356 research outputs found

    Commercial Buildings Partnership Projects - Metered Data Format and Delivery

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    A number of the Commercial Building Partnership Projects (CBPs) will require metering, monitoring, data analysis and verification of savings after the retrofits are complete. Although monitoring and verification (M&V) agents are free to use any metering and monitoring devices that they chose, the data they collect should be reported to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in a standard format. PNNL will store the data collected in its CBP database for further use by PNNL and U.S. Department of Energy. This document describes the data storage process and the deliver format of the data from the M&V agents

    A Computer Analysis of Energy Use and Energy Conservation Options for a Twelve Story Office Building in Austin, Texas

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    The energy use of the Travis Building at Austin, Texas was analyzed using the DOE 2.1B building energy simulation program. An analysis was made for the building as specified in the building plans and as operated by the personnel currently occupying the building. The energy consumption of the building was compared with the energy consumption of the building modified to comply with the proposed ASHRAE 90.1p standards. The base design and the ASHRAE design of the Travis building were evaluated in Brownsville, Houston, Lubbock, and El Paso to study the influence of the weather on its energy consumption. In addition, a glass with high reflectivity and low overall heat transfer coefficient was used to study the reduction of glass conduction and glass solar loads. Finally, the energy consumption of the modified building was compared with the energy consumption of the modified building which conformed to the California energy standards

    Economic Investigation of Community-Scale Versus Building Scale Net-Zero Energy

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    The study presented in this report examines issues concerning whether achieving net-zero energy performance at the community scale provides economic and potentially overall efficiency advantages over strategies focused on individual buildings

    Development of a Low-Lift Chiller Controller and Simplified Precooling Control Algorithm - Final Report

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    KGS Buildings LLC (KGS) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have developed a simplified control algorithm and prototype low-lift chiller controller suitable for model-predictive control in a demonstration project of low-lift cooling. Low-lift cooling is a highly efficient cooling strategy conceived to enable low or net-zero energy buildings. A low-lift cooling system consists of a high efficiency low-lift chiller, radiant cooling, thermal storage, and model-predictive control to pre-cool thermal storage overnight on an optimal cooling rate trajectory. We call the properly integrated and controlled combination of these elements a low-lift cooling system (LLCS). This document is the final report for that project

    Energy Use and Design Options for Texas State Buildings

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    This report summarizes the first phase of the program to reduce energy use in proposed new construction in state-owned buildings. The Energy Systems Group of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University worked jointly with the Energy Management Center (EMC) of the Governor's Office (formerly the Energy Efficiency Division of the Public Utility Commission) and the State Purchasing and General Services Commission (SPGSC). A total of six buildings were analyzed. One of the buildings had just been completed when this project was initiated in 1986. The other five buildings were in various design phases.In 1984, the Office of Governor in the State of Texas, working through the Energy Efficiency Division of the Public Utility Commission, instituted a program to reduce the energy costs in state owned buildings. One facet of this program was the reduction of energy use of all new buildings constructed for state agencies. The first phase of this program was to estimate the energy use of new buildings corresponding to current construction practices in state facilities and to make recommendations for improvements. This phase also included an evaluation of how building standards might impact the energy use of new construction. The second phase includes the development and implementation of energy standards for all new construction. It should be noted that the report does not investigate the economic impact of the proposed changes

    Simulation of the Post-Retrofit Thermal Energy Use for the University Teaching Center (UTC) Building with the Use of Simplified System Models

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    Several state owned buildings with dual-duct constant volume (DDCV) systems have been retrofitted with energy efficient variable air volume systems (VAV) as part of the Texas LoanSTAR Program. One method of determining the energy savings resulting from energy conserving retrofits relies on the use of a model for the daily whole building consumption, Epre, in the pre-retrofit configuration. Epre is typically a function of primary influencing parameters such as ambient temperature, humidity, building internal gains and others (Figure 1). Following the retrofit, the energy saved, Esav is determined using measured daily consumption, Emea3 as shown in Figure 1. This method is being used in the Texas LoanSTAR monitoring and analysis program for buildings that have adequate pre-retrofit monitored data (Kelly et al., 1992). Unfortunately, in the University Teaching Center (UTC) the retrofits were completed before the monitoring instrumentation was installed. Therefore, no pre-retrofit monitored data are available. Hence another method to estimate savings was needed. Such a method was developed and tested on a large engineering center (Katipamula and Claridge 1991). This method was based on the use of the ASHRAE TC 4.7 simplified energy analysis procedure (SEAP). It involved developing one model each for the VAV (post-retrofit system) and the DDCV (pre-retrofit system) systems
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