10{-6}/чел. год. На основании расчётов выявлено, что в похожих по климату на Россию развитых странах индивидуальный пожарный риск допустим и приемлем на этом уровне.Fires always cause damage, and often this damage is not replenished, because it takesaway human lives. Analyzing various information resources, it is established that the individual fire risk inRussia should be taken at a level no lower than 12•10{-6}/ person. year. Based on the calculations, it wasrevealed that in individual countries similar in climate to Russia, the individual fire risk is acceptable andacceptable at this level

    Development of a configurator of support systems for making strategic decisions

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    The results of creating an environment for developing strategic decision support systems are presented. The software is implemented on the basis of the 1C: 8.3 technology platform. The environment allows the construction of decision support systems for the strategic management of socio-economic systems of various kinds based on typical tools that allow you to work with expert knowledge

    Проектирование системы электроснабжения цементного завода с детальной проработкой механического цеха

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    Проектирование электропитания механического цеха и сети завода в заводе. В ходе исследования были сделаны расчеты нагрузок магазинов и выбора компонентов внутризаводской сети. В результате исследования выбрана схема электроснабжения цементного завода. Определены мощность и количество трансформаторов подстанций. Подобраны коммутационное оборудование, кабели и провода, проведены необходимые проверки. По результатам расчета был проведен подсчет капитальных затрат на проектирование и строительство данной схемы. Помимо этого, определены вредные и опасные факторы воздействующие на работников и организационные мероприятия для снижения их воздействий.Design of power supply for a mechanical workshop and a network of a cement plant.In the course of the study, calculations were made of the loads of the shops and the selection of the components of the intra-plant network.As a result of the study, a power supply scheme for a cement plant was chosen. The power and number of transformers of substations are determined. The switching equipment, cables and wires, wire of necessary checks are selected. Based on the calculation results, a calculation was made of the capital expenditures for the design and construction of this scheme. In addition, harmful and dangerous factors affect workers and organizational measures to reduce their impact

    Система электронного декларирования товаров в таможенных органах

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    Актуальность выбранной темы дипломной работы обусловлена тем, что система электронного декларирования успешно внедрилась в деятельность таможенных органов. Но при этом постоянно требует совершенствования, так как необходим определенный уровень обработки, хранения информации и качественного межведомственного взаимодействия. Объектом исследования является система электронного декларирования товаров. Целью - выявление комплексных характеристик функциональных возможностей системы электронного декларирования РФ.The relevance of the chosen topic that the electronic declaration system successfully entered the activities of the customs authorities. But at the same time, it constantly requires improvement, since it requires a specific level of processing, information storage and qualitative interdepartmental interaction. The object of research is the system of electronic declaration of goods. The goal is to identify complex characteristics of the functional capabilities of the electronic declaration system of the Russian Federation

    Особенности дизайн - проектирования модульной энергоэффективной теплицы с использованием адаптивных излучательных установок

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    Работа посвящена разработке системе дизайн-проектирования энергоэффективных объектов на примере тепличного комплекса для круглогодичного выращивания культур в экстремальных условиях.The work is devoted to the development of a system for designing energy-efficient objects on the example of a greenhouse complex for year-round cultivation of crops in extreme conditions

    Visualization of Coronary Wall Atherosclerosis in Asymptomatic Subjects and Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is sensitive to early atherosclerotic changes such as positive remodeling in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). We assessed prevalence, quality, and extent of coronary atherosclerosis in a group of healthy subjects compared to patients with confirmed CAD. Methodology: Twenty-two patients with confirmed CAD (15M, 7F, mean age 60.4±10.4 years) and 26 healthy subjects without history of CAD (11M, 15F, mean age 56.1±4.4 years) underwent MRI of the right coronary artery (RCA) and vessel wall (MR-CVW) on a clinical 1.5T MR-scanner. Wall thickness measurements of both groups were compared. Principal Findings: Stenoses of the RCA (both < and ≥50% on CAG) were present in all patients. In 21/22 patients, stenoses detected at MRI corresponded to stenoses detected with conventional angiography. In 19/26 asymptomatic subjects, there was visible luminal narrowing in the MR luminography images. Fourteen of these subjects demonstrated corresponding increase in vessel wall thickness. In 4/26 asymptomatic subjects, vessel wall thickening without luminal narrowing was present. Maximum and mean wall thicknesses in patients were significantly higher (2.16 vs 1.92 mm, and 1.38 vs 1.22 mm, both p<0.05). Conclusions: In this cohort of middle-aged individuals, both patients with stable angina and angiographically proven coronary artery disease, as well as age-matched asymptomatic subjects. exhibited coronary vessel wall thickening detectable with MR coronary vessel wall imaging. Maximum and mean wall thicknesses were significantly higher in patients. The vast majority of asymptomatic subjects had either positive remodeling without luminal narrowing, or non-significant stenosis. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00456950