15 research outputs found

    Motor skill learning between selection and execution.

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    Learning motor skills evolves from the effortful selection of single movement elements to their combined fast and accurate production. We review recent trends in the study of skill learning which suggest a hierarchical organization of the representations that underlie such expert performance, with premotor areas encoding short sequential movement elements (chunks) or particular component features (timing/spatial organization). This hierarchical representation allows the system to utilize elements of well-learned skills in a flexible manner. One neural correlate of skill development is the emergence of specialized neural circuits that can produce the required elements in a stable and invariant fashion. We discuss the challenges in detecting these changes with fMRI

    Function of the ventral premotor cortex in auditory-motor integration of musical rhythm

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    Die Tendenz, sich mit einem musikalischen Puls zu synchronisieren wird als kulturübergreifende Universalie betrachtet. Dennoch ist bisher unklar geblieben, welche neuronalen Mechanismen den Drang und die Fähigkeit zur zeitlich akkuraten audio-motorischen Kopplung verursachen. Die vorliegende Arbeit demonstriert mittels funktioneller Bildgebung und nicht-invasiver Stimulation eine kausale Rolle des ventralen prämotorischen Kortex (PMv), einer motorischen Hirnregion mit ausgeprägten Verbindungen zu auditorischen Arealen, bei der audio-motorischen Integration von Rhythmus. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass der PMv sowohl bei perzeptueller Präferenz, als auch bei motorischer Kopplung an einen Rhythmus kritisch beteiligt ist. Hierbei werden weitere unterstützende neuronale Mechanismen identifiziert und ein neuroanatomisch grundiertes Modell der audio-motorischen Integration von Rhythmus vorgestellt, das die Ergebnisse in den Kontext sensomotorischer Kontrolle und Kognition einordnet. The tendency to move in synchrony with an auditory rhythmical pulse is considered a human universal. Nevertheless, it remains unknown, which neural mechanisms give rise to the urge and ability to accurately couple one's own movements to an auditory rhythm. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), the present thesis demonstrates a causal contribution of a motor-related brain region with prominent connections to auditory areas - the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) - to auditory-motor integration of musical rhythm. The current findings suggest a critical role of the PMv in both perceptual preference of and motor coupling to a musical rhythm and reveal additional neural mechanisms that support auditory-motor timing. The thesis provides a neuroanatomically grounded model for auditory-motor integration of rhythm which incorporates the present experimental findings into a framework of sensorimotor control and cognition

    Surmising synchrony of sound and sight:Factors explaining variance of audiovisual integration in hurdling, tap dancing and drumming

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    Auditory and visual percepts are integrated even when they are not perfectly temporally aligned with each other, especially when the visual signal precedes the auditory signal. This window of temporal integration for asynchronous audiovisual stimuli is relatively well examined in the case of speech, while other natural action-induced sounds have been widely neglected. Here, we studied the detection of audiovisual asynchrony in three different whole-body actions with natural action-induced sounds–hurdling, tap dancing and drumming. In Study 1, we examined whether audiovisual asynchrony detection, assessed by a simultaneity judgment task, differs as a function of sound production intentionality. Based on previous findings, we expected that auditory and visual signals should be integrated over a wider temporal window for actions creating sounds intentionally (tap dancing), compared to actions creating sounds incidentally (hurdling). While percentages of perceived synchrony differed in the expected way, we identified two further factors, namely high event density and low rhythmicity, to induce higher synchrony ratings as well. Therefore, we systematically varied event density and rhythmicity in Study 2, this time using drumming stimuli to exert full control over these variables, and the same simultaneity judgment tasks. Results suggest that high event density leads to a bias to integrate rather than segregate auditory and visual signals, even at relatively large asynchronies. Rhythmicity had a similar, albeit weaker effect, when event density was low. Our findings demonstrate that shorter asynchronies and visual-first asynchronies lead to higher synchrony ratings of whole-body action, pointing to clear parallels with audiovisual integration in speech perception. Overconfidence in the naturally expected, that is, synchrony of sound and sight, was stronger for intentional (vs. incidental) sound production and for movements with high (vs. low) rhythmicity, presumably because both encourage predictive processes. In contrast, high event density appears to increase synchronicity judgments simply because it makes the detection of audiovisual asynchrony more difficult. More studies using real-life audiovisual stimuli with varying event densities and rhythmicities are needed to fully uncover the general mechanisms of audiovisual integration

