61 research outputs found

    KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz im Unterricht

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    Die Veröffentlichung von ChatGPT im Herbst 2022 hat das Thema KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz (KI) auch im Bildungsbereich in das Blickfeld der Aufmerksamkeit gerĂŒckt. In den medialen Hype und die verschiedenen Diskurse mit einer reichen Bandbreite von kompletter Ablehnung der Technologie bis hin zur Glorifizierung derselben gesellen sich nach und nach auch bildungspolitische Empfehlungen, die ĂŒberwiegend einen zwar kritischen, aber auch konstruktiven und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit KI in der Schule proklamieren, wofĂŒr allerdings Kompetenzen bei SchĂŒler:innen wie Lehrer:innen notwendig sind – und zwar nicht nur in FĂ€chern wie Informatik oder Digitale Grundbildung, sondern quer durch alle UnterrichtsgegenstĂ€nde. Der vorliegende Beitrag greift im ersten Teil die aktuellen Diskurse im deutschsprachigen Raum zu KI in der Schule auf und stellt im zweiten Teil ein Projekt vor, in dessen Rahmen Lehr-/Lernszenarien fĂŒr die Sekundarstufe I zu verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Themenfeldes KI ausgearbeitet und evaluiert wurden, die entsprechende Grundlagen vermitteln und fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifende AnknĂŒpfungspunkte bieten

    Excited electronic states of flavin-containing coenzyme models

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    In order to gain further insight into the physical basis of flavin-catalyzed reactions, the interactions of a flavin with a second flavin and with other aromatic ring systems were studied. For this purpose compounds through 1 were synthesized These compounds contain the interacting units in defined geometric orientation. A monomeric flavin and glutathione reductase a flavoenzyme of known active-site chemistry, were included as reference molecules. The present report deals with excited triplet states of the flavin compounds as studied by optical spectroscopy and optically detected magnetic resonances (ODMR) at 1.3K

    NMR assignments of oxidised thioredoxin from Plasmodium falciparum

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    During its life cycle, the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is found intracellular to human erythrocytes, where its survival and ability to multiply critically depends on the control of the environment redox state. Thioredoxin is a small protein containing 104 amino acids that is part of the parasite specific redox system. During the catalytic cycle it alternates between a reduced and oxidised form. Here we report the complete resonance assignment of Plasmodium falciparum thioredoxin in its oxidized form by heteronuclear multidimensional spectroscopy. The obtained chemical shifts differ significantly from those reported earlier for this protein in its reduced stat

    Depletion of Plasmodium berghei Plasmoredoxin Reveals a Non-Essential Role for Life Cycle Progression of the Malaria Parasite

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    Proliferation of the pathogenic Plasmodium asexual blood stages in host erythrocytes requires an exquisite capacity to protect the malaria parasite against oxidative stress. This function is achieved by a complex antioxidant defence system composed of redox-active proteins and low MW antioxidants. Here, we disrupted the P. berghei plasmoredoxin gene that encodes a parasite-specific 22 kDa member of the thioredoxin superfamily. The successful generation of plasmoredoxin knockout mutants in the rodent model malaria parasite and phenotypic analysis during life cycle progression revealed a non-vital role in vivo. Our findings suggest that plasmoredoxin fulfils a specialized and dispensable role for Plasmodium and highlights the need for target validation to inform drug development strategies

    Inherited Glutathione Reductase Deficiency and Plasmodium falciparum Malaria—A Case Study

