17 research outputs found

    Antibacterial efficacy of Jackfruit rag extract against clinically important pathogens and validation of its antimicrobial activity in Shigella dysenteriae infected Drosophila melanogaster infection model

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    513-522Exploration of alternative sources of antibacterial compounds is an important and possibly an effective solution to the current challenges in antimicrobial therapy. Plant derived wastes may offer one such alternative. Here, we investigated the antibacterial property of extract derived from a part of the Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) called ‘rag’, generally considered as fruit waste. Morpho-physical characterization of the Jackfruit rag extract (JFRE) was performed using Gas-chromatography, where peaks indicative of furfural; pentanoic acid; and hexadecanoic acid were observed. In vitro biocompatibility of JFRE was performed using the MTT assay, which showed comparable cellular viability between extract-treated and untreated mouse fibroblast cells. Agar well disc diffusion assay exhibited JFRE induced zones of inhibition for a wide variety of laboratory and clinical strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Analysis of electron microscope images of bacterial cells suggests that JFRE induces cell death by disintegration of the bacterial cell wall and precipitating intracytoplasmic clumping. The antibacterial activity of the JFREs was further validated in vivo using Shigella dysenteriae infected fly model, where JFRE pre-fed flies infected with S. dysenteriae had significantly reduced mortality compared to controls. JFRE demonstrates broad antibacterial property, both in vitro and in vivo, possibly by its activity on bacterial cell wall

    Completely Bounded Quantification is Decidable

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    This paper proves the decidability of subtyping for F when the bounds on polymorphic types do not contain Top (i.e., in all types of the form 8ff!:ø 1 :ø 2 , ø 1 does not contain Top). This general restriction is subsequently relaxed to allow unbounded quantification. 1 Introduction F [CW85,CG] is a typed -calculus with subtyping and bounded second-order polymorphism. The importance of F in programming language design is that it provides a simple context for studying the typing problems that arise when subtyping and bounded quantification are added to polymorphic languages such as ML. Curien and Ghelli [CG] recently developed a subtyping algorithm for F and proved its partial correctness. Subsequently, Ghelli [Ghe90] presented a termination proof for this algorithm. A mistake was discovered in this termination proof, following which Pierce [Pie92] presented a proof showing that the subtyping problem for general F types is undecidable. This paper shows how one can make the subtyping p..

    A Type System for Prototyping Languages

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    Rapide is a programming language framework designed for the development of large, concurrent, real-time systems by prototyping. The framework consists of a type language and default executable, specification and architecture languages, along with associated programming tools. We describe the main features of the type language, its intended use in a prototyping environment, and rationale for selected design decisions. 1 Introduction Rapide is a programming language framework with an associated toolset. The framework consists of a set of languages, while the toolset provides related program development and diagnostic tools. The framework includes a type language, a default executable language, a default specification language, and an architecture language. Although these languages together provide a complete programming language, Rapide is intended to accommodate additional implementation and specification languages, besides the default ones provided by the framework. The constant of the..

    Abstract A

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    type system for prototyping languages

    Counting solutions to the View Maintenance Problem

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    We present an incremental evaluation algorithm for materialized views in relational and deductive database systems. The algorithm computes, in an incremental fashion, the changes to the materialized view in response to changes (insertions, deletions, and updates) to the base relations. The view may be defined in SQL or in Datalog, and may use UNION , negation, aggregation (e.g. SUM, MIN), linear recursion, and general recursion. The algorithm is optimal in that it computes exactly those view tuples that are inserted or deleted. The algorithm works by tracking the number of derivation trees ([Mum91, MS92]) for each tuple in the view. The number of derivation trees for a tuple corresponds to the count of a tuple in the duplicate semantics used in relational systems such as those based on SQL. For deductive databases using set semantics, we show that the number of derivation trees for nonrecursive queries can be computed at little or no cost above the cost of evaluating the quer..

    Polymorphism and Subtyping in Interfaces

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    Rapide is a programming language framework designed for the development of large, concurrent, real-time systems by prototyping. The framework consists of a type language and default executable, specification and architecture languages, along with associated programming tools. Interfaces are the central construct of the type system. This document describes Rapide interfaces, their expressiveness and their use as a typing construct. 1 Introduction Rapide is a programming language framework consisting of a types language, default executable and specification languages, and a set of tools. Although the languages, together, provide a complete programming language, Rapide is intended to accommodate additional implementation and specification languages. The constant of the framework is the type language, which is intended to be general enough to allow the types of relevant implementation languages to be expressed within it. The types language is a general interface definition language, expre..

    ADL—an interface definition language for specifying and testing software

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    Subtyping, Assignment and Cloning in a Concurrent Object-Oriented Language

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    This paper describes subtyping, assignment, equality and cloning in a concurrent object-oriented language called rapide. Based on experiments and language design considerations, we separate the subtype relation from the derivation (or inheritance) hierarchy. This avoids various anomalies and has the added benefit of reducing the syntactic and design complexity of programs that use intricate subtype relationships. A relatively sophisticated algorithm to decide subtyping is also needed for implementation. Objects may contain multiple threads, and different objects with the same type may have different implementations. This makes it difficult to provide a meaningful, predefined form of "copy" assignment or predefined equality tests. Therefore, the primitive form of assignment in rapide is a form of pointer assignment. Special provision is made for user-defined "cloning," so that an object may produce a meaningful copy of itself. Equality may be user-defined for any type, in some cases ove..