    Evolving Models of Pavlovian Conditioning: Cerebellar Cortical Dynamics in Awake Behaving Mice

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    Three decades of electrophysiological research on cerebellar cortical activity underlying Pavlovian conditioning have expanded our understanding of motor learning in the brain. Purkinje cell simple spike suppression is considered to be crucial in the expression of conditional blink responses (CRs). However, trial-by-trial quantification of this link in awake behaving animals is lacking, and current hypotheses regarding the underlying plasticity mechanisms have diverged from the classical parallel fiber one to the Purkinje cell synapse LTD hypothesis. Here, we establish that acquired simple spike suppression, acquired conditioned stimulus (CS)-related complex spike responses, and molecular layer interneuron (MLI) activity predict the expression of CRs on a trial-by-trial basis using awake behaving mice. Additionally, we show that two independent transgenic mouse mutants with impaired MLI function exhibit motor learning deficits. Our findings suggest multiple cerebellar cortical plasticity mechanisms underlying simple spike suppression, and they implicate the broader involvement of the olivocerebellar module within the interstimulus interval. Purkinje cell simple spike suppression is a central driving mechanism in cerebellar conditioning. Here, ten Brinke etal. show how simple spike suppression, conditioned stimulus-related complex spikes, and molecular layer interneuron (MLI) activity correlate to conditioned eyelid behavior. Moreover, transgenic impairment of MLI input results in deficits in conditioned behavior

    Impairment of Auditory-Motor Timing and Compensatory Reorganization after Ventral Premotor Cortex Stimulation

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    Integrating auditory and motor information often requires precise timing as in speech and music. In humans, the position of the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) in the dorsal auditory stream renders this area a node for auditory-motor integration. Yet, it remains unknown whether the PMv is critical for auditory-motor timing and which activity increases help to preserve task performance following its disruption. 16 healthy volunteers participated in two sessions with fMRI measured at baseline and following rTMS (rTMS) of either the left PMv or a control region. Subjects synchronized left or right finger tapping to sub-second beat rates of auditory rhythms in the experimental task, and produced self-paced tapping during spectrally matched auditory stimuli in the control task. Left PMv rTMS impaired auditory-motor synchronization accuracy in the first sub-block following stimulation (p<0.01, Bonferroni corrected), but spared motor timing and attention to task. Task-related activity increased in the homologue right PMv, but did not predict the behavioral effect of rTMS. In contrast, anterior midline cerebellum revealed most pronounced activity increase in less impaired subjects. The present findings suggest a critical role of the left PMv in feed-forward computations enabling accurate auditory-motor timing, which can be compensated by activity modulations in the cerebellum, but not in the homologue region contralateral to stimulation

    The hippocampus pre-orders movements for skilled action sequences

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    Plasticity in the subcortical motor basal ganglia-thalamo-cerebellar network plays a key role in the acquisition and control of long-term memory for new procedural skills, from the formation of population trajectories controlling trained motor skills in the striatum to the adaptation of sensorimotor maps in the cerebellum. However, recent findings demonstrate the involvement of a wider cortical and subcortical brain network in the consolidation and control of well-trained actions, including an area traditionally associated with declarative memory - the hippocampus. Here, we probe which role these subcortical areas play in skilled motor sequence control, from sequence feature selection during planning to their integration during sequence execution. An fMRI dataset collected after participants learnt to produce four finger sequences entirely from memory with high accuracy over several days was examined for both changes in BOLD activity and their informational content in subcortical regions of interest. Although there was a widespread activity increase in effector-related striatal, thalamic and cerebellar regions, the associated activity did not contain information on the motor sequence identity. In contrast, hippocampal activity increased during planning and predicted the order of the upcoming sequence of movements. Our findings show that the hippocampus pre-orders movements for skilled action sequences, thus contributing to the higher-order control of skilled movements. These findings challenge the traditional taxonomy of episodic and procedural memory and carries implications for the rehabilitation of individuals with neurodegenerative disorders