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    In Plasmodium falciparum-infected red blood cells (RBCs), the flavoenzyme glutathione reductase (GR) regenerates reduced glutathione, which is essential for antioxidant defense. GR utilizes NADPH produced in the pentose phosphate shunt by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). Thus, conditions affecting host G6PD or GR induce increased sensitivity to oxidants. Hereditary G6PD deficiency is frequent in malaria endemic areas and provides protection against severe malaria. Furthermore, GR deficiency resulting from insufficient saturation of the enzyme with its prosthetic group FAD is common. Based on these naturally occurring phenomena, GR of malaria parasites and their host cells represent attractive antimalarial drug targets. Recently we were given the opportunity to examine invasion, growth, and drug sensitivity of three P. falciparum strains (3D7, K1, and Palo Alto) in the RBCs from three homozygous individuals with total GR deficiency resulting from mutations in the apoprotein. Invasion or growth in the GR-deficient RBCs was not impaired for any of the parasite strains tested. Drug sensitivity to chloroquine, artemisinin, and methylene blue was comparable to parasites grown in GR-sufficient RBCs and sensitivity towards paraquat and sodium nitroprusside was only slightly enhanced. In contrast, membrane deposition of hemichromes as well as the opsonizing complement C3b fragments and phagocytosis were strongly increased in ring-infected RBCs of the GR-deficient individuals compared to ring-infected normal RBCs. Also, in one of the individuals, membrane-bound autologous IgGs were significantly enhanced. Thus, based on our in vitro data, GR deficiency and drug-induced GR inhibition may protect from malaria by inducing enhanced ring stage phagocytosis rather than by impairing parasite growth directly

    Systematische videobasierte Beobachtung und Analyse von ProgrammierfÀhigkeiten in der Ausbildung von Informatiklehrpersonen

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die hohe Relevanz von Diagnose- und Reflexionskompetenzen fĂŒr die Professionalisierung von InformatiklehrkrĂ€ften aufgezeigt und der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos als ein besonders geeignetes Werkzeug fĂŒr den Aufbau und die Weiterentwicklung von diagnostischer Expertise herausgestellt. Sie dient somit der theoretischen Fundierung im Bereich der videobasierten Ausbildung von Informatiklehrerinnen und -lehrern sowie als Diskussionsgrundlage bezĂŒglich geeigneter Kategorien zur Beobachtung und damit fĂŒr die Diagnose und gezielte Förderung von ProgrammierfĂ€higkeiten. Die Arbeit ist im Kontext breiter gesellschaftlicher und politischer Kontroversen bezĂŒglich der Anerkennung digitaler Kompetenzen als vierte Kulturtechnik und vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener Initiativen zur EinfĂŒhrung eines Pflichtgegenstandes Programmieren in Österreich entstanden. Diese und Ă€hnliche Diskurse bringen, der Autorin zufolge, die wachsende Bedeutung umfassender digitaler Kenntnisse und FĂ€higkeiten fĂŒr die Teilhabe an grundlegenden Arbeits- und Gesellschaftsprozessen zum Ausdruck.This thesis seeks to illustrate the importance of diagnostic and reflective skills to the professionalization of Computer Science teachers and to point out the use of educational video as a particularly suitable tool for nurturing and developing expertise in diagnostics. Therefore, the thesis contributes to the theoretical groundwork of video-based education for Computer Science teaching personnel as well as serving as a basis for the discussion of suitable categories of observation and thus the diagnosis and targeted advancement of programming skills. Its subject matter has emerged from a context of broad societal and political controversy regarding the recognition of digital competences as a fourth basic cultural skill and various initiatives in favor of the introduction of programming as a required subject at Austrian schools. According to the author, debates like these emphasize the increasing importance of comprehensive digital skills and abilities in order to take part in basic work-related and societal processes

    Octopamine regulates antennal sensory neurons via daytime-dependent changes in cAMP and IP3 levels in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta.

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    The biogenic amine octopamine (OA) mediates reward signals in olfactory learning and memory as well as circadian rhythms of sleep and activity. In the crepuscular hawkmoth Manduca sexta, OA changed pheromone detection thresholds daytime-dependently, suggesting that OA confers circadian control of olfactory transduction. Thus, with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays we searched hawkmoth antennae for daytime-dependent changes in the concentration of OA and its respective second messengers. Antennal stimulation with OA raised cAMP- and IP3 levels. Furthermore, antennae expressed daytime-dependent changes in the concentration of OA, with maxima at Zeitgebertime (ZT) 20 when moths were active and also maximal concentrations of cAMP occurred. Maximal IP3 levels at ZT 18 and 23 correlated with maximal flight activity of male moths, while minimal IP3 levels at dusk correlated with peaks of feeding activity. Half maximal effective concentration (EC50) for activation of the OA-receptor decreased during the moth's activity phase suggesting daytime-dependent changes in OA receptor sensitivity. With an antiserum against tyramine, the precursor of OA, two centrifugal neurons were detected projecting out into the sensory cell layer of the antenna, possibly mediating more rapid stimulus-dependent OA actions. Indeed, in fast kinetic assays OA receptor stimulation increased cAMP concentrations within 50 msec. Thus, we hypothesize that fast, stimulus-dependent centrifugal control of OA-release in the antenna occurs. Additional slow systemic OA actions might be based upon circadian release of OA into the hemolymph mediating circadian rhythms of antennal second messenger levels. The resulting rhythms of odor sensitivity are suggested to underlie circadian rhythms in odor-mediated behavior

    The Digital LEVEL-UP Licence: OER learning materials for the introduction to the use of mobile devices at school

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    Die Digital LEVEL-UP Licence ist ein vom BMBWF gefördertes Projekt im Rahmen des 8-Punkte-Plans, das Ende 2021 umgesetzt wurde. Die Unterrichtsmaterialien auf drei Levels mit unterschiedlichen thematischen Schwerpunkten fokussieren auf die Nutzung der mobilen GerĂ€te im Rahmen der österreichischen GerĂ€teinitiative, knĂŒpfen aber ebenso an didaktische Vorgaben des Lehrplans “Digitale Grundbildung” sowie an das digitale Kompetenzmodell digi.komp 8 an.The Digital LEVEL-UP Licence is a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research as part of the 8-Points-Plan, which was implemented at the end of 2021. The teaching and learning materials on three levels with different thematic emphases focus on the use of mobile devices within the framework of the Austrian device initiative, but also tie in with didactic requirements of the "Digital Basic Education" curriculum and the digi.komp 8 digital competence model

    Artificial Intelligence in Secondary Education: Learning Scenarios for different subjects

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    Die Veröffentlichung von ChatGPT im Herbst 2022 hat das Thema KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz (KI) auch im Bildungsbereich in das Blickfeld der Aufmerksamkeit gerĂŒckt. In den medialen Hype und die verschiedenen Diskurse mit einer reichen Bandbreite von kompletter Ablehnung der Technologie bis hin zur Glorifizierung derselben gesellen sich nach und nach auch bildungspolitische Empfehlungen, die ĂŒberwiegend einen zwar kritischen, aber auch konstruktiven und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit KI in der Schule proklamieren, wofĂŒr allerdings Kompetenzen bei SchĂŒler:innen wie Lehrer:innen notwendig sind – und zwar nicht nur in FĂ€chern wie Informatik oder Digitale Grundbildung, sondern quer durch alle UnterrichtsgegenstĂ€nde. Der vorliegende Beitrag greift im ersten Teil die aktuellen Diskurse im deutschsprachigen Raum zu KI in der Schule auf und stellt im zweiten Teil ein Projekt vor, in dessen Rahmen Lehr-/Lernszenarien fĂŒr die Sekundarstufe I zu verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Themenfeldes KI ausgearbeitet und evaluiert wurden, die entsprechende Grundlagen vermitteln und fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifende AnknĂŒpfungspunkte bieten.The publication of ChatGPT in autumn 2022 has brought the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) to the attention of the educational sector as well. The media hype and the various discourses, ranging from complete rejection of the technology to its glorification, are gradually being joined by education policy recommendations, most of which proclaim a critical but also constructive and responsible approach to AI in schools, for which, however, competences are necessary among students and teachers alike – not only in computer science or digital basic education, but across all subjects. In the first part, this article takes up the current discourse in German-speaking countries on AI in schools and in the second part presents a project in the framework of which teaching/learning scenarios for lower secondary level were developed and evaluated for various sub-areas of the subject area of AI, which convey the corresponding basics and offer interdisciplinary points of contact
